Victor Mgazi

Is suicide ego driven?

23 posts in this topic

Is committing suicide something that is fundamentally driven by ego or by something else?

This question comes to mind when you think about the core purpose of the ego which is thought to be self preservation or the arousal of a sense of self for the sake of self preservation. Either way, if that's the case then how or what drives people to commit suicide considering the nature of the ego. Is it ego? Or is it something that's trying to escape the reality of the ego?

Can someone clear this up for me? I've been pondering on this for quite some time now.

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@Victor Mgazi I've been suicidal for over 4 years. And yes it's entirely ego driven. 

5 hours ago, Victor Mgazi said:

This question comes to mind when you think about the core purpose of the ego which is thought to be self preservation or the arousal of a sense of self for the sake of self preservation


Everybody, deep down, knows that death is not the end. Most just get too distracted by mental noise to listen to that truth. So by committing suicide, people act out on this deep instinct that death indeed will solve the problem (ego) and let consciousness be free again.

6 hours ago, Victor Mgazi said:

Is it ego? Or is it something that's trying to escape the reality of the ego?

Also, don't forget that ultimately there's no such thing as you or ego. It's just God. 

Anyway, realize that by committing suicide you'll be causing more pain into yourself, because you'll be the others suffering your loss.

"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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11 years ago I tried to commit suicide. Was in a coma for 4 days and woke up ill/injured. I meant business! Lived to tell anyway. Is it ego? Hellll yeah.  

The plus, haven't been suicidal since, go figure.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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I have yet to find something which isn't

Sailing on the ceiling 


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Someone made a movie once where there was no such thing as suicide, but it tested so poorly with audiences that it was never released. 



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There's no such thing as ego, it's just biology.

When we learn more about a phenomenon we are supposed to replace speculations with closer approximations. 

Witches became chemists, UFO's became government projects, Hollywood films became weaponised entertainment, servants became slaves, outlaws became revolutionaries, government became mafia. 

All are closer appproximations.

Language needs to upgrade overtime as we evolve our knowledge.

Edited by Raw Nature

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Suicide is ultimately an imbalance in the biologies perception between survivability versus the value of doing so, whether or not that perception is accurate/inaccurate. We see other species commit suicide not just humans so you're not like, "oh it was ego driven for the duck".

Edited by Raw Nature

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Even someone committing suicide out of love, that's all biology as well.

Imagine being madly in love with someone and they died a horrible death. It's an incredibly traumatising situation for the brain to experience because of all the say oxytocin (for lack of a better term) and subsequent attachment that was built up for the person. It's like having all your limbs cut off at the same time, sometimes even worse.

This is why psychological denial is often a very advantageous survival adaptation, at least in these circumstances.

This is a chemical warfare versus balance relative to environmental circumstances. 

Edited by Raw Nature

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Thanks for the responses everyone.

@MrDmitriiV So, in other words, only when ego identifies itself with consciousness can people go through with it? That's what I'm hearing regarding the whole instinct and consciousness being "free" point. 

@Anna1 Thank you so much for sharing. May I ask what was your greatest fear at the time - that ultimately drove you to attempt to commit suicide, if you can say?

@Rigel I mean it's a possibility right?

@Nahm Probably because the audience was at a different stage compared with the writer. I'd like to see the movie though, it sounds interesting.

@Raw Nature Thanks for the detailed explanation along with the excellent scenario, although your level of English is way higher than mine, buddy ?  Anyway, would you say this "imbalance" has anything to do with fear?



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Yes it is ego. I used to be suicidal some few years ago. Why? Because I wanted my life to go one way and my life went another way. What part of me wants to control my life? Obviously my ego. What part of me thought I had lost everything and nothing mattered anymore if it did not get the one thing it wanted? My ego. Ego is basically what you think yourself to be. When you lose that, you feel lost. And suicidal. In truth, it is just a construct of mind. 

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2 hours ago, Victor Mgazi said:

So, in other words, only when ego identifies itself with consciousness can people go through with it? That's what I'm hearing regarding the whole instinct and consciousness being "free" point. 

Kinda, by trusting your deep instinct/intuition.

2 hours ago, Victor Mgazi said:

May I ask what was your greatest fear at the time - that ultimately drove you to attempt to commit suicide, if you can say?

My greatest fear with suicide, for example,  is not being able to do it when I decide it's time to go or ending up as a vegetable instead of dying. 


"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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@Victor Mgazi

It's a very fascinating scenario but just in a nut shell, its sentience corrupted that's all. Sentience is the thing that allows us to have free will.

Most depression and suicide related symptoms (including fear) would be healed through a training of the prefrontal cortex and general self governance training.

Most humans have been corrupted by mainstream "unregulated" (and therefore chaotic) culture, and because their social governance does not facilitate their internal governance the likelihood that people will fall victim to negative states of being is much higher.

Try at least 25% of the US population, and that's because of the socioeconomic structure that governs consumer options and because most of those act as social malware, its a successful statistic because it fuels people to be more dependent and therefore reliable unthinking consumers.

The biggest war being waged on humans right now is on sentience, thus the cure is sentience.

Edited by Raw Nature

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On the subject of words I really love the term sentience by the way, so much more clarifying than self awareness.

In the literal sense all self awareness (from a humans perspective) actually means from a more accurate point of view is the degree to which reality is aware of its contents from the human subjective reference frame in any one moment - meaning modern references to the idea are incomplete and ultimately inappropriately split from reality. Sentience however has both really great practical and theoretical ground.

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And wow, as a reflection of the highest form of self awareness imagine how much it would change your life if you aware of everything in existence at all times...

(something I'll experiment with - see how much I can actually be aware of simultaneously even though the modelling is only predictive haha)

  • This is why self education is so important, so you can build an accurate model of reality, simulate things in real time and then be able to make intelligent assessments about what you can best contribute to the world. Thus in this sense, not only is there a war against sentience, there is a war against self awareness (again ='s realities level of awareness of its contents - from our human perspective when it applies to our relationship there) given our level of self awareness determines how well our models align with reality and in doing so, the degree to which our decisions are for the best maturation of existence according to our greatest wills.
Edited by Raw Nature

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23 hours ago, Victor Mgazi said:

Is committing suicide something that is fundamentally driven by ego or by something else?

This question comes to mind when you think about the core purpose of the ego which is thought to be self preservation or the arousal of a sense of self for the sake of self preservation. Either way, if that's the case then how or what drives people to commit suicide considering the nature of the ego. Is it ego? Or is it something that's trying to escape the reality of the ego?

Can someone clear this up for me? I've been pondering on this for quite some time now.

I have multiple suicide attempts in my life starting at the age of 18.  I am completely free of all of that now, so was it the ego?  Heck yes.  I was walking around feeling SO SORRY for myself that I was in constant pain all day long.  THEN, to add insult to injury I was super mad with the world because they wouldn't feel sorry for me too.  So I just wanted to get out of the pain at that time.

Looking back I was just ridiculously entitled and selfish.  That's an amazing thing to say because I endured a large amount of trauma both through abuse and also some natural disasters.  But I had no self-awareness and I was constantly blaming the world for my problems.

It was entirely of my own making.  I know it's harsh and it sounds like I don't have compassion for others in the same situation, but I do.  I just know that for myself, one day I made this decision that I wasn't going to feel sorry for myself anymore, and I grew up and took responsibility for my own life.

Depression for me  is "God not doing MY will"...

I was diagnosed BiPolar, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, blah blah and I find that when I was completely identified with that, I just blamed those diagnosis for my problems and yet again shifted responsibility.

I did that for 38 years, walking around trapped in a "victim identity", and that's what depression really is to me today.


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@Raw Nature STOP spamming with so many posts, 6 replies which you could've written into 2.

"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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@rNOW  @MrDmitriiV  @Raw Nature

@Robert Leavitt , I really appreciate this feedback as it's helping me understand the nature for suicidal acts/behavior. 

I think it's such an interesting topic just from how it hits home with most of us. 

Okay. I feel like I still have a lot of work to do before I understand this, mainly because of the questions that are outstaying their welcome in my mind.

People, according to what I've gathered so far, would attempt suicide because they have "given up with life" or because "their fear of tomorrow/unknown is greater than their fear of death" or because "they're trying to escape human suffering having already known that death is not the end", basically. So far, shifting the perspective of identity seems to be how many suicide related mind states have been resolved. Unless I'm missing something else.

So, although the answer to my initial questions clearly appears to be yes.. it's all ego, I'm going to have to try to find out where things went wrong. We all live with our own individual ego but not all of us are being tempted to commit suicide, right?

I've also had a great deal of suffering being brought to my life but it never drove me to a suicidal point. Hence, I'm really curious. Does ego want to die because it hates its identity and life, or because it loves itself too much?

Anyway, thanks again guys ✌️



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15 hours ago, Victor Mgazi said:

@Anna1 Thank you so much for sharing. May I ask what was your greatest fear at the time - that ultimately drove you to attempt to commit suicide, if you can say?

I was depressed and my thinking wasn't rational, so "reasons" dont make much sense and never have to anyone, because they seem trivial.

It was more of feeling of "I don't want to do this anymore. I'm done. I want out" and one day I snapped. 

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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@Anna1 Did you feel anything unusual before committing the act?

Because I did feel some unusual strong connection to some "light" when I almost killed myself. 

"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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8 hours ago, MrDmitriiV said:

@Anna1 Did you feel anything unusual before committing the act?

Because I did feel some unusual strong connection to some "light" when I almost killed myself. 

No, just ego wanted itself to die, so it didn't suffer anymore . 

...6 months later I found Eckhart Tolle.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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