
Leo from thinks He Is God - Bobby's Perspective

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"Do what they wilt. This is Satanism"

"You don't understand because your mind is hooked on surivival" - Bald Yoda

"There is nothing there, it is a hole that will suck you down into it" - Bald Bobby

Me and Bobby both got out of the Ideological hole that is vegan dualistic morality around the same time. I transcended veganism through observing Leo teach Non-Duality. I saw through my egoic moralizing, disconnect and immature dismissal of the wholistic system that is the consumption and self rape of life on earth. Bobby however fell straight back into another ideology and began moralizing that which he recently was and felt wronged by as a self defense mechanism due to failing healthy and feeling like a fool for being pulled in by biased nutritional science. He begun a crusade. For a time I would spam a few links to Leos lectures on Morality and Ideology to a few vegan youtubers.

Bald Bobby was one of them I would spam. After a while he asked me when I was going to stop posting "those links"

I'm pretty sure he has seen Leo speak about Morality and Love. Clearly he was triggered by what Leo said about everything being scrumptious. 

Now it seems he is going on another crusade tangent.

Edited by SoothedByRain

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God denying God, eh? What else is new?

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"Definition of a new age person - someone who is generally ignorant of science and philosophy, but is happy to proclaim with certainty on the most difficult questions."

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User @Richard Alpert has been banned.

Purge of toxic users continues. Swatting them like mosquitoes to clean this place up.

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This Bobby is a showman-clown that only wants to entertain you... only a fool would take him seriously

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3 hours ago, Johnny5 said:

Lots of fools in the world :P

(it takes one to know one :$ )

@Moreira is right.  Bobby ain't awake yet.  I hope it happens for him.  But watch the sly comments 


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Bobby is being close minded and is projecting his own experience with New age onto others. 

He misses that Christianity has a history of non-duality, mysticism, and psychedelics; teachings that overlap with other religions.

Maybe I'm wrong, but he does not seem qualified to talk about spirituality or christianity. 


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@SoothedByRain I used to follow Bobby's videos for a short while as well. But I quickly realised he wasn't really providing any sort of value whatsoever.

18 hours ago, SoothedByRain said:

Bobby however fell straight back into another ideology and began moralizing that which he recently was and felt wronged by as a self defense mechanism due to failing healthy and feeling like a fool for being pulled in by biased nutritional science.

Exactly! Sums him up very accurately. It's obvious he has some serious health issues and I bet his gut health is not very good either. But of course he just blames it on a vegan diet and then goes criticising and bullying other vegans.

Last time I looked he also had a massive swastika tattoo on his arm. I called him out on it and he got all defensive saying it meant something entirely different to what most people think it means. Poor guy.

Edited by Space

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The carnivores are trying to get to Leo, love it.


I still am mind blow that people who listen to Leo can at the same time take people like Bobby seriously. How is that even possible.

Edited by Scholar

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1 minute ago, Johnny5 said:

In a word: Self-deception. (or is that two words hehe)

What's so funny to me is that people don't notice the inherent irrationality of this guy. When he goes on his insane anti-vegan crusades, he is being completely reasonable. Nothing about his logic and approach is flawed, because after all one agrees with him.

But then, when he uses the same kind of logic, the same kind of reasoning capabilities to criticize Leo, then suddenly he is delusional.


How can someone be this biased. The guy starved himself with a raw vegan diet + fasting, he literally praised himself how thin he was while he was looking like he came out of auschwitz, with people encouraging him in the comments.


And he is using the same kind of logic with his psychedelic usage. This is why epistemology and open mindedness is so important. This is what happens when you do not get the stage orange tools, like rationality, science and philosophy, and just move into a world of chaos that you will have no idea how to navigate.


"Oh look, he is so much healthier now that his diet is not vegan anymore!"

Yes, I'm sure it was veganism, not at all the insanity of his dietary approach.


And now here you go. He takes psychedelics, has no clue how to even begin to interpret them, and who would have thought? He goes off the rails.


I can't decide what is worse anymore, a materialist or this kind of mutant, stage red/blue/orange/green relativistic, regressive frankenstein spiral monster that basically takes the worst aspects of each.

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24 minutes ago, Johnny5 said:

@Scholar It's a great illustration of how the mind tricks itself. Relatively easy to see, I would think, so in that sense very educational for onlookers. This is what an unaware person looks like to a self-aware being.

I keep seeing more and more people like this. I have many people in my family who seem to skip important stage orange aspects and go right into the relativism. They always use the relativism to justify their own position. "But morality is relative, morality does not exist! There is no good and bad, I can do whatever I want!".

They don't have developed the capacities to realize the consequences of their position. Why it's a bad idea to use moral relativism to justify whatever action you feel like you want to take.


And the distrust in authority is also really concerning to me. Look at Leo, Leo studies philosophy, studies science, he was especially in the past extremely interested in mastering these stage orange aspects. Only after that did he become so skeptical of authority, from a position of actually understanding where the problems in the scientifc method are, what the limitations of rationality are and so forth.

This guy, and many people on this forum, they are hide their underdevelopment in these areas. They use relativism and distrusts to justify their own position without having to make any effort to be truthful.


And there are people who will exploit this. What happens when people lose trust in "official authority"? They seek other authority, because they did not actually master stage orange. They are at stage blue. They are believers, they want to listen to someone who they agree with and who can tell them the truth.

You kill corrupt Authority and it's replacement will be greater corruption. You kill the church, people listen to Alex Jones. You kill Hillary Clinton, people listen to Trump. It doesn't get better, because mistrust in authority is not the way. What is needed is replacement of authority. Better authority. Not the cessation of authority. We are not developed enough to go beyond that.

Before we go into green, we must master orange. Before we go into orange, we must master blue. Otherwise you get these Frankensteins.


The moral relativity of stage turquoise is categorically different from this frankenstein relativity of stage green. If you are getting nailed on a cross and you can say "This is not Good, nor Bad!", then you can talk all about your relativity. Everything else is egoic justification.


The realization of stage green relativism should terrify you. It should put you into an existential crisis. "Holy fucking shit there is no truth? There is no good and bad? What the fuck that does mean?!". It should not be "I'mma eat my hamburger because morality is relative, good and bad is subjective!", "I don't believe scientists because it's all theory and there is no truth anyways!".


Your ego is not going to like to hear that it being raped while being burned alive "Is not good, nor bad.". It will not like that there is no meaning to life, that all you do has no point to it whatsoever. That there is no difference between if you die now or if you suffer for a thousand years. Let's not kid ourselves here. This is what some of you guys are doing.

"Good and bad is relative? Hell yeah, that means I can rape whoever I want! Fun times are ahead, no need to feel bad about it!", that mentality will only work until you are the one who is being raped. And only then will you truly know whether it was just a fascade to let go of responsibility, of if it was truly ego transcendence.

Edited by Scholar

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2 hours ago, Johnny5 said:


I never said anything remotely resembling that.

Just said lots of fools in the world, in response to @Moreira's comment. By which I mean that there will be plenty of people who would take Bobby seriously.

I certainly don't.

You watch your trigger finger please.

Eh i do but It seemed like you were calling him a fool for calling Bobby a fool...didn't seem like there was a need for that post.  Guess i missread it... add more context to your posts


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14 minutes ago, Johnny5 said:

Maybe that's just a phase, I don't think it is entirely avoidable. Certainly not for people who aren't purposely pursuing development or truth. As you make discoveries in life you're invariably going to fumble with them. I know I do :D

Think of it this way, the only way to not be self-deceived is to be 100% full blown enlightened (let's call it something epic). And even then, you're going to watch your finite self fumble xD so... What can you do? It's ok.

The human organism is basically a rickety robot and the brain a sloshy computer. It's kinda cute in a way. Warts and all. Like watching a cat trying to retreat out of a grocery bag and failing.

Am I rambling? :$


Being truthful and self-honest definitely isn't easy. But on top of that, most people would rather act enlightened than be enlightened. People play roles, and that's theirs. It boils down to the fear of not being someone (literally). The mind is constantly conjuring it up, and will employ anything in its attempts to dress the naked emperor. It all makes sense in the end.


Turquoise has no moral relativity as such, although that might be green's interpretation of it. Instead, turquoise has what is called "spontaneous right action". Very different. Morality doesn't enter into it. Even though you might try to communicate it in those kinds of terms. It's hella tricky thing to communicate.


Development is messy. We're all Frankensteins.

I don't think that is true, I think it is possible to navigate a human being into a position of development where they are stuck. You will not get Alex Jones or this Bobby guy to get up and read a book on philosophy or science. It won't happen, because there are no consequences to their actions.


This is a huge problem. There is no natural selection in the sense that we actually get to test out our reasoning capacities, our ways of thinking and so forth. We are sheltered from everything. If there was a high stake environment, Bobby would very quickly die or realize how limitated his way of approaching truth is.

This is why things like the military and business are so efficiency oriented. There is no room for mistakes because of how high the stakes are. If you are going into a battlefield being deluded about how to fight your enemy, reality will very quickly teach you.


If you however buy into this kind of relativism, or deny scientific authority, what will happen to you? Nothing much nowaways, even social stigma is now disappearing because everyone can collect into their own groups who agree with everything they will say. You can be an anti-vaxxer, you can be a carnivore, you can deny climate change. You can even be a flat earther. What's going to happen to you? Maybe you will get a heart attack down the line, at which point it will be too late anyways, maybe some people die of viruses who you don't know and never hear about, maybe the climate become so harsh that most complex life on this planet will go extinct. But those things don't happen now, they might infact not effect you at all.


What do you do about this? People can deny reality because of how removed they are from reality. There is no convincing them. A flat earther would need to see the earth himself for them to believe it is actually a sphere.

Edited by Scholar

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@Johnny5 i went back and reread it and yeah i see what you were saying now.  Apologies.


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49 minutes ago, Scholar said:

The realization of stage green relativism should terrify you. It should put you into an existential crisis. "Holy fucking shit there is no truth? There is no good and bad? What the fuck that does mean?!". It should not be "I'mma eat my hamburger because morality is relative, good and bad is subjective!", "I don't believe scientists because it's all theory and there is no truth anyways!".

Your ego is not going to like to hear that it being raped while being burned alive "Is not good, nor bad.". It will not like that there is no meaning to life, that all you do has no point to it whatsoever. That there is no difference between if you die now or if you suffer for a thousand years. Let's not kid ourselves here. This is what some of you guys are doing.

"Good and bad is relative? Hell yeah, that means I can rape whoever I want! Fun times are ahead, no need to feel bad about it!", that mentality will only work until you are the one who is being raped. And only then will you truly know whether it was just a fascade to let go of responsibility, of if it was truly ego transcendence.

That doesn't sound like Green to me. That sounds more like unhealthy code Red or Orange co-opting vaguely-Green sounding language. True Green still has a sense of ethics and code of conduct, it's just based on an individual's capacity for compassion/empathy, rather than dogmatic rules as was the case in Blue.


“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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Just now, Apparition of Jack said:

That doesn't sound like Green to me. That sounds more like unhealthy code Red or Orange co-opting vaguely-Green sounding language. True Green still has a sense of ethics and code of conduct, it's just based on an individual's capacity for compassion/empathy, rather than dogmatic rules as was the case in Blue.


I agree, that's why I called it Frankenstein green.

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You aren't gonna be able to help people who cling to their identity and self bias.

Sure, Bobby and that dude Zen both seem to love to criticize Leo's awakening videos...but they probably never bothered listening to his profound metaphysical / epistemological episodes - and there are a lot of them.  I just watched the one that came out last night on understanding understanding and it is a great one -  right up there with his best stuff and extremely profound.   Have they bothered to listen to any of his work?  Probably not.


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Lol Bobby's Perspective, the carnivore diet has probably given him some parasite in brains...the guy is quite delusional 

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36 minutes ago, Johnny5 said:

You tell me. Do you really want to waste your precious time on earth when they themselves couldn't be arsed? That's mopping the floor while leaving the tap running. All it does is keep you from focussing on yourself and waste your potential, and then you'd be no better off than them.

You can shoot reaction videos like Bobby, or write reaction posts like the ones you are writing now, it's not going to amount to anything except to get it out of your system and move on.

In other words, write for your own benefit, which IS very potent thing you can do for yourself. A way of externalizing your own contemplations sothat you can reflect on them objectively and from all angles. In my opinion that's the main benefit of a forum such as this (aside from information sharing of course). And the main benefit of discussing things like this, i.e. it's not to solve everyone else's problems, but to solve our own. :)

Yeah, I am in an ego-backlash currently so I am in a very venting mood. But I do think that there is currently a problem going on that might get worse and bite us in the ass really badly down the line if we do not address it in some sort of major systemic way. I can work on myself all I want, if half the population denies climate change things are not going to go well for me.

And who is going to address any of those if not people like us who are aware of them and understand more of the dynamics that are going on behind the scenes?

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