
Spiral Dynamics Tier 1 is underrated

23 posts in this topic

Are you sure a defense mechanism is that crude? That's not really a question. Don't underestimate the subtleness of the ego. Instead recognize and ask what might be going on here that is not readily available for you to percieve. 

I don't know you so what I say means nothing, of course, but also recognize that you reasoning this way actually means something. That something is much more interesting from a growth perspective. 

Loving the stage we're in is loving life. Life is to be loved. I don't think tier 2 underestimate tier 1, rather the opposite, appreciates the stages for what the are. They're part of all of us. And they are more apparent from a perspective beyond. Actually, they are not seen as a direct thing from within tier 1.

Edited by Eph75

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7 hours ago, EternalForest said:

@Serotoninluv Sure, but I think if God wishes to experience itself through the self, then the self is something to be cherished. I guess over time I've stopped becoming so attached to this constant need to transcend-transcend-transcend all the time, and instead, fully relish in the state I'm in now. Because once you've transcended, you've transcended. You'll never really be who you are at this moment again. And I think that's what the beauty of Tier 1 is. Your identity is created out of what you do not know. But once you do know your true identity, you'll realize that all past identities were nothing but an illusion. Enjoy the illusion, while it lasts...

I would consider Tier1 as attachment/identification of actually being a character. And Tier2 has having the meta awareness that a character is being played. 

Regarding “the need to transcend- transcend-transcend all the time”, who/what has that need? And who/what is relishing in the state “I’m” in now?

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God no, I want out from the stage blue environment I'm in. Closed minded, dogmatic, ignorant, black & white thinking etc. I'm so fucking grateful I discovered this self actualization stuff so early on.

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