
adhd long term solution

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i am trying to have long term solution for my adhd

now i am having some problem with it while im in uni. before i became a  uni student i thought that i can make it without medication because i could sit and read a book for 12 hours almost non stop  at my second languege (English) and do it again the next day and the next day.throughout my time in uni i made everything pretty good and studied hard. but now i am in the end of my exam period and i got really bad grades because of my adhd at test , i can sit and learn but for really short time because i mostly hate the stuff i need to learn ( i study psycology and i love it but i really hate statistics and psycology-biology class ) and it is metaly exhausting. so i decided to start taking ritalin again and it is working pretty good on me, not mentally exhausted, side effects are bearable. but i know that it is not long term solution .

i live in israel and most of people have adhd, i think that we are a country with the highst precentage of people with adhd. the food here is pretty heathy compare to amarica. i dont really know if it is genetic or some kind of contamination here, i dont know if in non jewish population there is a high number of adhd cases. i eat pretty healthy so for this reason i think i am set, i tried raw vegan, vagan ,have not helped . mybe i will test for mercury and lead as leo recommends but i am not sure if it is the reason.

i am doing meditation for 40+-  (30-50+)min every day for almost two years. it does help but it is not a solution.

sports . i really hate sport, couple of years ago i did lots of it for 6 years and then stopped, i am not feeling more adhd after i stopped.

motivation- pretty hard to use it for your adhd, it does helps but it doesnt good enought for getting the job done. i can use it to study thruoght the year but for exam period it is usless.

orginazation- really helps but again, not good enogh

now i am at the stage of trying super food  i read about Bacopa and ginkgo, someone have experience with it? maybe give me a product that he recommend?

someone have more experience with more solutions here? 

i would really like to hear your personal experience



Edited by TheSomeBody

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You suggested the medication solved the problem, yet it seems like you stopped. I would be very cautious with medication, like adderall, because it stresses physiological systems and has dependency, tolerance and side effect issues. Something like modafinil might help, yet can't be used everyday. Ime, continuous long-term use of medication has more negatives than positives. Yet if someone can deal with low-doses 3-4 times a week it may be sustainable.

You might also consider coping mechanisms. For example, when I was an undergrad I couldn't pay attention through a whole class. So I audio recorded all my lectures.  I would listen to them over and over - sometimes with the textbook, sometimes while running. 

Also, I've found it helpful to get organized with daily activities and create time blocks in my day without distractions. 

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7 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

You suggested the medication solved the problem, yet it seems like you stopped. I would be very cautious with medication, like adderall, because it stresses physiological systems and has dependency, tolerance and side effect issues. Something like modafinil might help, yet can't be used everyday. Ime, continuous long-term use of medication has more negatives than positives. Yet if someone can deal with low-doses 3-4 times a week it may be sustainable.

You might also consider coping mechanisms. For example, when I was an undergrad I couldn't pay attention through a whole class. So I audio recorded all my lectures.  I would listen to them over and over - sometimes with the textbook, sometimes while running. 

Also, I've found it helpful to get organized with daily activities and create time blocks in my day without distractions. 

btw can you move the thread to self actulazation? i accidently posted here

i have taken ritalin for two and a half years for 5-6 days per week. when i stopped i was more adhd then usual for like a week and then i was normal adhd. the side effects are not great for me but i know that it is bad for the heart.

doest modafanil is really like ritalin than just kinda strong coffe? doesnt it makes your heart move also faster?

i have coping mechanisms but still for exam period they are usless, i am a good student and i got lots of fails for now. i have done in test stuff like 0-1= 0 .  i am looking for more perment solution right now like Bacopa

Edited by TheSomeBody

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