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Schizophrenia and money/freedom thought experiment

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if to attract money we have to be in vibrational alignment with freedom and abundance and double binds(see meaning in wikipedia) can get us into vibrational alignment with stuckness, then from this we can conclude that discovering and being conscious of the network of double binds that all the universe is made of could mean more possibilities to attract more freedom and more money. because we then can see what limits us in all levels and what restricts our freedom so we can resolve all the conflicts in order to be more in vibrational alignment with freedom.

Usually a schizophrenic, although many are not aware, see the world in patterns of double binds and that makes them attract more and more possible double binds recursively and thus become more and more stuck and unable to manifest freely.
Further more, because of they are in loose association mode of the mind(meaning they connect completely unrelated ideas because their mind is less filtered than normal and doesn't ignore certain things) they attract much more ideas related to their issue because every little thing might resonate with them (perhaps it's because they are in a higher state of consciousness than normal).

Now consider the following thought experiment:
Connect the mind of many schizophrenics together to provide a detailed model of the patterns of double binds that our world is consist of(and how they are interconnected together) in order to provide clues as to what forces hold this universe together so u can harness it for some good benefit(again we will see clearly many conflicts and limits we don't usually see and may be able to use them to our advantage to perhaps manifest more freely. provided that we have a systematic method for solving double binds).
Additionally, because of their loose association mode of the mind, they can provide us new ways to attract customers because we can learn from them how to create a resonance that attract specific people. moreover, loose associations of a specific research subject(for example in science) can enable more discoveries.
The main problem is that most of them are not aware of themselves, so perhaps there's a need for someone with a really high level of awareness to analyze their thinking processes deeply.

Please let me know what you think about the idea, and if you have further suggestions.


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