
Weight gain diet plzz

5 posts in this topic

So i am 29 yrs old ectomorph and been under weight most of life i am 55kg now 5'7. Used to go to gym for 5-6 yrs regularly and was arround 60kg then. For past 4 yrs i didnt go and started yoga. But wasnt regular like gym. I lately feels like adding few more kg my goal is to add 6 more kgs in 5months so i am planning to go to gym. I want to hear some good diet plans. What all should i eat or even some pointers to research. I will also be doing visualization.  ❤

Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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Just trade bodies with me.
Carb up probably? Mixing big portions of fats and carbs seems to be good for promoting this, since when you do that combination, it's easy to overeat and become hungry quickly. So like anything with pasta and sauce, meat and bread, cheese and grains, etc. You could go exterme and start adding soda or mango juice to every meal, probably the latter because it's delicious af and won't give you diabetes as quickly.
I don't know how this type of dieting will affect that are naturally skinny, as my friends in this situation seem to literally be unable to eat even half as much as what I generally eat.

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5 hours ago, Vladz0r said:

Just trade bodies with me.
Carb up probably? Mixing big portions of fats and carbs seems to be good for promoting this, since when you do that combination, it's easy to overeat and become hungry quickly. So like anything with pasta and sauce, meat and bread, cheese and grains, etc. You could go exterme and start adding soda or mango juice to every meal, probably the latter because it's delicious af and won't give you diabetes as quickly.
I don't know how this type of dieting will affect that are naturally skinny, as my friends in this situation seem to literally be unable to eat even half as much as what I generally eat.

I eat lot like not in one sitting but eat couple of times. My metabolism is high. B/w i want healthy way to bulk up.

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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By "weight gain" I assume you mean lean muscle mass so in order for that to happen you need to be in caloric surplus every single day. I think 6kg in 5 months is a very realistic plan and you can probably pack on even more if you are relatively new to the gym. 

Protein intake is essential. Up to 2g/kg of bodyweight coming from a variety of sources, plant or animal is up to personal preferences. Animal flesh is higher in protein pound-per-pound but you need to be wary of all the other things dumped into animals these days. Also, don't go too crazy with protein powders and BCAAs because an excess of that stuff can be very harmful to your elimination system and acidifies the body. 

 Some fat accumulation is likely unless you are genetically a very vascular body-type the ones that only accumulate muscle. I'd probably create an account on cronometer.com or myfitnesspal and keep an eye out on your caloric intake. Overall try eating eats least 400-600 calories in excess of your daily requirement to keep in a state of positive nitrogen balance (more protein coming in that is being used). 

If you are to be gaining mass, you will be utilising a lot of energy so it is important to eat a large variety of vegetables, whole grains and legumes to sustain intake of all cofactors required for muscle synthesis such as B-vitamins, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron etc. A mistake that many guys who bulk do is focus on macros only but protein and carbohydrates is not the full story and many end up relying on coffee for energy because their body has no supply of essential micronutrients for energy production. 

Sleep is another essential thing. Your pituitary releases its largest spurt of Growth Hormone at night somewhere between midnight and 4 am I think. This is also when your damaged tissue will be repairing as there will be constant chronic state of micro-inflammation due to micro-tissue destruction at the gym. 

And final is a mechanical overload. You have to be training very hard on a very consistent basis in the gym. Work with a PT to create a good plan, one that will not burn your adrenals in couple months but that will be challenging enough to challenge your muscle mass. Include a lot of big lifts and compound movements as well as a variety of isolated movements towards the end. A lot of people do push, pull, legs split, some do singlee bodypart per day. For me 2 bodyparts per training worked best but you'll have to find what works. Minimum of 4 sessions per week is probably a good start and make sure to keep the duration of each to 60 minutesd max. 


“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Thank you @Michael569

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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