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Raw Nature

Resource Based Economy Discussion

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I realise others here won't have the attention span for the following in light of some of what I say, of which I have sympathy for, but try to.

After initially being a proponent for some time I went against it, now I'm in favour of it again years later after taking into consideration a greater synthesis of my environment both from a wide and long term perspective.

Encouraging discussion here for those intrigued, I myself need to more research given this is just a recent change in stance.

What has changed my mind are some of the following influences - there are other things of course but these are important:

(1) NeuraLink - If we have a lot of people from stage red to stage orange getting the neuralace, we are in a world of trouble

(2) The Vulnerable World Hypothesis - Nick Bostrom

(3) The coronavirus epidemic

(4) The cultural epidemic I see with a "negative economy" being created around smart people making money of less intelligent people in destructive ways. Take Facebook, Camgirls, Porn, Twitter, Instagram, many, many social media and general social activities like these among others that I'm yet to properly think about and articulate, such as casino's, fast food companies and Hollywood (which no longer produces art just in large part, things that more or less act as a kind of brainwashing given they offer no psychological enhancement). Not just rich, sometimes super rich and its culturally accepted where they become admired and "cultural leaders" even though all they did was create a technology that tapped into the reptilian and limbic system at the cost of peoples prefrontal cortex, effectively dumbing down society and the future of the "creative economy".

I'd define a creative economy as simply an economy that is based around the production of goods and services that actually enhance rather than detract from peoples lives, from mental to physical enhancement, to social, technological and environmental enhancement.

Its all one giant system and so if we have people getting rich off making other people dumber then the productivity of the long term economy becomes inverted where we have (1) an increasingly larger demographic of people that are becoming dumber and therefore not producing anything of value (2) our smarter population becoming dependent on coming up with things that make people dumber as opposed to seeking real solutions to culturally internal problems.

China and the USA are two perfect examples where China is a massive producer of goods and services, so they're overall super hard working people which is great but they're producing a negative economy in the long term because:
- they're creating enormous amounts of pollution
- they have a power hierarchy that incentivizes manipulation of people lower down in that hierarchy
- both people in the lower and higher end of the hierarchy don't become innovative becomes people higher up are spoilt and people lower down have to be slave workers

USA is the greatest producer of a "negative economy" with the exception of their technological sector:
- Hollywood no longer creates art but its a multibilliondollar industry which the USA rely on, the problem here is that it comes at the cost of the cultural maturity of the country because they're incentivised to create films that appeal to the reptilian and limbic sides of the brain more than the prefrontal cortex. This problem becomes ever more difficult because:
- Social media addiction, another producer of a negative economy, reduces peoples attentions spans of which directors in Hollywood would be vigilant of making them even more incentivised to create dumbed down productions. Millions of americans are not only spending hours every day on social media, this addiction bleeds out into many other problems in their lives thus effectively rendering their ability to produce towards the creative economy obsolete.

What's an important point to understand is that many of these technologies bleed into each other, meaning if myspace wasn't created and instead something that made people think a lot more then facebook would have been different because people would have become more reflective, facebook then leads to twitter and then youtube emerging around the same time.

If we could go back in time around the times of myspace and early days of facebook where we instead petitioned against their use, outgrowths like Netflix would have changed for the better as well which is another country like Hollywood that creates a negative economy.

Notice the trend, the USA has created a cultural demographic of people that get rich by not just making other people dumber, but billions. This then leads to other companies which only repeat the same behaviour in different ways.

Think of the personal development industry, Leo is a huge anomaly the same with Jordan Peterson, two people that create lecture based material which is extensive in length. Instead what's more common is we have entrepreneurs that are outgrowths of this dilemma trying to take advantage of peoples now very impoverished brains by creating quick fixes, deluding them with fantasies about "money, cars, fame, etc", which only lands those people into further problems, this time more psychological causing various kinds of neurosis. Tai Lopez one entrepreneur that comes to mind who's an outgrowth of this social media generation, again if we could go back in time and petition against something more thoughtful than myspace, Tai Lopez would likely have never existed. We'd instead have far more Leo's and Jordan Peterson's in the world.

My research is still continuing but one main point that I'd like others to think about in their deliberations is the subject of cause and effect, how everything consequentially leads to everything else in this system. Those more knowledgeable than myself on various topics related here will be able to understand and even add to this point further. I'm only at the tip of the ice berg personally because I haven't done serious research yet however we are indeed heading into dangerous times where people simply do not have the brain power to cope with the problems that are on the rise, from bioweapons to political corruption to people taking advantage of them. These are all very complex problems that require a population of people that have still got their brains inside their head as opposed to it being bought and sold by advertising companies as a result of them reverse engineering psychological addiction and general dependency.

Overall, this negative economy of the intelligent making money by dumbing people down only leads to zero creative production which inevitably creates a massive welfare state and zero productive value outside of technology, but if we don't have the consciousness to handle the technologies that are created nuclear bomb scenarios are the only outcome when you hand an angry oppressed child a grenade. This is the problem with the loss of art in culture of which Hollywood is contributing to its downfall. Hollywood, a microcosm of the problem, is contributing massively to a techno-cultural death pill epidemic.

Incomplete here of course, feel free to share your own mine is just beginning so I'm very eager to learn from those that have any contribution they may wish to make.




Edited by Raw Nature

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Not agreeing with all of your points, but wanted to share this piece of art that has been circulating the forum every now and then.
Your post tells me that like you will enjoy it:


Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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I'd appreciate it if you shared what points you disagreed with so that we can discuss what the truth to them is or isn't, thank you.

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I disagree with the intention to create a narrative that foresees the downfall of humanity.

Technology is a tool to manipulate the world to suit our needs and it has both the creative and destructive potential. Your assessment of the destructive side is accurate, but it does not exhaust the topic. Your fear prevents you from seeing the bright side that brings equilibrium in your narrative.

What we need is not intelligence (in the common sense of the word), but rather open hearts that will prevent us from destroying ourselves. No mind-centered solution can suffice, as the best a mind can do is create morality that is just another form of technology. The cohesive that keeps us from killing each other is empathy, the ability to feel each other's pain. Without it, we will exploit each other to no end.

As for solution, I'm not even sure if there is a problem to begin with. 

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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Trends are what make up our reality, my ability to type this comment is because a series of trends from computing to the internet to social media to globalisation have enabled this, without which, because you're likely from a different country I would never be speaking to you.

In light of the trends I've noted that only lead in the negative as described, do you have competing trends to note which may or definitely counteract the trends I've cited?

If not, it makes your position invalid from the perspective of your reasoning.

I'd be more than happy to discuss alternate trends, which I notice, however they're being outcompeted here by forces beyond their control.

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35 minutes ago, Raw Nature said:

In light of the trends I've noted that only lead in the negative as described, do you have competing trends to note which may or definitely counteract the trends I've cited?

If not, it makes your position invalid from the perspective of your reasoning.

Like I said, I'm not interested in debating you, just wanted to share an awesome piece of art. Treat it as a counter-example. When it comes to raising consciousness, I have never felt limited by technology, on the contrary. It's just a matter of asking the right questions.

35 minutes ago, Raw Nature said:

I'd be more than happy to discuss alternate trends, which I notice, however they're being outcompeted here by forces beyond their control.

It's not a matter of competition. Highly conscious people will find a way to survive and create their content. Just look at this place. It's not for everybody and for a good reason.

Edited by tsuki

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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Trends make up everything you see around you, I don't subscribe to the idea that its only my mind as this is solipsism if I have you correctly which as an inference if that's what you believe, it means you believe you're only talking to yourself right now in the very literal sense not just existential sense.

Closing ones eyes and wishing away the fire that's taking ones home doesn't work, we gotta go and get the fire extinguisher and call for help.

I feel you're being closed minded and believe you would be doing yourself a favour by indeed asking the right questions and seeking to find out the solutions as opposed to trying to retreat.

You posed disagreement without any questions only statements about things that lead to solipsistic thinking and love. Love is only part of the solution, even Elon Musk has voiced that "love is the answer" but love isn't going to will away the worlds problems. I hope you understand that. True self love requires as Jordan Peterson says, "cleaning our damn rooms", which analogously can be applied to our planet.

We have to invoke effort in the right direction to bring about change, of which we cannot achieve if we're just loving everything around us. Love needs to direct our minds to come up with solutions and then our hearts move our bodies to implement those solutions, if we don't, no matter how much we love the earth because we're doing nothing about its problems, it will crumble. Its like baking a cake, if we leave it in the oven too long no matter how much love we bless it with its still going to get burnt and eventually start that fire if its hot enough as noted in an initial analogy in this comment.

I'm sorry but competition is a fact of life, words compete within you even with respect to what ideas come to mind and what ideas don't. Competition and cooperation is in a balance not a dichotomy, this is a very important point to understand. Competition is birthed out of cause and effect, it doesn't mean "let's win, win, win at all costs!!!!!" as its stereotypically assigned, it simply means, hey well if I have a goal, like protect myself from the rain then I better compete against that by simply putting up an umbrella.

Competition breeds solutions, its why the internet in part exists, its a solution to the competition that existed between our desire to communicate globally and our inability to achieve this.

Sincerely though, much love (because remember I said, cooperation is a part of that balance).

Edited by Raw Nature

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@Raw Nature I'm sorry, I didn't intend to offend you.
I realized that the first part of my post was very arrogant so I deleted it, but not quickly enough. 

For the past few hundred years, humans are creating technology at exponential rate.
I find no reason to doubt that solutions will be found once we collectively care to ask the right questions.

The problem is, we don't care and it is not an issue of intelligence (in the common sense of the word).
That is my opinion and I feel entitled to it. Have a good day.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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0% offended.

I'm not sure you've really taken my points into consideration yet, I recommend re-reading key points in particular as it concerns our ability to combat the negative effects of both technology and cultural degeneration.

Stating that: "Technology will find a way" isn't a solution, its a statement without evidence or counterargument to the evidence I've presented to the contrary.

In fact, technology is fastly becoming the solution to destroying humanity not protecting it.

That's because this is a cultural and biological issue, not a technological one at the heart of things. Technology is merely ancillary.

If you research the coronavirus you'll find that this is most likely a biotech weapon, meaning that of all the possible scenarios the scenario that "There are many other kinds of viruses being engineered" is the most likely scenario in light of one being released to the public of China for, so far, unknown reasons.

As for your arrogance that is of your own concern, I do not judge you, I merely wish to inspire reason and love in both myself and others.

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