
What percentage of the population can follow Leos teachings even if they wanted?

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@Nahm Now you are making me feel bad, are you happy? Do you want people to feel pity for you so that you get your way? Or do you want to make things go your way by "confusing" them or other any delusional tactic? Is this how you want to live?

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6 minutes ago, Llight said:

Now you are making me feel bad, are you happy?

How is reading someone else’s perspective making you feel bad? 

Yes I am happy. 


Do you want people to feel pity for you so that you get your way?


6 minutes ago, Llight said:

Or do you want to make things go your way by "confusing" them or other any delusional tactic? 


6 minutes ago, Llight said:

Is this how you want to live?

If by that you mean what you’re suggesting, then no. If you mean “how I am living”, then yes. 



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@Nahm You such a sad case and watching you cling to your weakness is making me feel bad. Why are you like this? These are just the first 3 comments from total awakening, and the same goes for any deep video he has, do you think they are agreeing?


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2 hours ago, Llight said:

The second issue is a problem even on low psychedelics or just one trip since many people are not meant physically to endure such substances, just like there are people prone to schizophrenia, and alike mental problems.

It depends on your definition of "many". The vast majority of people are fine on low doses of psychedelics. Microdosing has positive effects for most people. Microdosing is widespread in places like Silicon Valley and creative careers. Imo, we could consider microdosing a performance enhancing substance. And I've never heard of adverse effects of microdosing. . . Even into mini-dosing. . . At moderate to higher doses, there are some concerns related to ones background - their genetics, prior conditioning, neuroses etc. There are some with with psychedelics should be handled very carefully, or perhaps another method should be used. Yet I think saying this is "many people" is a bit misleading, since it is a minority of people.

2 hours ago, Llight said:

Now the rest who are able to do all of this will also have to abandon their current lifestyle including work and devote their time to this work, on a global scale that is just a economical disaster and many other problems but also benefits, but that is another topic.  

Wow. . . that is a major escalation. One doesn't need to abandon their lifestyle, job and re-route all their time to psychedelic work. All leading to an apocalyptic crash of global economies. . . That is a binary all or nothing model.. . . I've used psychedelics and I'm in the same job - it has actually enhanced my job in many ways. As well, how much time do people waste on things like video games and mindless TV shows? Could someone find 10-20 hours a month for a trip and integrative work? That averages out to 30min. a day for benefits. Not very time consuming. 

As well, this suggests that spirituality is some type of side-show - something I "have to do". To me, your post sounds like people I know that complain about exercising. "Yea, but exercise takes time and effort". . . This misses the whole point. Exercise is not like having a second job. It is the zest of life. Getting involved with groups in sports or yoga. Adopting a healthier diet. Running solo in nature. Traveling to run a 10k with friends. . . . This itself is the juicy experience in life. . . . Similarly, spirituality via meditation, retreats, time in nature, psychedelics, dharma talks etc. itself is the juiciness of life. And if spiritual development induces a career change, that is usually a good thing, because the person is moving toward work that is more aligned with their true nature and resonance. I've never met a spiritually-mature person that said "I used to have a wonderful job aligned with my true nature and resonance, yet after this spiritual practice and self-actualization I decided to change jobs into this crappy slave job that I hate". 

As well, if someone's genuine desire is to explore and discover Truth for Truth's sake, self-centered concerns become secondary. 

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13 minutes ago, Llight said:

You such a sad case and watching you cling to your weakness is making me feel bad.

I understand that it is, but I was asking ...how? Even if that were true, why would it make you feel bad?



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@Nahm Because i don't wont to make you feel bad for no reason or any reason, i mean you're a person and all, and seeing you react like that gave me the impression. Now the second admiral of delusion has joined @Serotoninluv with his artistic dodging skills of reality.

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@Llight I feel amazing. You may have assumed otherwise...? In any case, don’t feel bad about me, I really do feel great. I can’t even take credit for that though, imo, it’s ‘the common sense’.



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@Nahm Glad you do and hope you always feel like that, but still your denial is out of this world and yet you are out of topic as always and making this about me.

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5 minutes ago, Llight said:

Now the second admiral of delusion has joined @Serotoninluv with his artistic dodging skills of reality.

My apologies. I thought you wanted to explore ideas about your original question. Looks like I misunderstood. 

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@Visionary Of course bro. 

I still believe areas of PD are very beneficial post-awakening, and you can 'add' in spirituality to all areas of life as I said and approach them from a more developed standpoint, perfect examples here are business/ Career and health. 

Health- treating your body with love and compassion and fueling it with what it needs and taking care of yourself. 

Business/ Career- Running a business/ Having a job that you enjoy and benefits society, not simply to make money. 

Basic but in a bit of a rush!

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@Serotoninluv Everything is subjective with you guys, even a snap of the comment section is somehow via professional delusion skills converted so something subjective, let alone the original post i wrote, you are truly incapable of acting objective because of your massive ego who can't assume another perspective or lock into another persons perspective because it's fat and more massive than a black hole.

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23 minutes ago, Llight said:

Everything is subjective with you guys

That’s true. It’s not a “you guys” feature though. Your perspective is not objective, it’s subjective, but you are interpreting it as objective. This may clear up a lot. The perspectives and logic come and go, and are all different, but the sense, is most common. It’s an important distinction, at least until it isn’t. That was all I was saying with the original comment, that one’s idea of ‘normal’ is one’s idea.



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19 minutes ago, Llight said:


Everything is subjective with you guys,

you are truly incapable of acting objective because of your massive ego who can't assume another perspective

Various constructs we could build here. Let's bust out a hammer and saw. . . First, consider different "levels" of subjective understanding/embodiment. At an immature level, a person would be so immersed in their own subjective view / experience that they would consider that as being "objectively how it is". There is attachment / identification to the view / experience. As you say, there is immersion into an ego and an inability to assume another perspective. In terms of SD theory, this would be lower Green and below.

At a "higher" level, there would be awareness of the relative nature of each view / experience. There is no attachment / identification to the view / experience. In SD, this is a trait of Tier2. . . This is a very different dynamic than above. The awareness of relativity and loss of attachment / identification allows for the seeing and understanding of another perspective. 

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1 minute ago, Llight said:

@Serotoninluv You guys are in a for a terribly painful awakening and i think you know it.

At the human level, growth and experience is infinite. . , So of course, "I" have potential for more awakenings. That would be like saying Pi is in for some more numbers. . . 

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@Serotoninluv You look like nothing more than a ball of sadness who could not handle reality, and now are unable to function anymore. All those words of there is no I or infinity this or that, are not your own they represent the delusion and weakness inside you, thats how you people shield yourself from reality and utterly depend on that worldview. Absolute hell you're living there. Yuck, how can someone be so miserable or emit such awful intent from mere comments, never seen this.

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3 minutes ago, Llight said:

@Serotoninluv You look like nothing more than a ball of sadness who could not handle reality, and now are unable to function anymore. All those words of there is no I or infinity this or that, are not your own they represent the delusion and weakness inside you, thats how you people shield yourself from reality and utterly depend on that worldview. Absolute hell you're living there. Yuck, how can someone be so miserable or emit such awful intent from mere comments, never seen this.

An interesting character you have created in the movie you are watching. 

Filters of perception. . . 

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@Serotoninluv When you act like this it's like a rotten body speaking through a single living hair piece, just awful man, holy shit. You utterly have no idea what ego death is no idea, or you did it for all the wrong possible reasons there are and failed and left that tiny piece alive making this even more awful.

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