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Getting Into The Zone/Flow States

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I want to learn to access flow states consistently when I play online video games, specifically league of legends. 

I have a consistent meditation practice, and my attention is good (I can maintain focus on the breathe for 10 consecutive breaths) but I don't reach a state of effortless concentration and flow.

I want to master league of legends, and learning to be in flow whenever I play is an important step in the mastery process.

Are there specific meditation techniques I should use before playing, or just use in general to help cultivate a flow state?

Does anyone have experience with these states in sports or video games where they understand how to access the state? I want a map/process that I can use to help cultivate it, but i'm not sure how to go about it.

Is it a good idea to listen to bin aural beats while I play to help cultivate focus?

Any other tips or insight would be appreciated. Also, please only give me advice if you're speaking from direct experience of flow states. If you've read about flow states but have not accessed them, or you have got there but don't have any conception of how you or why you are doing it then please refrain from commenting. Thank you.

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A flow state is oneness. It's not something you do. There isn't much difference between meditation and a flow state, but a flow state is when you are so one with what you are doing that intense energy rises and overtakes you. The key similarity is that there aren't many thoughts going on, so it's as if the doer steps aside. That's why mastery is learning to do something so well, that it's as if you're on autopilot. There's no one judging or asking "how am I doing?", there's just doing. 

You get there by finding your purpose in the moment without seeking it out. "Meditation", appreciation and intuition make what seems impossible and contradictory possible. 

As you grow in consciousness you will find that more and more things grab you/you get better at attracting those things into your experience. As you are transformed, so is the world. For example maybe the same book you slogged through in high school becomes absolutely fascinating. 

Love what you do, do what you love. Expand your horizons, get curious, learn, push boundaries. See the best of yourself reflected in everything, everywhere you go.

Eventually it consumes you/ you consume it. Oneness at rest, oneness in action, doesn't matter. Same One. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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When you're playing, shut down all unrelated mental activities, especially time-wise. Fully blend with the game. Become one with it.

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I had a strange game in an online fps game many years ago, every first shot i took was a headshot and it was like i knew what i was doing even though i had no idea how i did it. A sense of peace and contentment and i felt like i was just shooting bots

It happened  after i got home to my girlfriend from a drinking spree and got sober, i had this strange sensation of everything being allright and not having to get anywhere which i then tried to achieve again but it later on dawned on me that the state of not having to get anywhere isn't gotten by trying to get somewhere.

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