
Lost All Motivation

27 posts in this topic

Find Life Purpose - Done : Fulfilled, Practical Spirituality. 

Edited by JevinR

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6 minutes ago, JevinR said:

Find Life Purpose - Done : Fulfilled, Practical Spirituality. 

I have, but nothing will compare to Self Realization.  

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7 minutes ago, Infinite said:

I have, but nothing will compare to Self Realization.  

Yes, then the monk path may be the way - Otherwise I have no further intuition

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4 minutes ago, JevinR said:

Yes, then the monk path may be the way - Otherwise I have no further intuition

This is a genuine possibility, but I will develop other areas of my life before that decision is further considered. 

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8 hours ago, Heart of Space said:

Ok, I follow most of everything in this post.  What I have issue with is some of the stuff you said earlier.  Do you disagree with this statement: "Happiness is a state of the biological brain and can only be temporary."  And if you do disagree, why? 

Perhaps, this is just a choice of words. I do tend to think of "happiness" as being temporary and just another phenomenon among many others. When I use the term "happiness" I generally assume that it has an opposite emotion called "sadness". in other words, the two emotions both are probably temporary and come and go (within space and time) based on external circumstances.

I prefer to think in terms of "lucidity" and "clarity" or "lucid awareness" which I think we may have a better chance of sustaining with enough practice. I think the key point that Infinite is trying to make (guessing here) is whether that state is "self-generated" or based on external triggers. As to where the lucidity actually emerges from, I don't know.

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Thank you very much for the motivation meditation. It was very powerful and touched a spot deep inside of me. I had a wave of emotion flood me with infinite amounts of knowledge when you made the switch to bring every thing back into the center. Clearly I needed some centering sri yantra manifestation

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On 08/02/2016 at 5:49 PM, Infinite said:

I'm not really sure how to properly convey this, but I have basically lost all motivation for everything except the pursuit of Enlightenment. I literally do not want anything other than to know the Truth of my being. I realized that I don't chase things in the "external" world because I want the things themselves, but because I want the feelings that I believe will arise out of the attainment of those things. This is pointless to me because if true happiness is what I seek, how could it ever be found externally? All external happiness is temporary, thus true eternal happiness would only arise when one is established within their true Self. Chasing anything other than Enlightenment feels like a pointless ego game to me, and I can't get myself to care anymore. Can anyone else relate to this, or does anyone have any advice for me? 

Great. Now let go of trying to become enlightened. 

Follow this guidance

edit: lol I didnt realise this thread is from 2016 sorry xD But for anyone who needs 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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