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Law Of Attraction Successful Manifestation Stories, Mega Thread

5 posts in this topic

Let's share our law of attraction success stories in this thread! It will be amazing, very inspiring.

It will be very helpful for everyone and especially newbies, to feel empowered to use law of attraction, powerfully and change their lives for the better.

What I see most often, people just don't take LoA as seriously, as they should because their culture brainwashes them. 

This thread will help people, in understanding of LoA, and they will feel empowered to apply it, powerfully.

Post your manifestation stories!!! It will be very helpful and empowering.

P.S. Leo and all mods, if you don't like this idea for the thread, it's okay to delete it. I hope this idea will help you in some way...

Edited by Rasheed

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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Expectations create reality. 

We often have lots of conflicting vibrations/ beliefs and expectations going on throughout our day to day. The more we allow the more that comes.

once we sort out our vibrations and clean it all up everything just flow into our life’s.  

Abraham Hicks is the best teacher ^_^ I’ve ever found to teach LOA. She is funny and engages with the crowd. 

My own manifestation stories;

1) I once tried to manifest money into my life and long story short I got offered money by about three people to help them with something that day.

It’s really about allowing your desires to come through.

I've got more but the best experience is your own. It creates trust in the universe and with your angels. At least for me. 

Good luck everyone. 

P.S: just some key terms you should get familiar with (rockets of desire, Alinement, vortex, vibration) you will learn as you go about it. Just enjoy the process; that is what matters. How you feel is key. So feel good. :D

Love you all:x

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Has anyone who applied the law of attraction manifested their wings and their big donger yet? jokes aside I did write down what I wanted to attract into my life a while ago as I was intrigued but skeptical and it hasn't arrived yet or perhaps I just misunderstand it.

what do you think of this short excerpt relating to the LOA


I have to try to contain my anger in writing this. My mother was following Abraham Hicks for about 5 years. She became completely brain washed and her personality, connection to family and sense of reality changed as a result. She bought and listened to everything they had along with her circle of new spiritual friends. She learned and believed that our minds have the ability to manifest our physical being and that anyone that has a disease or illness somehow manifested it upon themselves. She believed as a result of Abraham-Hicks teachings that people could heal themselves from Altzheimer's, cancer, etc. And yes, you could have anything you want if you follow the laws of attraction. They also teach that if your family or friends don't believe or understand to separate yourself, your past doesn't matter, etc.

My mother came to live with me 6 months ago because she had suddenly lost her vision and of course thought this was a spiritual thing... Well, we took her to real Physicians and found out she had metastatic cancer. Hmmmm, guess she manifested it in herself. Upon finding this out she was in denial and became frantic to listen to her audio Abraham-Hicks tapes, meditate, etc. I ended up listening to them by default and found their tactics to be very cult like and a lot of what they said was very manipulative. Every book says the same things in different ways over and over. Other things they said were no big secret but plain old common sense. They have just found a way to package and sell to susceptible people and keep them coming back for more because they become dependent.'' 

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46 minutes ago, wk197 said:

aside I did write down what I wanted to attract into my life a while ago as I was intrigued but skeptical and it hasn't arrived yet or perhaps I just misunderstand it.

So, like the story below that you posted you create your own realty. It’s more of like getting in alinement to your desires through feeling good. Each person can take what they want away from it, but the way I see it is Abraham/ Esther Hicks is trying to make people more fulfilled and happier throughout their day to day life’s. 

The reason I do believe in Law of attraction is because I noticed how I do manifest my desires. 

There is a lot of great teachings from her from my point of view.

I loved how you shared that story as I never thought people thought that way. It really opened my eyes to other people’s perspective on this. 

Honestly, I would just say try it out. Try and really learn about it. If it works and makes your life “better” then why not use it? If you see nothing to gain then oh well. You lost nothing. So, who really cares what others think? Just do you. 

Make your life the best possible life you can live. 

Love you all.


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18 minutes ago, SilentTears said:


Honestly, I would just say try it out. Try and really learn about it. If it works and makes your life “better” then why not use it? If you see nothing to gain then oh well. You lost nothing. So, who really cares what others think? Just do you. 


I don't lose nothing, I lose time and faith in potential good things. 

''Everyone can fly - you can fly too! All you have to do is flap your wings (focus on the now) '' 


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