
Conscious Politics in Practice

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How can I make conscious politics ?

None of the big Parties seems to fit me. Notice that I don't live in the US and I think I have to describe the situation. We in Germany have 6 Parties in the Parliament. For 15 years we had Angela Merkel as chancellor with changing coalitions. The people are tired of that. There is no vision, its like the whole country is waiting for retirement.

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What's the voting system like in Germany? Do you have preferential voting, where if your first candidate doesnt get picked, it goes to your second candidate and so on?

If so, you can vote for the most conscious, holistic parties out there even if they don't have that much support without "wasting" your vote, since then it just go to your second party, and so on. What are the parties in Germany like?

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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@Apparition of Jack 

We have the following Parties and their last (weighted) average :

  • CDU (middle, but leaning in effect to the left) : 29,6%
  • SPD (between Social-Democratic and Socialist) : 14,7%
  • Grüne (Environmentalist & somewhat Socialistic) : 21,7%
  • Linke (between Left and hardcore Socialistic): 9,7 %
  • FDP (Libertarian) : 6,6 %
  • AfD (Right Wing / Regressive/ Nationalist) 13,8 %

The first 2 Parties were historically involved in EVERY government (not necessarily both). Keep in mind that a US-Citizen would may call Germany Socialistic because of Universal Health Care, 'Free' Education (Yeah, we have much lower student loans if at all) and our social system. So if I write socialistic to describe a party I mean a rather authoritarian blue socialism. But we have also a lot of green in that, the problem is that if you vote for that it might be the case that you get the blue version ~ do you see my problem and why I can't just 'vote for Bernie'?


Edited by supremeyingyang

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@supremeyingyang Germany is way too advanced to ever have a stage Blue government in all honesty, even the stage Blue nationalist parties seem to be facing a lot of backlash.

What are the problems facing Germany that you think are being unaddressed? What do you think needs to be done to fix them? I'm trying to get a handle on your national situation and what seems to be your issue with finding out how to solve them.

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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@Apparition of Jack

Thanks for your reply.

35 minutes ago, Apparition of Jack said:

@supremeyingyang Germany is way too advanced to ever have a stage Blue government in all honesty, even the stage Blue nationalist parties seem to be facing a lot of backlash.

You don't need to be right-wing to be in blue (although most righ-wingers are). It's the way one talks, reasons and interacts. Blue has little sympathy with outsiders or other blue. The Status we reached as a well developed country will drop if a crisis strips us from our social state. So it's very fragile harmony. If one sides gets bigger, than will the other side gets bigger as a reaction. This causes a nasty conflict. Maybe one should read in history if there was ever a way around that..

35 minutes ago, Apparition of Jack said:

What are the problems facing Germany that you think are being unaddressed? What do you think needs to be done to fix them? I'm trying to get a handle on your national situation and what seems to be your issue with finding out how to solve them.

Some Unaddressed Things :
- The school system is orange or green at best => not yellow thus not suited for the lesser stages => that leads to a bunch of problems in the future. It got really bad in the last decades, outdated you might say.
- too many old people, who want to resist any significant change
- the state helps large corporations with subsidies, which makes it even harder for startups and thus innovation
- because we are unwilling or unable to integrate migrants well, these people suffer in poverty and everything that comes with that
- The State is totally incompetent in building mobile Internet or defending net neutrality
- eastern Germany was f***** in the 90s, that's why they have so radical opinion

What I think needs to be done to fix them:
- Stop waiting for the state to fix it. we need to make unions and fight for a change
- an open discourse (which is hardly the case if a wrong word could earn you the label 'right-winger' and thus making people make anonymous calls to your employer to get you fired) => the head of the Left Party 'LINKE' was accused to be right-wing  because she wanted to talk about the problem with the refugees. She had to drop her title



Edited by supremeyingyang

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@supremeyingyang Man,  you have no idea how well your country is doing.

I think Germany is one of the most progressive countries in the world. It has got the vibe of "stage green" where we see the idea of a more empathic society is largely present. You guys are the leaders of EU economy wise, as Germany is the largest economy of Europe.

Still, as far as i know, Germany is struggling with the reconciliation between the former west and the east. East was under the USSR for nearly five decades. So there are social, economical and to some extend, cultural differences between this two. I think your country's politican should focus on that problem. This is the reason why we are seeing the surge of AFD, a far right party. Their views don't get along with most german and the vision of future Germany.

I think you guys will do well despite some hiccups here and there. I don't think AFD is gonna end up being in power. Besides that, you should be proud of your country given that how well Germany have turned out to be a force to reacon with in the World since the world war two. You are an inspiration to many other nations :)

Edited by Annoynymous

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Thanks for your reply. I think you are right that Germany did a lot of good things and I guess you think I'm ridiculous for pointing out minor things. But many of them aren't. There are major strategic blunders and if these lead to lesser income we will observe how quickly the will to be an inspiration the world will end. It's all based on wealth and we do not enough a. to protect our wealth and b. to help other nations to rise (take the south of the EU)

Maybe it's just the german attitude to be never satisfied ;D


Edited by supremeyingyang

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It's highly likely that the CDU will form a coalition with the Grüne and form a government arrangement similar to that of Austria. Vote Grüne so you can contribute to that. The Grüne in government will be a big step in the right direction for Germany. 

After 2025 you may finally get a SPD-lead government without the CDU. Maybe then you'll see some of the issues you mentioned addressed. 

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What I don't like about Grüne is that have strong feeling 'to be on the right side of history' (translated quote from one politician) and they openly judge the lesser stages as less worth - instead of helping them to develop up the spiral. Nevertheless I think you are suggesting that it's better so solve the excesses of green when they develop than to stay at the status quo. That's because a green party will then be dominant thus Germany will experience a pull of change up the spiral for the average citizen. That's an Interesting point. I'll think about that! Thanks. Sometimes it's easier for others to point obvious things out than for one himself.

Back to the main Question  : What can I do for Conscious Politics (aside from voting Green)? There will be a culture war for a long time before yellow can ever emerge.

Edited by supremeyingyang

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You'd have to create something huge to either make lots of money or lots of influence on the general public, all the while hiding your intentions from those in power or do an amazing job not to get put down.  

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Maybe be like Andrew Yang? I think many people have an "appeal to authority" issue and either align with businessmen, people of power and influence, or politicians. Yang has a broad appeal as someone' who's deeply technical, experienced in systems thinking, has a heart for social good, and has experience in capitalism. I think he's someone who has really evolved as a human being over time. I think he would've worked out great if he was ever given the time of day. In a world where independents were viable, I think Yang would've had a very broad appeal. I listened to his book and I can see how it's an appeal to what democrats and republicans both want, leaning towards a heavily reformed Social Wellfare state that doesn't cripple and de-value people and their work ethic, while implementing better capitalism practices all-around. It seeks to optimize and reduce oversight, regulate and deregulate, and tax the ultra rich while also making it easier to start that dream company of yours and become rich yourself. It speaks volumes that Ben Shapiro and Bernie supporters both enjoy Yang's policies a lot. In terms of consciousness I'd put Yang in Stage Green. I'm a bit rusty on the stages. I can see that Yang's views on capitalism and his work in nonprofits are for more of a true win-win scenario. Yang also tells it is, has a tough skin despite his somewhat geeky background. He talks about regulations to how software is produced for the purpose of social media in a way that doesn't overstep into all small-scale endeavors. (ex. He talks about the effects of social media, p

inging, the slotmachine effect on people's dopamine levels). It's fairly deep stuff coming from a presidential candidate, really.
It sounds better than "AMAZON IS JUST BILLIONAIRES AND NOT PAYING THEIR FAIR SHARE. WE NEED MORE MONEY IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. WE NEED FREE COLLEGE. WE NEED FREE HEALTHCARE" which is true, anyway. I guess I just see Bernie as clickbait whenever he doesn't go into detail with his policies. I think Yang would be much better overall, more feasible, unite the parties, etc.

I'd like someone to critique Yang if they've looked into his policy. I do think UBI can potentially be problematic without housing cost regulations, for example, so I kind of side with Bernie on certain issues. I also feel like UBI won't improve our infrastructure problems and we'll continue to be in the hands of capitalism, so I kind of prefer Bernie's pipe dream of adding 40 million infrastructure jobs. But hey, with Yang maybe we could just outsource it to the Chinese since they've legit been building Africa to have more competent infrastructure than the US.

Edited by Vladz0r

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Don't know Yang, I mean I read his Names before and thought 'Ah, like a Democrat Trump, but more gentle, asian and clever'. But I'm not even a Us Citizen, so I don't care deeply for every 5% Candidate.

Yang seems like someone who give everyone what they want, but won't make it feel like a Compromise. So yeah, that's exactly the solution. Do you recommend Yangs book?


5 hours ago, Tanz said:

You'd have to create something huge to either make lots of money or lots of influence on the general public, all the while hiding your intentions from those in power or do an amazing job not to get put down.  

And one have to do it for decades. And it's easy to get more destructive as those powers one wants to bring to harmony. 'For the greater good' was ever a recipe for disaster


PS. Maybe it's true - if you want to be influential in politics you need the Capital. Ether monetary Capital, social Capital and symbolic Capital in a mix that is powerful enough. Social and Symbolic Capital is for example when people in a party vote you as a Candidate.
That brings me to a fundamental Question : Should one be open with his World Views - even if this leads to sanctions (at least in the short term) ?


Edited by supremeyingyang

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