Apparition of Jack

Proof of Evolution thread

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If, once you've started to self-actualise and grow in awareness/consciousness/development, you start to look around the world and see that other people and society at large aren't progressing as fast as you, it's easy to begin to feel frustrated and to want to just tell society to "wake up!" and get with the times. While such reactions are to be expected, they also belie the very real process of evolution that is unfolding, day by day, in countless millions of big and little ways.

Hence I'm opening this thread for people to document the evidence that society is really evolving, in real time, giving concrete examples that everyone can understand.

I'll start with an example of emerging Green/Yellow values:

The WHO has recently announced the new name for the coronavirus (it's called Covid-19, short for Corona Virus Disease 2019) and has taken careful steps to ensure that the new name doesn't cause one region/culture/animal/ethnic group to be unfairly demonised by people, the same way previous viruses have. Such a move from the WHO would not have likely happened even just 10 years ago. Also, while people will still unfairly be targeted during this current outbreak, the positive news is that because so many people have taken a Green/Yellow approach to this, the effects of this discrimination will be much smaller than they otherwise would've be. This is evolution in action.

This is just one example among many. What will other people share with us? :D

Edited by Apparition of Jack

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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Well i can name an example of my society's recent step towards progress.

I live in Bangladesh. In my country, prostitution is allowed according to law but the society hates it. As the majority of the Bangladeshi people are religious and at stage Blue, they see prostitution as evil and hates prostitutes. There is a place called dauladia in Bangladesh where the countries biggest red light zone lies. Our society hates prostitution so much that the locals of that area wouldn't allow janaza (a religious prayer for those who died) for prostitutes who died and graves for them. As a result, prostitutes bodies were thrown at the river or secretly put them into graves after they died. It was hard for prostitutes as they felt their rights of social dignity were ignored.

Recently a police officer took a historic initiative. After the death of a prostitute, he asked the Imam of a local mosque to hold her janaza peayer. At first, the Imam refused to do so but after some convincing, he agreed. So the prostitute got her last social farewell and 200-300 people attended the prayer. She was also cremated properly.

It was an historic event and a little but significant step toward progress and acceptance that happened in Bangladesh. 

The event was so historic that it got international media attention -

Edited by Annoynymous

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@Apparition of Jack i guess health systems in general are kind of an interesting example of evolution - if you think from a time when bacteria and viruses were not identified yet as external germs. from the development of first antibiotics and vaccinations to new approaches of treating cancer and the use of roentgen and radiation to see inside of a living body. (even though still didn’t find the soul yet). most of our happiness is bound to the development of medical technology - we don’t realize that until the moment when we get sick, how much of knowledge had to be created first before we came to this survival rate. what if they would not work on finding solutions to treat the covid-19 right now. in my country there are governmental university hospitals which work together with the military and military hospitals to find out more about microbes and microbiomes and the secret life of these symbionts and parasites within us. if they would not work together in that way they would not have been able to identify that virus at all and also not able to develop testing methods and so on.

also on one hand all that self treatment and so on is important, especially where western medicine is at its ends - but on the other hand what would happen if people with a pandemic virus or bacteria would not go to the doctor first but try to treat it alone at home first because either they would not trust into medicine at all anymore or they would not have the money to? also a fast reaction to an outbreak is very important. 

in the subway here i see sometimes advertisements were they search for people with special conditions as research participants to find out about some alternative methods, that’s really interesting or they ask one if they can use your data for research when you go to a specialized doctor. i guess if there was not an equal treatment and a coworking between governmental hospitals and military i guess the technology of a medical system could not run at this developmental height. bacteria and viruses don’t make much difference between this child or that child in kindergarten or school or between boss and cleaning lady at work. in fact they might like the boss more, for different reasons. but if not, the doctor should not like the boss much more than the cleaning lady - because well the virus doesn’t care.

i guess the WHO and a Health system that cares is already quite an evolution and if it is able to work together with different countries and achieve what they were founded for it’s even better. of course in medicine we always hope for better and better technology, nurses and doctors and staff in a hospital are always at the forefront, for and against what they did or didn’t find yet.

Edited by remember

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