so here we are

The Idea Of A Me

3 posts in this topic

What could be considered external to you. You could say that this room is outside of you, but actually this room is being projected inside of you. So what could be considered external, is actually internal. But if you look, your body is also projected inside of you. But If you looked inside of the human, there is no image anywhere inside of the body/ brain. So where is it? 

You could say that you can see this room and it’s contents. But actually there is no one seeing the room. There is just the appearance of the room and the human is part of the one appearance. So there is not you seeing the room. There is just seeing the room. nothing is experiencing it.

Everything is just one appearance and when something moves it gives the visual effect of continuation giving the illusion of Iinear time. When actually perception is changing in the same moment.


you say I can see the TV, but there is no I seeing the TV, there is just seeing the TV. there is simply appearance, the action of something having experience is never present there is just the experience.

The appearance can move, but it changes inside of the same awareness that never changes nor is subject to change from the appearance. This awareness has been there since before the universe, it is what created it. This same awareness is sitting there as you right now looking through your eyes.

Yet what is looking through your eyes cannot be seen.

Because there is seeing you assume there is a see’er. This is simply an implication.

Anything to do with ‘I’ referring to the human has never had a location in space time therefore never existed according to perception. Meaning anything to do with a self related to the human is a made up hallucination per se and a cause of insanity.

There is not an internal and an external. There is not an external and an internal. There is just external or just internal. Both meaning the same thing. 

What is making the experience seem relevant

If whatever the appearance currently is, is all that is, then it has the significance of everything. – relative to Telekinesis, relationship with matter.


Use the word 'here' as an abstract term


Some good resources -




non duality1.jpg

non duality.jpg

deepak chopra.jpg

rupert spira.jpg


neo he is the one.jpg

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@so here we are Thank you!

Yes, perception in its very nature is perceiving :) It does itself and doesn't require a doer 

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Bumping. Read that Robert Spira quote a few times.

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