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How much effective dairy products are?

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I see some people have an allergy to dairy products, I would like to know what alternatives they use to live healthily.

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19 hours ago, ericjohnpw said:

I see some people have an allergy to dairy products, I would like to know what alternatives they use to live healthily.

tofu, nut-milks, nut-butters etc

lotta nuts

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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If you are to consume dairy make sure it's top quality, organic, grass-fed, non-pasturized.(Quality local farmer is best IMO)

If you can't get your hands on that then I suggest you stay away from it.

Sailing on the ceiling 


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On 22/02/2020 at 4:14 PM, Rigel said:

If you are to consume dairy make sure it's top quality, organic, grass-fed, non-pasturized

Bovine hormones are still extremely high, organic does not make it any better. Unless you are todler or a growing teenager who need a lot of growth factors to support cell growth,  it is best to stay away from drinking milk. 

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On 2/20/2020 at 11:53 PM, OctagonOctopus said:

Water :D

best answer))))

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