
How do i make psychedelic trips deeper?

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I'm thinking to take some LSD or MDMA this summer for the first time. My brother and his friends have had some few trips on MDMA and LSD, but there trips seems very shallow compered to Leo's trips and people on the forum. When my brother takes psychedelics he just hallucinate some cool stuff and colur changes, but nothing more. I don't want to just have some cool hallucinating. I want a ego death and I want the duality bettwen reality and hallucination to collapse. I want to realise god. I want the truth. My brother and his friends only use psychedelics to have fun and to get high. I don't think my brother has had any of these spiritual experience even after taken maybe 10 trips. 

Do anyone have any tips to get deeper psychedelic trip on LSD or MDMA?  I know radical open mindedness is essential. Although i do consider my self very open minded. Any other stuff i can do to take me way deeper then the people in my city that takes MDMA and LSD. 

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Some people have strong visuals on lsd, other people don’t. Not much you can do about that. 

However, you can set mindset and setting. Rather than trip with a bunch of yahoos at a concert with color lasers and fog machines, you could trip solo in a meditative setting at home or in nature. The week preceding the trip you can meditate/contemplate and set  an intention of having deep insights revealed. 

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Don't expect your first trip to be all rainbows and sunshine. You have to tread the waters and purify yourself first before you go focusing on truth and such deep topics. So just go in with good intentions, to begin with. 

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Your experience on the psychedelic totally reflects your personal mindset and intentions entering the trip. You don't have to worry about your trip being "shallow" like what you assume its like when others use it to just get high if you personally have a set, strong intention to be more conscious than that. 

Its wondering and questioning everything deeply while tripping vs only admiring the visual or auditory changes that produce a euphoria (maybe). Nothing wrong with admiring what the "other knobs' are doing like Leo put it in the psych video today, but mainly focusing on the primary consciousness knob. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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Do deep mystical practises and continually question the fabric of reality. Follow the voice in your head like a child following a whisper. This basis really sets me up for brilliant dives at least anyway. I was thinking today, why call them trips. It's more like a dive than a trip in my opinion. Like your diving into your subconscious mind. Especially considering how "diving" is considered something you do to become completely submerged in something. I like water to lol. Isint water so refreshing. There's something refreshing about it ?

Edited by Aaron p

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@Peo What do your daily practices look like, and what does your inspection of self & reality look like? For example, for me it was daily meditation, at least once a day, and learning sciences & religions. QM’s, as well as visiting different churches, and trying out new things, specifically, played a key role. It is (imo) far more about this, and far less about the substance or dosage.



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