
Anger thread

21 posts in this topic

Hi guys,

In this mega thread please list the emotions that fall into the category called Anger.


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“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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Hostility, furious, resentment 

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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Resentment, shame.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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  On 2/15/2020 at 2:08 AM, Preety_India said:




Nice, this is the underlying emotion behind anger. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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Associated with suffering is a righteous indignation targeted at reality, "How dare you do this to me!". A grim, angry self righteousness. 


Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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rage, fury, sadness, frustration, non tolerance, denial, destruction, fearlessness, damage, physical overreaction, confrontation, explosion, choleric character, self feeding, brute, brutal, forcefull, non apologetic, vulnerability, (no) defence mechanism, cruelty, revenge, sadism, spitefulness, intoxicated, justice, injustice, unforgiving, seeing red, power game, attacking, pre thought, emotion... 

not all at once and not always in the same constellation or in any constellation at all. (and first of all just an observation no ego involved.) upper stomach, solarplexus rising to head.

Edited by remember

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  On 2/18/2020 at 7:55 AM, Keyhole said:

It is actually fear, the root cause of any negative emotion is fear down to it's core, everything else is just layering.

mhhh what about pride? i don’t see where pride is fear - lets say it’s difficult to reduce all negative emotions to just one. a negative emotion can be very impulsive and i have also experienced people act on negative emotions on pure will. before we could say that though we would need to define what is a negative emotion? only what feel ourselves as negative or also emotions which affects others negatively? although agreeing on it partially but think the loops are multiple.

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  On 2/19/2020 at 3:27 AM, Keyhole said:

@remember Pride is higher up than anger on the emotional scale, anger is just below it.
If you reduce every negative emotion a person has to one point, it is the fear of death.
Negative emotion is stemmed from not getting something a person needs for survival, or from a situation that reminds them of an outcome they did not get that they felt was essential for survival.  From there, depending on biological and societal conditioning, that fear will manifest itself differently.

yes pride is higher up on the emotional scale than fear but if fear was the foundation for living i don’t think life would exist at all - don’t confuse theory with what is experiential. i get what you are talking about, but let’s not confuse these two stencils with what is experiencable. that’s one concept i guess: and in the beginning was fear. well yes - if something with anger comes at you, then maybe. but let’s just say fear is not where you are naturally rooted in. so if the first thing you feel before you feel anger or pride or hurt there must be a trauma in you. developmentally the ego starts to exist with an i even though the avatar already existed and with an i comes the will of protection - without fear existing as a concept of course no ego concept would be able to form. let’s say the scale is not in that sense a scale it’s more a template.

in that sense i would also go with hurt - because without hurt there was no fear in the first place, let’s say existence is the root of all emotion. but even will was before fear and that’s one of the foundations for pride.

Edited by remember

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