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what do you think about this guy ?

3 posts in this topic

I even met him in person, I'm not 100% sure but imho he is an avatar (enlightened in previous lives and reincarnated just to help humanity). 

Then there is the common misconception that enlightened people are God incarnated, and the Lyricus discourses (see say that ALL humans are still not at the highest level of spiritual evolution even if "permanently enlightened" and having blissful out of body experiences. So what I'm trying to say is: be a light on to yourself, understand the bigger picture or you might be easily mislead by ANY doctrine/teaching/guru. To get the bigger picture and find ALL sources of what I just said check my website here:

Edited by Arzack

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Looks like a nice guy who means well...but I perceive no actual deep spiritual insight. this isint necessarily a "bad"'s necessary as a step before actual realisation

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