
Which psychedelic as a beginner? Retreat or solo?

20 posts in this topic

So basically Im a total drug virgin, never done any drugs in my entire life (no alcohol, no weed, no caffeine). Currently Im 23 years old and in a couple of monthes I will turn 24. In a few monthes I will finish my studies and get my bachelors degree and before my masters I have a few monthes off, when I want to try experimanting with psychedelics. So my question is, what psychedelic would you guys recommend to someone who never done any drugs. Do you think I should first try alcohol or weed to somehow "get into taking drugs" and then try psychedelics? And my second questions would be: Is it better to do a retreat or to do them solo at home. Im from Germany and I have many chances to do a retreat (The Netherlands are just a few hours away). I have read and heard also that most of the time they give you high doses on these retreats, which wouldnt be a good idea for a newbie and would probably lead to a bad trip.


So whats your opinion on that, guys?

Thanks for your answers.

Edited by actualizing25

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14 minutes ago, actualizing25 said:

to somehow "get into taking drugs"

You disrespect psychedelics by calling them "drugs."

That's like me referring to your mother as a walking sack of meat.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I loved AL-LAD. You can do it solo but starting with low dosages. From AL-LAD you get a creative high — similar to LSD. I’d postulate that bad trips are unlikely on this.

Alcohol is unnecessary unless you want to try it; you’re not missing anything really. I haven’t tried weed but wouldn’t recommend it anyway — there are far better alternatives. If you do, do research the substance. Also take into account that weed isn’t physiologically addictive but a psychological dependence could be developed.

Edited by Arzola

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You disrespect psychedelics by calling them "drugs."

That's like me referring to your mother as a walking sack of meat.

no it’s not the drug does not have feelings... if it has, me leo gura should check if he would sell his mother for psychedelics.

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4 minutes ago, remember said:

no it’s not the drug does not have feelings... if it has, me leo gura should check if he would sell his mother for psychedelics.

Disrespect is not about the psychedelic's feelings. It's about the community of humans who use such tools for accessing God.

If I take a shit on your mom's carpet, it's not the carpet I disrespect, it's your mother.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I think you should be allright starting very slow. I mean sure yeah you could try weed but it´s not like it´s going to give you a understanding of an actual psychedelic trip. Not to say that weed can´t be strong, because it definetely can, but just saying, that I don´t think that you need it. 

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3 minutes ago, actualizing25 said:

@Leo Gura Let me apologize to all the divine,healing and holy plants out there:D What would be your advice for my situation,Leo?@Leo Gura

1 gram of dried mushrooms.

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16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You disrespect psychedelics by calling them "drugs."

That's like me referring to your mother as a walking sack of meat.

Well unfortunately it´s still the mayority of people attitude towards psychs. Recreation and fun.

We here in live in a bubble lol 

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Disrespect is not about the psychedelic's feelings. It's about the community of humans who use such tools for accessing God.

If I take a shit on your mom's carpet, it's not the carpet I disrespect, it's your mother.

how good then my mother does not own a carpet.

by the way the me was meant as a mr. ?

i guess all the cleansing has wirled up some dust.

you know why a drugstore is called a drug store? if you want to build a shrine for psychedelics you probably can, but notice that you are overly sensitive what makes it seem like an addiction. so it enforces the feeling of it being what you exactly wanted to wash it free from.

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9 minutes ago, actualizing25 said:

@Leo Gura okay so you would say solo as your first psychedelic trip would be better than a retreat?

1 gram is easy to handle solo. You don't need people distracting you like mosquitoes.

8 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Well unfortunately it´s still the mayority of people attitude towards psychs. Recreation and fun.

We here in live in a bubble lol 

We live in truth, they live in a bubble of their own ignorance.

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@actualizing25 My earlier experiences were in Amsterdam! Truffles!

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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You really do not need a retreat. You'll want to be alone on shrooms, to not be distracted. In fact, other people around can have a negative effect. You can get paranoid at how you may be acting or perceived by others. Best to be in nature. nature comes alive, and you commune with it in way you couldn't imagine. 

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I'm excited for you. If you've never tried mushrooms before, boy are you in for a real treat. Some of the most amazing experiences of my life have involved mushrooms. 

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Some of the psycs you can get are in this pic. Plugging is administering chemicals rectally, this has benefits.

MDMA, Molly, ecstasy, MD are all the same. This chemical is notoriously mixed with mad shit. It's also addictive, but good for steering trips in a positive direction, by making you experience...well, ecstasy. 

LSD is super easy to get (usually), it lasts 6-12 hours. This can be tested with Hoffman testing reagent. Legit lsd will turn purple when tested this way. L-LAD is an lsd analog that lasts shorter and has slightly different effects.

Shrooms are harder to control and have a heavier body high than shrooms. Lasts around 6 hours. 4acoDMT is the same as shrooms. Nausea is common with shrooms, research ways people use to reduce this (Ginger I think, possible ginger tea).

Nn-DMT is my fave. Also called "regular DMT" is extremely powerful and visual. Lasts 20 mins usually. Ayahuasca is the drinkable kind of DMT (which is also known to cause nausea and vomiting). Pure synthetic DMT can be vaporised. I use a crack pipe and a jet lighter. 50mg is heavy dose. 20-30 would be heavy but not necessarily breakthrough.  This is an amazing compound. Changa is DMT infused leaf that can be straight up smoked in a pipe or bong. Do not use this drug if you are on regulated prescription anti-depressant/anti-anxiety meds

5-MeO-DMT is completely different, 10 times stronger than DMT. 

I've heard bad things about NBOMe so steer clear.

Ones I haven't researched but are still widely used are 2-CB, mescaline, Salvia and PCP.

Ketamine is a disassociative chemical that, in my opinion, is extremely powerful for consciousness work...however it's also an antidepressant and is very addictive also. Unlike MDMA, ketamine does not mix well with a lot of other chemicals.

Also be careful with weed, regular use can cause serious anxiety and paranoia.

Use test kits fam. Also using the Dark net is safer than getting your shit off the streets. I always recommend using it.


Edited by Aaron p

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On 9/2/2020 at 10:53 PM, Aaron p said:


Ketamine is a disassociative chemical that, in my opinion, is extremely powerful for consciousness work...however it's also an antidepressant and is very addictive also. Unlike MDMA, ketamine does not mix well with a lot of other chemicals.


@Aaron p Hi, can you tell me more about using Ketamine for consciousness work? I haven´t used it much and the times I had  i´ve found it yeah a little bit habit-forming and addictive in lower-medium doses. Also it didn´t felt like it had the laser introspection or awareness as psychs. However, and out of the blue, I experienced this last time I used it last week: 

Which made me wonder if maybe had more potential of what I thought it had. I gotta say the previous day I´ve had done a very small amount of lsd and had some glimpses of high consciousness (but very very subtle),  so probably the interaction was also the reason it happened. However I still mindblowed by how little small amount I took and had the experience I did. 

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@Javfly33 i have to say mate, I don't really understand how this whole thing works. Infact, I don't really know how any of this works...or why ketamine is good for consciousness work. Infact I don't even know what consciousness is. I go by the voice...the longer I do what it says the more things start to line up. I can't explain how I know ket is good for consciousness work...I just do. But seriously watch out, it's a super nice drug that is super addictive in my opinion. Aw it's so good tho lol

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