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Resistance To Change

2 posts in this topic

How do you folks get through it?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Once you've suffered enough, you'll want to change. Some people are consciously more oriented towards growth and evolution. That doesn't mean their path is easier. Most of the cases they are the ones that have to go through that suffering. So knowing how one handles this is no use of you,cause you are unique. If you really wanted change from the bottom of your heart, you wouldn't be asking. When one experiences resistence it's because deep down you're more comfortable with where you're at now. No matter how much you believe or think you "must change", it ain't gonna happen if you're not ready for it. Meet yourself where you're at. Ask yourself, are you really ready to leave behind your current life. 

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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