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What do I need to know about chakras

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The more I delve into spirituality, the more open minded I become. In the past, chakras are something I've been skeptical about and pretty much entirely dismissed as being some hippie bullshit. However, the concept keeps popping up throughout the forum and in videos I watch and books I read regarding spirituality, so I'm starting to become curious of the legitimacy. If I want to learn about chakras and how to pass through each, what are some of the more reliable sources of information for it? Are chakras a necessary method of personal development? I'm keeping my mind open. 

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Not something to get obsessed over for sure. I mean, it's a thing... Not too significant. For me, I can feel more energy in my third eye area just from meditating very easily since early on. Recently, a lot more in the heart area as well. 

Also, if I start watching porn a lot then I can feel the lower chakras become a lot more active and I feel less clarity like I would otherwise. 

For me, it's just about meditating to develop more awareness of how your emotions and energy is being processed and performing actions that are more conducive to me feeling good, peaceful, and clear. 

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@Dlavjr Kriya Yoga or Kundalini yoga helps activate and channel through.

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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My understanding of them, as of now, are that they are points in the body that are part of the nervous system and you can control the energy that flows through the pathways in your spine (shushumna I think it's called) and in your head. I want to learn lots more kryia yoga 

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Many teachers dont even mention chakras, so I wouldnt worry about them. Focus on meditation and the rest should come naturally. 

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