
If I am truly consciousness and infinity...

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...then why am I experiencing infinity (myself) from this position and not all other (or any other) positions?

The answer usually dismisses any kind of intellectual activity as just thoughts, nonsense, and monkey-mind chatter, while paradoxically, using thoughts, another intellectual activity, and different thought-stories to explain the answer from the spiritual perspective. The answer usually points to being, which frankly does not answer the question.

Wouldn't it be more honest to admit that we don't actually know? Wouldn't it be more truthful to admit that all we have is stories?

If I am truly consciousness and infinite, then why am I finite? Can there be a true story? Are all stories irrelevant? Or, is the true story that all stories are irrelevant?

Why am I?

Edited by Lento

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Love of stories. God/You are a drama Queen and you love to create, infinite creates the finite. The whole creates fragments. 

My son just asked "Why is "stuff" a bad word to use in writing?" And I explained that it was nonspecific, and it's not satisfying when someone is too lazy to be descriptive in a story. Specifics and details makes life rich and colorful, they create endless possibilities. 

You are a character like a character in the alphabet. You don't make any sense by yourself, "unless you think you're I xD), nor can you be specific, but together with the rest of the characters you can be part of a profound poem. Or something obscene written on a bathroom wall. Whatever you want. xD


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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   I haven't quite experienced that kind of infinity, but a couple of nights ago I overslept and had many dreams, some became lucid, some I was jumping from one perspective to another. So it might be possible.

   Being = being, thoughts = thoughts, but thoughts =|= being. You can't quite think into being, more like be into being. Makes sense? Also, wether you admit truthfully or not that it's possible to know, what will you do afterwards? Research, study and take action, or do nothing and be mediocre?

   Your finite to be able to appreciate infinity, and survive against it. Like could you appreciate a painting without the canvas, frame, paint brush and paint?  Personally I could visualize the entire painting without painting it here, but in that sense I still need the background, size, color, texture, temperature, weight, smell, taste and other objects to make sense of this painting. In infinity, everything is a painting. If I go " Jeez, which one do I want? I'd like a Lovely landscape painting.", That immediately needs finitude for me to make sense of one painting over other paintings. And it needs a boundary against all other things to define it as a painting. Make sense?

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Of course! How could I not be able to see it before? What a Devil?! ?

This is precisely the maximum amount of love that could be!

Now, everything seems to be perfectly aligned with itself! Love is what holds me up. Truth!

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7 minutes ago, Lento said:


What a Devil?! ?

Devil? Well! Aren't We dramatic? xD

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Lento Notice the more and more subtle. Notice you’re creating reality in the choosing of thoughts, literally. Careful not to write thoughts off, with a thought.  “If I am truly consciousness & infinity”...it’s like window shopping with the “safety” of the glass (if). But “Because I am truly consciousness & infinity” “puts you in”, it’s like going into the store, having a real look around, seeing what it feels like, etc. The slight change in consideration can lead to obviousness, like, how else could I appear to be finite? :)




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43 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

I haven't quite experienced that kind of infinity, but a couple of nights ago I overslept and had many dreams, some became lucid, some I was jumping from one perspective to another. So it might be possible.

Interesting! The answer for me was right here right now all along, though. I am the centre of the universe. I am the reason why everything exists. This may sound egotistical, but it's the truth for me. I don't know what the truth is for you, perhaps it's the same thing, perhaps something else.

48 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

Being = being, thoughts = thoughts, but thoughts =|= being. You can't quite think into being, more like be into being. Makes sense? Also, wether you admit truthfully or not that it's possible to know, what will you do afterwards? Research, study and take action, or do nothing and be mediocre?

- The distinction between thoughts and being is itself a made-up thought. It can be viewed as valid from a certain perspective, and it can be viewed as an invalid thought. Thoughts and being are interconnected; they're one; they create each other.

- I wasn't planning on doing anything afterwards, but I was having some doubts, and now they're gone.

52 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

Your finite to be able to appreciate infinity, and survive against it. Like could you appreciate a painting without the canvas, frame, paint brush and paint?  Personally I could visualize the entire painting without painting it here, but in that sense I still need the background, size, color, texture, temperature, weight, smell, taste and other objects to make sense of this painting. In infinity, everything is a painting. If I go " Jeez, which one do I want? I'd like a Lovely landscape painting.", That immediately needs finitude for me to make sense of one painting over other paintings. And it needs a boundary against all other things to define it as a painting. Make sense?

I guess it kind of makes sense. Still, I thought about this before and wasn't convinced. Perhaps it's just not the answer for me right now. If it's working for you, then that's great. Love was the answer for me.

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42 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Devil? Well! Aren't We dramatic? xD

I would say all is for the well-being of each other. Each one is a light shining onto each other's shadows. Because God does not demonise the Devil for its devilry, but rather God wants the Devil to become God. So, God recognises the devil as ignorant, not evil. All the act is a necessary drama. Because otherwise, the devil will always remain a devil.

Love works hand in hand with Goodness.

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38 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Lento “If I am truly consciousness & infinity”...it’s like window shopping with the “safety” of the glass (if). But “Because I am truly consciousness & infinity” “puts you in”, it’s like going into the store, having a real look around, seeing what it feels like, etc. The slight change in consideration can lead to obviousness, like, how else could I appear to be finite? :)

I was trying to be aware of the paradigm I'm using here. To say that I'm consciousness is not factually true because consciousness is nothing. The word 'consciousness' makes this nothing seem like something else which it isn't.

I was trying not to confuse the pointer for the moon.

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2 minutes ago, Lento said:

 Because God does not demonise the Devil for its devilry, but rather God wants the Devil to become God. So, God recognises the devil as ignorant, not evil.


Is God a doer, with wants, and ability (or need to be) a recogniser?

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6 minutes ago, Corpus said:

Is God a doer, with wants, and ability (or need to be) a recogniser?

It can be all that, and It can be none. God isn't a fixated being; It works according to the perspective It's occupying. Also, the perspective itself gives birth to God in another form. The relative in the Absolute, and the Absolute in the relative. It's a strange-loop; no beginning and no end.

Edited by Lento

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1 hour ago, Lento said:

...then why am I experiencing infinity (myself) from this position and not all other (or any other) positions?

This reminds me of quantum mechanics. There is a “superposition” of all / no positions. Upon observation, there is a position. If we make an observation of position, there is a position. 

With “why” questions, there is often an underlying assumption. If I ask “why am I experiencing this position, rather than another position?”, it assumes I am experiencing one of many possible positions. Nothing wrong with this as long as the assumption is realized. There are more fundamental questions prior to the assumption, such as “what is an experience?”, “what is a position?”. These insights may recontextualize the original question “wait a minute. . . am I really having an experience of a position?”

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17 minutes ago, Lento said:

I was trying to be aware of the paradigm I'm using here. To say that I'm consciousness is not factually true because consciousness is nothing. The word 'consciousness' makes this nothing seem like something else which it isn't.

I was trying not to confuse the pointer for the moon.

Right on. Go into that store. 

What’s a ... “fact”?

What’s a double negative?





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This forum is a finite piece of God, and so are the hands typing this message. paradoxically, even the hand and forum is infinite.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

@Serotoninluv Funny how the superposition is orgasmic. Where science & spirituality come together. 

A beautiful union. 

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4 hours ago, Lento said:

Wouldn't it be more honest to admit that we don't actually know? Wouldn't it be more truthful to admit that all we have is stories?

It is known to those who have awoken.

It's too radical to put into words.

Awaken and find out.

You are finite precisely because you are infinite.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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 @nahtanoj(mistake sorry)


Did @Nahm just used word orgasmic. Could agreed upon ❤️.

Don't need reminders for that. Just OMFG that's all what I have to say about ❤️ orgasms. 

@LentoYes YOURSELF is quite Infinite. 

(how you mindfuck yourself with this, blows me away just... It's perfect it's total that's why) 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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4 hours ago, Lento said:

Interesting! The answer for me was right here right now all along, though. I am the centre of the universe. I am the reason why everything exists. This may sound egotistical, but it's the truth for me. I don't know what the truth is for you, perhaps it's the same thing, perhaps something else.

- The distinction between thoughts and being is itself a made-up thought. It can be viewed as valid from a certain perspective, and it can be viewed as an invalid thought. Thoughts and being are interconnected; they're one; they create each other.

- I wasn't planning on doing anything afterwards, but I was having some doubts, and now they're gone.

I guess it kind of makes sense. Still, I thought about this before and wasn't convinced. Perhaps it's just not the answer for me right now. If it's working for you, then that's great. Love was the answer for me.

   That's fine! I'm walking and experiencing different relative truths and so are you. One dream I've recorded in the past was just me flying over different locations, like I'm not changing, but the world is changing places and creatures I see do their own things.

   Yes, the distinction I've made between thought and being is a thoughtfulness distinction, at the moment. I've meditated and had some glimpses that're very difficult to put into words. It's difficult for me to explain a subjective experience about thought and Being other than use mataphors and symbols to convey as best as I can to you. Otherwise, I'm speechless, like can't speak about it, it's too much to put into words.

   Again, the painting example was just example and metaphor. It's fine if it doesn't resonate! Metaphors are relative to your preference. If I've known you resonate with love, I'd use a love metaphor to point to infinity/finitude, like this: you can appreciate love because of the following: your heart beats (contraction/expansion), regular/irregular heartbeats, bio electric field of the heart, the different parts of the heart, all this is the whole heart. Yet, the heart is a part of the body, which as a whole has various organs and systems designed to keep itself alive. Yet, the body is a part of mind, that as a whole consists of life experiences, ideas from people, environment and culture, and the seat of discerning intelligence and magical abilities, all this is 'internal world'. Yet, your 'internal world', or 'microcosmic world' is juxtaposed to another's 'microcosmic world', and the macrocosmic world 'external world', as a whole, contains many people's dreams, including yours. Yet, without seperation, you really can't appreciate love, including infinity itself, hence finitude. Better explanation? 

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6 hours ago, Lento said:

...then why am I experiencing infinity (myself) from this position and not all other (or any other) positions?

The answer usually dismisses any kind of intellectual activity as just thoughts, nonsense, and monkey-mind chatter, while paradoxically, using thoughts, another intellectual activity, and different thought-stories to explain the answer from the spiritual perspective. The answer usually points to being, which frankly does not answer the question.

Wouldn't it be more honest to admit that we don't actually know? Wouldn't it be more truthful to admit that all we have is stories?

If I am truly consciousness and infinite, then why am I finite? Can there be a true story? Are all stories irrelevant? Or, is the true story that all stories are irrelevant?

Why am I?

Shift your consciousness - being you is Infinity doing Infinity!  This is Infinity right here!  Someone HAS to be you..and its you!

You can know - its waking up.  In which you do collapse one possibility (your finitude) into the superposition (infinity)


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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