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[book] Way Of The Peaceful Warrior By Dan Millman, 10/10

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This book came into my life just at the perfect moment. Couldn't have been any more or less relatable to the path that we are all on. 

Anybody have read it, if so, what are your favorite quotes or parts of story? 

If not, any question regarding this book I would love to answer.

This book is a mixture of fact and fiction of the life of Dan Millman who was on the gymnast team at UC Berkeley. A typical college boy who has no issues with women, studies, or money is about to embark on a journey of a lifetime and will discover what it truly means to be alive. One night after woken up from a night terror Dan goes for a jog to the local fuel service station where he meets the service man, Socrates. 


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I have just read the book and loved it very much, will return to it in the future for more insight.

For now, my favorite quote is:

"Old urges will continue to arise perhaps for years urges do not matter, actions do."

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@Siim Land  Incomparable, the book's value is much higher. The film is very short and trimmed down compared to the book (obviously), and some scenes are not the same as in the book. Although the movie is fairly good  you will get so much more teachings and information from the book.

I'd say the movie is more of an enjoyment, and the book is better for learning. 

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I will read the book again soon. The first time i read it i wasnt even interested in spirituality that much.

I agree, the film cannot compare. Especially the socrates character was a big letdown for me. I expected someone more Zen.

The entire Universe conspired for you to sneeze

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I read this book several times. One of my favourites books.

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