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Diet for ASC

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Hi guys Leo made an analogy of turning the dials for what psychedelics.

Would you guys have any good resources for using diet to change those dials?(apart from eating shrooms hahaha).

I know that yogis use mercury for changing states of consciousness. To put it in yogic terminology, is there a diet that taps into the aether?

Have shamans created diet + meditation combos got altered states of consciousness?

What would be ideal is: you eat this combo of food, do some practices, and boom you start seeing dragons in your carpet.

There are some dark art techniques that use diet, but ive had bad experiences with that, so would prefer not to get into that for now(it's also very distracting, lots of petty shit you need to deal with).

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Intuition is always better than following a map. Diet choices are a great way to develop your intuition because well, it's easy to go with your "gut feeling" when it comes to choosing foods. 

Ramana Maharshi recommends the sattvic diet if you want some basic guidelines. 

As for seeing dragons in the carpet, didn't everyone do that kind of thing when they were 4 years old? I still see friendly monsters in the flower patterns at my parent's house. Just start to *look* at things with curiosity and childlike wonder again. Do you see images in the clouds because it's your imagination of because it's really there? Why do you have to ruin the magic by asking that question? 

Just go lay in a field and look at the clouds like you were a little kid. Nature's equal access psychedelic. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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What better works for me is a light diet. That way I can be more clear focused in the meditation. If I eat a lot then I can´t have the mind sharp and gets lazy.

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