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H2 hemp (15% CBD, 1.03% THC) trip report

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Some things I experienced:

Visual distortions were noticable. A rainbow of colors were in my vision. Patterns appeared, all the usual trippy stuff.

When I spaced out with eyes open, it was like my eye's field of vision got horizontally wider. Everything in my vision started to look like a wall right front of my face. My body and the wall 5 feet away from me started merging, there was no space.

As I was sitting on the floor, I noticed how bad my back felt (I have terrible posture and have upper back pain) so I started imagining popping or cracking my spine. I naturally ended up doing movements that I've seen from Kundalini yoga videos. I was circling my spine around and then I bending my spine backwards and forwards. I could hear my spine cracking so close to my ear. I cracked my neck as well. There's a spot around the middle of my spine that still feels "crackable" but it feels like it won't.

Then my attention was caught by a sensation my sexual region. I could *feel* some kind of fluid. When I focused on it long enough and then contracted, this fluid started going up my spine, maybe 1/3 of the way up which was the highest it went up out of the multiple attempts.

There were times when I was startled or started getting a bit anxious of something happening but it was so easy to brush the anxiety off and just go back to the place of peace. I didn't care if the anxious thoughts were going to be true or not, I just knew I'd rather be in peace.

I started loving myself. Looking at it now, the reasons why I loved myself seem somewhat selfish or self-centered. The traits that I had seemed like I was meant to have them to grow and love myself. Something in me told me that "whatever brings you peace, follow it, follow your heart, trust in your goodness. Trust in your pursuit of becoming more loving towards people and yourself."

Near the end of the trip, the headache that I had during the whole trip began to be unbearable. I took it as a sign to stop and just sleep and relax for a bit and not go any further.

Thanks for reading.

I got nothing.

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