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Survey: Self-identity And What Makes You Feel Like 'you'

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I want to do a bit of a survey, the motives behind which I can't reveal just yet as I don't want to influence the results. But in the near future I will post the realisation and insight I had recently and the conclusion to the survey.

I am interested to know how people see themselves in terms of what makes them 'them'. How do you define yourself? How do you define your own identity as a person? What aspects of your life do you take as a representation of the being that is 'you'? Another way to look at it is to ask what things, if taken away from you, would leave you feeling as though you had no identity? How do you self-reference to yourself?

Fundamentally we all tend to build our lives around this identity that we perceive of ourselves so what is it that you are doing (or not doing) with your life to reinforce and impose this identity on to the world?

You don't need to think too deeply in to this one. I'm not looking for philosophical answers or discussions. I'm only interested in your day-to-day perceptions of yourself and your own identity and how you project it outward to create your life.

As an example you may suggest some of the following: Job or career, your house, where you live, your partner or spouse, family, friends, academic achievements, past history, future hopes and dreams, travels, material acquisitions, money, hobbies and interests, your name, your body shape, your hair colour, your choices and decisions… and so on. You get the idea.

Many thanks in advance. I'll reveal all in due course.


“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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