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Lack/shortness of breath after masturbating

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I know it's pretty common to feel "tired" after masturbating but in my case I not only experience an slight fatigue/relaxation but also a shortness of breath. Like I usually spend the next two hours trying to have "long breaths" because it feels like I'm lacking air in my chest.

It's a very uncomfortable sensation and it's like after I masturbate I get a "block" doesn't let air getting inside my chest 

However I'm a pretty "healthy" guy, meaning that I have done all kind of sports and never experienced lack of breath or any problem with my chest/shortness of breath. I only experience this sensation with masturbation!

Any ideas? I post it in this subforum in the sexuality one because I feel this has more to do with health than with sexuality


Edited by Javfly33

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Some asthmatics experience this when feeling overwhelmed, possibly even during sexual arrousal. You should get your breathing checked by your doc. Could also be a hypersensitivity reaction, similar to allergies that gets triggered by non-allergic stimulus...can happen.  

Hard to say, keep an eye out on it and get it investigated if it becomes too bad. 

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