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Rahul yadav

A Channeling Handbook/Manual

6 posts in this topic

I know What i am sharing could be a distraction so pls dont be distracted from our Core work - "Enlightenment".


Written for channels and those who would like to improve their channeling.

Topics include:

What is channeling?

Why channel?

Psychic greetings/attacks

Temptations and the ethics of channeling

Channeling and Christianity

From Late : Carla Lisbeth Rueckert ( who channeled "ET Ra" from "The Law of one"


Edited by Rahul yadav

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@Rahul yadav thank you!

stay aware that this is only one form of channeling - respectively she missed out on saying that we are already constantly channeling, question is always „what?“. but i liked the start so much i want a printed version, finally someone who channels channeling xD

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@Rahul yadav It doesn't have to be a distraction :D. There just isn't a "straightforward" way to enlightenment. Some will be swayed towards a more Occult path, others the a more stoic one. Everyone with their taste. So thanks for the share! 

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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Im quite skeptic about channeling. How can we trust that people who cannel other entities arent lying? We cant. 

If the ego is a mental illusion, why entities from other dimensions present themselves as "hey, Im the god Ra", while ego doesnt exist?

Edited by Moreira

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