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“I need ... before I can really awaken”

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In my mind there seem to be valid reasons why not to fully awaken yet.

”your still young, you don’t have your financial grounding yet, your business only just starting to take off, your just about your own place. Give it a year, few years to settle, than you can fully surrender” - the story goes.

Is there any validity to this story whatsoever?

Will there always be that story?

Can there ever be a reason not yet to awaken?

can having a stable ground, solidified life, be beneficial to awaken to?

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One route is to go through an intellectual analysis of what awakening is and the best environment to attain this awakening. Perhaps there is some value in that. . . Another approach I resonate with these types of uncertainty questions/actions is to go inward and ask:. . . .  "right now, which direction would lead to more contraction and which will lead to more expansion?". And then I listen to feelings and intuition - rather than a bunch of rationalization. 

If I observed the story "”your still young, you don’t have your financial grounding yet, your business only just starting to take off, your just about your own place. Give it a year, few years to settle, than you can fully surrender”. . . and then ask "right now, does this story lead to more contraction or greater expansion?" and then sit with the intuition and feelings - there is a sense of clarity for me which path leads to greater expansion potential. Yet thats me. Other people may have different relationships with that question. 

For example, if I don't contract into the story - there is room to expand. . . perhaps there aren't only two options: either awaken OR get financial grounding.  An expanded space would allow for more options. It allows space for new creativity, exploration and insights to arise. . . 


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It leads to more contraction ?

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Wow! Such good advice @Serotoninluv

@Identity Of course there’s no validity to it. That point will never come. And reality doesn’t care about your life circumstances. Awakening is so unpredictable, so illogical… We can’t compare it to other things in our life that are developing in a linear manner. Sure, consciousness expands gradually but sometimes also in quantum leaps. For me, the more I get into ‘it’, the less I know. Reality is full of strange loops and I just feel more confused than ever most of the time...

I totally resonate with your thoughts though. It’s just fear grasping at you. Might seem like you want awakening, but really it’s the scariest thing you’ll ever encounter. And it sure won’t happen when we want it to. Welcome to reality. You ready to give up control? ;-)

What helps me is to stay in a state of not knowing and giving up control over it. We can’t make it happen anyway. My way to approach this issue lately is: I do what I can everyday to devote my life to the truth. All the rest is not up to me and I genuinely have no idea what’s gonna happen with my life.

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