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creativity and thinking

2 posts in this topic

1. what are some way of thinking worth learning that will open me many possibilities?

I am looking for a method of thinking or organization that will bring about a dramatic growth in my ability to bring results/manifest, a way to work really smart and effective.

I understand that the common linear thinking of most people does not allow you to capture how things really work and doesn't open a lot of possibilities, I might be wrong, I am looking for a way of thinking that will allow me to do quantum leaps in understanding the world and to find a way of organizing ideas so I can compound interest the number of combined ideas, any idea?

we usually think in a one at a time order of thought(linear thinking) which is not really suitable for understanding the world, as our own organism and life processes don't proceed in this fashion, and we couldn't live if our organism would work in a linear one-at-a-time fashion, but we do admit that we know how to make our body's processes happen, it is clear that this kind of intelligence is much more powerful than linear thinking, can you harness that innate intelligence to produce solutions to problems and to understand the world better?

2. when you solve a difficult problem that requires a lot of thinking where do you feel 80% of your success come from?

3. what makes you understand more? is more awareness the key?

4. did it happen to you that you stumble upon ideas related to your problem in completely
unrelated area? if so can you tell how researching a completely unrelated topic lead you to ideas and solutions in other fields, how did you link the ideas and what hints led you to research specific areas ?

Edited by fork

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Good books are: 

1. Mastery by Robert Greene 

2. Sparks of Genius: The 13 thinking Tools of The World's Most Creative People by Robert and Michele S Root Berstein

a very implicit vs explicit comment

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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