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Trying To Learn

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“Trust your wound to a teacher’s (God) surgery.
Flies collect on a wound.
They cover it, those flies of your self-protecting feelings,
your love for what you think is yours.
Let a Teacher wave away the flies and put a plaster on the wound.
Don’t turn your head.
Keep looking at the bandaged place.
That’s where
the Light enters you.
And don’t believe for a moment that you’re healing yourself.”

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I’ve been looking for a long, long time,
for this thing called love,
I’ve ridden comets across the sky,and I’ve looked below and above.
Then one day I looked inside myself,and this is what I found,
A golden sun residing there,beaming forth God’s light and sound.

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just watching over sky from my balcony 
I realised the sky is so still and calm yet beautiful ,watching it from earth looks like clouds are part of sky, but that is not reality , dark and white clouds are passing by , But the only thing which doesnot change is stillness in sky, 
Clouds are superficial and temporary sometimes we have clear sky

Is it same we can learn ?,when we try to compare us with sky and our thoughts and feelings with clouds,  doesnot it apply to us as well ????

some one can change words for me please ,Sorry for my English :)

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10 minutes ago, jes said:

just watching over sky from my balcony 
I realised the sky is so still and calm yet beautiful ,watching it from earth looks like clouds are part of sky, but that is not reality , dark and white clouds are passing by , But the only thing which doesnot change is stillness in sky, 
Clouds are superficial and temporary sometimes we have clear sky

Is it same we can learn ?,when we try to compare us with sky and our thoughts and feelings with clouds,  doesnot it apply to us as well ????

some one can change words for me please ,Sorry for my English :)

Just watching over the sky from my balcony, I realised the sky to be so still, calm, and yet so beautiful. Watching from Earth, it looks as though the clouds are a part of the sky, but that is not the reality. Both light and dark clouds pass by, but the only thing that does not change is the stillness of the sky. Clouds are superficial and temporary as sometimes all we have is the clear sky.

Can we not compare the sky and it's clouds to our mind and it's thoughts? Does the same not apply? 




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27 minutes ago, Saarah said:

Just watching over the sky from my balcony, I realised the sky to be so still, calm, and yet so beautiful. Watching from Earth, it looks as though the clouds are a part of the sky, but that is not the reality. Both light and dark clouds pass by, but the only thing that does not change is the stillness of the sky. Clouds are superficial and temporary as sometimes all we have is the clear sky.

Can we not compare the sky and it's clouds to our mind and it's thoughts? Does the same not apply? 




truly beautiful

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how much can we learn from others ( Enemies using this word for understanding) 

whatever you REACT to in another is also in you  ( BUT its nothing more than Ego ) so not related with you or that person


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Whatever you fights you  strengthen , whatever you resist , persist 

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you only see ,what you want to see 

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13 minutes ago, jes said:

( BUT its nothing more than Ego )

Can we define ego a little?

In my eyes the word ego gets thrown around too much.  I'm guilty of this too.  But can we really speak about "ego" and the subtle differences between manifestations of the ego's efforts, in contrast to egoless "suchness" (aka "what is" "this" "liberation") until we have a real experience of what it is to be in a state of "egoless-ness".

Do we as members of the spiritual community blame everything that seems "bad" on the fault of the ego?

How about we try to experience what it is like for the "I" to collapse, and then look at what is left?

There are feelings.  Emotions.  I know that for sure.  We have this distorted idea that enlightenment is suddenly this pure state of perfection, pure bliss, pure heaven.  This idea is not accurate.  The realization of no "I" is just very normal.  It's more real that the warped state when the "I" is in charge.

A simple pointing out instruction is this:  All there is, is sounds.  Sensations.  The felt sense of my ass on the cushion and my breath rising and falling.  Whatever is arising is just arising for nobody.

This is the easiest way to differentiate between the feelings of the ego, and the feelings of true nature.

You are right about the reaction thing.  But I've noticed this only occurs when the ego is strong, the sense of self contracts and pushes out impulses and projects them onto the environment.  So, it can be said that shadow only appears when the ego is in charge.

I thought this distinction would come in handy :)

Edited by Mal

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6 minutes ago, Mal said:

A simple pointing out instruction is this:  All there is, is sounds.  Sensations.  The felt sense of my ass on the cushion and my breath rising and falling.  Whatever is arising is just arising for nobody.

This is the easiest way to differentiate between the feelings of the ego, and the feelings of true nature.

I didnot get what you want to say here ,help me understand please@Mal these are my notes for myself ,oh sorry there is no myself , thanks for your light on them :) 

Edited by jes

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1 minute ago, jes said:

@Mal these are my notes for myself ,oh sorry there is no myself 

Oh! OK, xD

I'll keep off them 

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2 minutes ago, Mal said:

I'll keep off them 

no its fine , i edit comment , see what i wanted to say as a whole :D , you are allowed to comment 

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I have decided today to start a journey from

' Know Myself to Deny Myself '

TODAY ,at this moment ,Right NOW


The only thing that ultimately matters is
this: Can I sense my essential Beingness, the I Am, in the background of my
life at all times? To be more accurate, can I sense the I Am that I Am at this
moment? Can I sense my essential identity as consciousness itself? Or am I
losing myself in what happens, losing myself in the mind, in the world?


PROMISE to that awareness ( Thanks for reminder of my Promise)

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I have decided today to start a journey from

' Know Myself to Deny Myself '

TODAY ,at this moment ,Right NOW


The only thing that ultimately matters is
this: Can I sense my essential Beingness, the I Am, in the background of my
life at all times? To be more accurate, can I sense the I Am that I Am at this
moment? Can I sense my essential identity as consciousness itself? Or am I
losing myself in what happens, losing myself in the mind, in the world?


PROMISE to that awareness ( Thanks for reminder of my Promise)

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11 minutes ago, jes said:

no its fine , i edit comment , see what i wanted to say as a whole :D , you are allowed to comment 


16 minutes ago, jes said:

I didnot get what you want to say here ,help me understand please@Mal these are my notes for myself ,oh sorry there is no myself , thanks for your light on them :) 

Sit still 

Feel the energy in your body, the energy of the room, if you can.  Sense everything arising.  

The pointer is "this is happening to nobody.  It's not personal"

You will sense quite quickly that the identity is a fiction.  You are not the identity, but what you are is "this what is arising in your field of awareness"

You cannot understand this intellectually.  The identity cannot understand this, because the identity is what keeps liberation a secret. 

This is why it is pointless to talk about "ego" until one has transcended it.  

Ideas like liberation, perfection, oneness, God, consciousness, enlightenment, no-self, and any idea of some liberated state where there is not thinking or feeling... all these things keep the ego going, because these are all efforts, things to be attained, things that are seemingly different to "this".



Edited by Mal

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When You starve Ego ,soul shines 

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In each moment , feelings was HIm ,finding HIm was finding everything, I was nothing  ,just a story teller to decieve people, reality He was everywhere , although i tried to find HIm in masjid , But He was in Heart , i tried before to meet Him ,Today He come Himself , found life purpose ,got everything , false perception made my heart black ,I embrace Him Today ,All darkness gone

read HIS book As I was Him made me understand what He talked 

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Insight regarding 'Marriage' today 

Two reflections of reality when merge enahnces the beauty of reflection not dim it and made a whole beautiful reflection 

which is combination of Him reflection of reality and Her reflection of Reality 

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Insight during my prayer

Today while in position of Sajda ,the "I" dissolve ,and the Reality left ( the Him) left , Me The identity Merge with Him and felt Everywhere is Him ,Everything is HIm,inspite of Me performing the Salah , But there was no "me" Only reality is Him 

the truth is there ,when "I" is not there 

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