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Political masterpiece (BRITs performance)

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The lyricism/piano/visuals...he had the chance to perform any of his more well-known songs but used it as an opportunity to make a statement- which ofc was bound to face backlash lol

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" -Rumi

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Very cool. I especially like that he's British with African American influence and culture in his music and lyrics (Kendrick anyone?). I feel like there's probably more of a struggle for black equality in the US than in Britain, though there's definitely some level of racism in any country. I wonder how "woke" black hip hop is seen in European countries since our media influence is pretty big global at this point. I know some Canadian-born black people have expressed some negative views, not being able to relate because they don't share the same plight of systematic racism that their American counterparts experience. It's starting to feel like more of a class struggle to people now I think, but race, assets, and culture are all component in that.

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