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Trip experience + Shamanism

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Can anybody describe shamanism to someone (me) who has no clue what it is? 

Preferably a longer description.

I took shrooms again and I became very fearful of schizophrenia. I could not get it out of my head. Then, i started to imagine myself as that. I tried to resist it so much, such a bad experience. Anyways, I think I tapped into a realm and brought something back with me.

This probably sounds crazy but it's literally the truth. 

It was a darker realm, not too sure that it was negative but darker ( in the sense that it looked like there was an absence of light ) for sure. Energy from the cerebellum region, or I,  grabbed onto it and tried to bring it back with me. I KNOW what schizophrenia is (basically thoughts that you cant control) and I'm having some. But it's not spontaneous. If I focus on it it will be stronger. Also the energy in that region is not normal. Its moving around and it isnt together like it was before. 

I dont know. All I know is I'm scared. I know schizophrenia ties into shamanism and I'm trying to find a shamanic healer or teacher that can assist me. I really have no one around me that can help me. Theres a place that's 40 minutes away, I messaged them but they didnt get back. They have a phone but I'm waiting for a message back to call. 

What the fuck should I do. Am I a future shaman? Is this going to be a part of my path onward? Because i have no idea and I haven't been able to get this off my mind.

Sorry that I'm so paranoid. 

Edited by DreamScape

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@Keyhole Hmm. I don't think my psyche split or any of the likewise. Also, It is not guiding me toward anything. 

I'll still do more research. 

I wonder if this is a problem that has to deal with the heart, because after that happened an experience happened where my whole body started trembling and love issues surfaced that dealt with my mom. It felt deeply intense.

Thank you so much. I will follow your instruction until I feel fully clear. 


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@Keyhole Interesting. I watched leo's "Becoming a modern-day sage" and I found it interesting, but haven't resonated and always wondered why. At one point, I really wanted to follow that path but it hurt me because I was lying to myself and being inauthentic with what I wanted. I have actually always been interested in magic, astral projection (which initially opened my third eye when I was 14), sci-fi, time travel, stuff like that for basically all my life. I liked Dr. who, Doctor strange, steven universe, the magicians (tv shows & movie). Also an interest in space, This has been a central theme throughout my life. 

Reading upon Shamanism on the general websites that is seen when looking online, this is kind of the aroma that pervades shamanism and I seem to highly resonate with it. I sort of feel like I've finally found something that I really resonate with. Leo's content is very very nice, but not something I can create a theme with in my life. So maybe. I'm not too sure yet. Obviously I still need to dig deeper. 

Thank you very much. Good luck to you too. 

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@Keyhole okay. So I will do that tomorrow as it's late. 

I have an update though on the situation. I think the energy is connected to the heart. I've been focusing and using healing stones and it seems more active. Its telling me thoughts like "nobody will like you" and that you're lying to me and such. My ego was questioning itself but I will not let this continue. 

Also I have been going back to memories that bring upon fear and I see demons or entities there. The self that is there, which is me, is fearful in those situations. 

I dont know if you have any advice but just an update. 

This is not what I was expecting. I think it may be becoming upset because I am doing these exercises and focusing on my heart and using love instead of fear.

Do you think emotional purging and healing the heart will help with this.

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Okay so this morning I'm like extra scared of things around me. Like I was scared of the background music in the YouTube video and surroundings around me now. Someone help me please. I'll pay if I have to.

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20 hours ago, DreamScape said:

Can anybody describe shamanism to someone (me) who has no clue what it is? 

Preferably a longer description.

There are many perspectives and opinions on Shamanism.  Very few tribes and shamans share their reality with outsiders, and if they do, they have watered down and adjusted the Shamanic “Ways” and “Keys” for Westerners to understand and resonate.  I was fortunate to receive some of the more authentic teachings and ceremonies over a course of 6 or 7 years. When I say “more authentic” I don’t mean exact, because much of the teachings lose their potency from the language being translated, the cultural differences, belief systems etc., and not all of the teachings and ceremonies have been passed down to Westerners from the “Twisted Hair Council of Elders”  and from the old “Rattle Snake School” which is where many North, Central, and South American Shamans would visit to share teachings and ceremonies well before the Europeans ever knew or heard of America. At one time the school was located in Oaxaca, Mexico, Monte Alban, and has since gone underground.  

A Shaman can be defined many ways and play many roles, but an authentic Shaman must be able to see into the “Dark”.  My understand of Dark is the Shamans ability to go to the other side (Spiritual, non-form, dream states, ancestors, higher states of consciousness, etc.,). They must be able to see, interpret, communicate with the infinite forms (beings) of magnetic attracting thought forms, electromagnetic energy units and powers of nature (again, much is lost in language)  The “Dark” is just a label that means to be able to see ones own or anothers shadow from non-physical reality, to see an individual, group, animal world, plant world, human world, mineral world, Grandmother Earths consciousness (which includes the weather, oceans and land masses), collective and universal conscious states, and how they are all interconnected, interrelated, and influence each other.  Make no mistake, everything you perceive has consciousness at different levels. Many are more conscious and connected with the everything than we humans are.  The atoms and molecules that make up your cells, organs and physical body are more consciously connected to the everything, then you or I are!  Westerners are just now starting to get a taste of the depth and latitude of consciousness that is available from our dimension of physical reality and our dream state(s).  What you are learning and sharing here in these forums is just a small taste of what’s available within God Consciousness.

When members in a tribe seek healing, answers, knowledge they ask the Shaman to step into the Dark (you can use other terms instead of Dark, it’s just one of many, don’t get caught up in the label) and then return with the answers, solutions and possible ceremonies. Most of the suffering is influenced by thoughts, ideas and beliefs, especially collective beliefs in the tribe, the cultures, and the nation.  These beliefs create emotions, and together they create illness, disease, the well being or disharmony of the individual, tribe, nature and even the weather. 

Just one example of a large healing ceremony that I experienced was done in a large circle of humans, with the individual that needed the healing in the center. The Shaman stays on the outside of the circle and orchestrates the energy, the healers inside the circle, the chanting, drums, rattles, etc., which is all used to shake, break down the individual’s beliefs and blocked energy. This can some times take days, depending on how serious and severe the individual has attached themselves to the illness, disease, thoughts and beliefs.

Shamans and Medicine men use hundreds of different ceremonies to bring consciousness and awareness to heal or alter the thoughts, ideas, beliefs of individuals and groups, and to alter the energy within the humans that are unconsciously creating there own suffering.  This suffering, if many in the collective are also resonating with it, will influence the power dynamics and well being of all living beings, including nature and the Planet.  As a micro example, have you ever walked into a room where a huge argument or fight just happen? Did you notice the energy and how it was affecting your well being?

To become an authentic "Native",  "Aboriginal" Shaman, "as an outsider", is almost impossible.  If you are lucky and have “willed” it into your dream, it takes years and years of full-time apprenticeship under a Shaman in his turf and sphere of influence.  You can tell if you are receiving water downed Americanised teachings if they use New Age material, sound tracks, dogma that has unconsciously or consciously been mixed with Religious teachings from around the world etc. One example that I experienced was when I attended a Sweet Lodge, the so called Shaman insisted that only men could be fire keepers and use the drum, woman had there respective roles, woman that were on their moon cycle could not participate in ceremonies when men are present, and the list goes on.  A lot of these dogma teachings have been influenced by Christian beliefs and the European Patriarchal Paradigm.  Energy is energy, we all have masculine and feminine energy, we are all “One”.

On another note; Be cautious about taking "excessive" amounts of Teacher Plants.  Teacher Plants are psychedelics from Mother nature that Shamans use to awaken consciousness in individuals, heal, and to seek knowledge. It is a tool to help individuals to see, touch and taste (don’t get caught on the literally meaning of these words, I am just trying to point in a direction) different states of consciousness, dimensions, and realities.  Teacher Plants are not supposed to be used as a crutch to get to those states, they are there to teach you how to get there on your own, eventually without them.     

I’m getting off topic, there are many shamanic schools out there, 99% of the ones I researched or attended have been altered for American consumerism.  That doesn’t mean that they are all bad, some of them have fantastic teachings, ceremonies etc.  If you are really called to this type of reality it will happen.  You must make yourself available, go to some of the places in North, Central, and South America that are rumored to have Shamans and Native teachings.  You will eventually weed out the BS and slowly resonate with the energy and thoughts that will open the doors to there world.


Just thoughts and beliefs!

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Since a lot of this information dates back 1000s of years, it seems like most of it is lost and there seems to always be mixed answers always seem mixed or misrepresented. Or it is watered down.



Understanding of christianity

The list probably goes on.

Leo is right about a lot of the episimological stuff he talks about.

Edited by DreamScape

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48 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

Fortunately, the spirits decide who is to be a shaman, not human beings.

I don't think I said they do..


48 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

On top of this, humans do not train a shaman, the spirits do. 

Maybe, and maybe not.. Who's to say that the Spirits don't use another human to help open another person to awaken to their potential.  Is that not what is happening here, and in some of your post?


48 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

The fact that you think that a sweat lodges and shamans are in the same category is very telling.

 A sweet lodge is just a tool which some Medicine men/female and Shamans use to help heal and awaken humans. It's not a category..


48 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

If you do not have an authentic connection with the spirits, and are speaking from a place where human beings have used culture in order to give you a definition, then you are going in the wrong direction with this completely.

Again, I don't think I said that!   If I did, I apologise for the words I used. That was not my intent.  Again, I have said many times in my post that language does not do this topic any justice.  I am only trying to point the reader in a direction of knowingness. 

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@Keyhole im okay now. I just think more clearing of my past and wounds I need to do.

I'd still like to learn more and I'm down to get weird. I just need to know that my brain will be OK. I'm gonna wait for someone who has wisdom and experience with psychedelics before venturing into that realm again though.

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3 hours ago, Keyhole said:

There was some implication of it, through the story people have told you about what shamanism is - as many cultures have developed an ego/pride surrounding their shamanic traditions, when I hear people talking through that paradigm I know where it is coming from - which is the culture's collective egos desire to survive in a quickly changing world.

Are you projecting your thoughts and beliefs towards me?  The definition of Ego can and is also ones own projection, is it not?

3 hours ago, Keyhole said:

The spirits can help awaken a person to their potential through another person, but the human being must have been chosen before birth, and directly by the spirits themselves.

Maybe and maybe not. Where are you getting these ideas and beliefs from?

3 hours ago, Keyhole said:

If a person, through their ego, decides to take up the path - which most do this will not be authentic.  A lot of workshops offer these services to people of this nature, and many of the shamans that train outsiders don't want to share this information with their students either because they're sharing half truths to outsiders in order to feed their families and communities.



3 hours ago, Keyhole said:

I'm trying to keep the definition of what an authentic shaman is down to the very most truthful expression of the path.

The most authentic expression of a Shaman is "one that can see into the Dark(ness)".  Like I said in my post, the word and label of Dark can assume many forms. A healer uses tools with energy etc., A Shaman uses all the tools, but more importantly they go into the depths of the individuals, collective, Universal and Cosmic dream states and communicates with the energies and beings within these dream states to alter, aid or manipulate physical thoughts, ideas, beliefs and emotions to heal or awaken the individual, group, culture, nation from there dysfunctional delusional selves.   In most cases, the Shaman most often uses tools that the individual ego can relate to and understand to help bring in awareness.


3 hours ago, Keyhole said:

You need to have a genuine brush with death, and to work through it from within that divided space, a space where on the one hand terror manifests and on the other, absolute self honesty - how can that be taught or manufactured? 

I don’t believe I said anything to the contrary!  But then agian, maybe and maybe not.  It's all just thoughts and beliefs, thats's all that we are in the reality of consciouness and energy.


3 hours ago, Keyhole said:

Because shamanism works by moving into, and altering feedback loops, the moment you try to change a loop for the benefit of yourself - you change the course of your history in the wrong way.

Maybe and maybe not, our reality is nothing but probabilities. When you take one path, probability or course of action, another you (personality) will take another path in another dimension and reality.  There are no right or wrong paths.  Your personality has taken many probable paths since the time of your perceived birth. The paths are infinite


3 hours ago, Keyhole said:

What many of these shamans don't teach their students is that by opening yourself up to the Other you open yourself up to the dark forces as well - and if they do not have a spirit that has come to them to offer protection, then these people are in danger.  Many times these people think that they are in control, that these energies can offer a person a sense of power or agency over their own lives - just by attending a workshop or speaking to a person who is offering half truths.

Again, maybe and maybe not.  It all comes down to your thoughts, ideas, and beliefs.  You ultimately can choose the reality you wish to experience.  If you believe in the devil and evil, then that is what you will attract.  I am not saying that when a Shaman enters the other realms that he will not encounter beings and energies that have the potential to do harm, but an aware Shaman's connection with his higher self and the knowledge he/she gains from their spirit helpers and Shamanic teachers will help then navigate safely.

That is why my original post pointed for those that have dreamed their calling to Shamanism to seek an Authentic Native, Aboriginal Shaman for direction and to help make sense of the different dream states and realities.  An Authentic Shaman can also help teach a newbie how to use this knowledge and share it with those trapped in the physical reality and illusion of form using a multitude of tools, just like you are doing. 

As far as I am concerned you don’t need a near death experience to seek out Shamanism or drop your desire to become a Shaman.  I know of many of my brothers and sisters that received awakenings later on during their quest.  An “Ego death” (meaning, the death of all their beliefs about the physical reality) is all that may be needed to begin the journey into the depths of the dream sates etc. Yes, not everyone will become a Shaman, I don't believe I said anthing otherwise...

3 hours ago, Keyhole said:

What shamanism needs is people who can access these loops at their fullest potential and change them around on a global scale - and only the spirits can teach this.  Humans are simply not whole enough in the way that a spirit is.

I'm not sure where you are getting these beliefs and thoughts. Let’s agree to disagree.

I just want to caution you that when you communicate or get direction from the other side, be very careful how your thoughts, ideas, and beliefs interpret the knowledge.  One of the biggest pitfalls people get into is when they do Shamanism and Shamanic work alone and without the guidance from those that have been there and have learned the deceptions and mental traps that can befall them.   I am no Shaman, but I have been to some of those dream states and altered dimensions, and I know from experience how one can easily misinterpret their experiences.  Example, one of my brothers had several experiences with Mother Ayahuasca and came to the conclusion that he needed to pass on the word of Jesus Christ.  After many interactions with the Shaman he realized that his suppressed negative Catholic teachings he received as a child were now brought out into his consciousness, and were now in conflict with his Adult beliefs.  He inadvertently misinterpreted the experience, and could have easily gone back to those beliefs by fooling himself that they were positive.

Having said that, I wish you only the best, it was not my intent to disagree with your thoughts or beliefs.

I was only trying to share or pass on some "Native, Aboriginal, Indigenous” Shamanic knowledge that I experienced and learned with Dreamscape.  His original question was “Can anybody describe shamanism to someone (me) who has no clue what it is? Preferably a longer description”

Just sharing thoughts and beliefs!

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Shaman Apprenticeship.

I would like to add one final note to my first post.  If and when you feel the calling to Shamanism or possibly want to seriously become a Shaman, it is, “in my opinion, experience, and belief”, very important to seek an Authentic Native, Aboriginal, Indigenous Shaman. At the very least, a creditable Shaman or Medicine Person for the following reasons:  The only way you are going to succeed and not fall into the multitude of pitfalls, misinterpretations, or projecting your Ego thoughts, ideas, beliefs and Emotional energy onto others, is through a Shaman or credible Medicine Person.  Don’t get me wrong, you can do it alone, but the odds of you not falling into and getting side tracked in Ego illusion are not very favorable.  But that’s not the only thing Shamanism or being a Shaman has to contend with or focus on.

To put it into our language and terms, a Shaman is a psychoanalysis, an energy worker (I don’t mean healer, although some do it), energetically aware of, relate and communicate with many of the different levels of consciousness with nature, the planet, personal, collective, universal and cosmic realms, to some degree.  Most of a shaman’s work is helping others become awake and aware of the physical dream state, maintaining balance and harmony in this reality and guiding others to their full potential.  They learn how to use ceremonies and stories, and some dedicate themselves and use Teacher Plants to help awaken individuals and to communicate at the student’s level etc.  A Shaman helps awaken and work on people’s thoughts, ideas, beliefs and emotions (Ego human mind consciousness) so that they can interpret and perceive this reality without attachments etc.  

Many individuals call themselves Shaman’s thinking that the only thing they need to do is communicate and extend their consciousness into other realms and dimensions.  That is just one aspect of being a Shaman and Shamanism.  A credible Shaman is also a teacher, student, apprentice, a ceremonialist for life.  They are constantly working on their thoughts, ideas, beliefs and emotions to insure they don’t project misleading knowledge, mislead someone with their own ungrounded energy and perceptions or deceptions.  

A Shaman helps guide his apprentice thru all the pitfalls of ego deception, they help them work thru their shadow and call out the individuals BS when the student misinterprets the knowledge received from other dream states and realms or from deep seed beliefs and behaviours.  The Shaman also helps the apprentice learn how to interpret the knowledge that is shared with other beings in this physical reality using ceremonies and other tools and modalities etc.  

There is so much more then what I am sharing. My knowledge is very limited.  This is just the tip of the iceberg to the original indigenous tribal shamanism and being a Shaman from a white mans perspective, lol.  Just to make my self clear, I am only sharing with you the limited knowledge and experience I have as someone that “was” a part time apprentice for a few years.  I had to make a choice almost 10 years ago to either seriously dedicate my life to be a Shaman apprentice full time or dedicate my life to my family.  I am okay with my choice because I know another probable part of my personality took the Shamanic path in another dimension, another mirroring physical reality (for lack of words).  Nothing is lost.

Just sharing some thoughts and beliefs! 

Edited by DLH

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