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The Third Side of the coin: Why Solutions are Rarely Discussed

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I am curious about why solutions are often not discussed in favor of making our opponents look bad.  It seems that a country would be more dysfunctional if we all use our hatred of each other to avoid improving our way of life.

I have several observations related to this.  The pendulum swings from left to right in the United States.  People tend to think I'm opposites and it causes them to miss what I describe as the third side of the coin.  These are reasonable solutions that seem to come out of left field because we rarely discuss them.  Here are various examples.

Should we go to war?  Should we not go to war?  Or should we teach the Israelis and Palestinians about Spiral Dynamics?

Should we impeach Trump?  Should we not impeach Trump?  Or should we correct the system which allows for his corruption?

Should we vote Democrat?  Should we vote Republican?  Is it a false choice?  "We need better Democrats."

 Should we be pro life on abortion?  Pro choice?  Should we have free contraceptives?  (There are other more complex solutions as well like how to stop politicizing the issue)

Should we ban assault weapons?  Should we keep them?  Or should we increase the quantity of public schools combined with some online courses in order to reduce the classroom sizes therefore reducing the number of children killed in the event of a school shooting while making a school less of a target?

Examples like these are everywhere and there could be hundreds more.  Sometimes I am shocked that we could easily reduce the suffering of mankind, but we are completely close minded to it.

Using this information to self reflect I have some plausible reasons why this is.  When I visualize myself debating people I feel a sense of pride and superiority.  This is my least favorite thing debating because it leads to lying and shows how I could easily contribute to the suffering of mankind and I don't want this.  So long as we have debates over discussion, we are reinforcing this unhealthy form of pride and hurting mankind.

Do you notice this feeling of superiority in you?  Are there other reasons we don't discuss solutions?  How can we make these discussions more common?  What third side of the coin solutions might you be missing in other issues and how will you find them?

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Solutions to problems are being discussed and resolved every day.  Reading some of the discussions which took place decades, centuries, and even thousands of years ago, it is a wonder how we have progressed to where we are today.  If we think things are worse than ever, then we do not know the history of mankind.  Leo has said many times that the process needs to take place slowly, and it has.  There is much discussion about what others must do, but having patience with others and continuing to work on ourselves is best.  I find that going into discussions knowing the answer only gives me a headache, and sometimes a heartache.  Exploring differences and becoming Willing to see it differently brings ME peace.  Could it be that, we need only what I need, or I need what we need.......nothing.

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