
Feminism's mission

23 posts in this topic

On 11/02/2020 at 4:50 PM, Serotoninluv said:

Is a role for women to make themselves more sexually appealing to men? Should we expect women to be sexual eye candy for men? . . . From the perspective of many men. . yes!!! Women should present themselves in a way that I, as a male, find sexually appealing to satisfy imagination.

Imagine living a life in which every morning you have to go to a studio for an hour to put on lots of makeup. You have to wear shoes that are very uncomfortable - these shoes even cause damage to your feet, calves and knees. And then one day you realize you've been doing all this because the chipmunks in town like it. . . Wouldn't you pause and think "Wait a minute. . . why am I spending all this time, effort and money on this? Why am I damaging my body to do this? To give chipmunks I don't even care about a quick pulse of feeling good?". I think it would be reasonable to say "Screw this. I'm not going to spend all this time, effort, money and stress to my body to please chipmunks I don't care about. They can look at some chipmunk porn to get their jollies".

Now imagine years later, your son starts going to the makeup studio everyday. He starts wearing uncomfortable shoes that are damaging his body. He is trying to please the chipmunks in town like a good boy should. To me, it seems reasonable to tell him "You don't need to do this". You don't need to spend all this time, effort, money and stress your body to please the chipmunks. 

Yet a chipmunk-centric view would be very different. . . . 

this is all fine and dandy until some feminists demand men change their body preferences for women like being into petite or slim thick women. 

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7 hours ago, wk197 said:

this is all fine and dandy until some feminists demand men change their body preferences for women like being into petite or slim thick women. 

No one is trying to force you to be attracted to someone you aren't. No one really cares if you're interested in slim women or big women. 

And that you think the discussion about body positivity is about that, shows that you haven't done your research. You're just listening to anti-feminist talking points that are straw-manning and misrepresenting the stances.

Body positivity is about women (and men) loving and accepting their own bodies, regardless of who does or doesn't find them attractive.


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9 hours ago, wk197 said:

this is all fine and dandy until some feminists demand men change their body preferences for women like being into petite or slim thick women. 

This is a mere minority of feminists. I made up a term for this kind of feminist, "Twitter-Feminist"

They are mainly found on a certain social media platform and its hard to take them seriously if you read their posts long enough. They often seem to be sad and missing something in life. The bastardized form of feminism they follow could be their way to cope with their problems. My tip would be to just ignore them and let them complain in Twitter, after all you rarely meet them in real life so what power do they have?

All they can demand from other human beings is realized in a twitter rant that is liked and followed by other Twitter feminists who jerk each others in a huge circle. No worries, dude.

Please notice that I am not commenting on body positivity movement. It is its own can of worms and I dont have tangible opinions on that matter.

Edited by Hansu

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