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LP and fed up with my parents

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Iam really fed up with arguing with my parents. The problem is Iam college student and I study electrical engineering . It takes so much time to do all the assigments for my school causing  having so little time for my life purpose.  The time i want to focus the most on my LP is during summer but my parents press me really hard to get a job in Norway which is far away from where I live. I need to stay in my hometown to connect and to develop my skills but every and each day my parents are pressing my and giving me ultimatums.

Iam really tired of that I tried explaining them my vision and that I need to develop skills but they seems like they dont care. All they want me to do is to make money I guess

Please do you have suggestion :/

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You are your own person, and your life is your own. Don't care what anyone else says you should do with your life. If they truly love you, they will respect what you want to do with your life, whatever that is. Life is short, don't live by anyone elses control. Tell them, not ask, but tell them what you are going to do with your life. If they don't like it, then maybe it's time to take some time apart while you get the life you want to have in order. If they still want to be part of your life, they will hopefully be on board with your chosen path. If not, maybe that's a good time to distance yourself with those that do not support you fully, and find those that do. 

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What do you want to do for your life purpose? You can make the choice to bail out of that stuff and pursue it, but that is up to you. Most people are going to encourage you to get a regular good paying job. 

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@Jed Vassallo Yeah but they pay my school and I cannot leave rn I am busy with my school. I feel kinda obligated to give them little bit back.essss

But i Will do what i want but its gonna such an unnecessary war.   Well. Thanks for encouragement.

@Average Investor  thanks I know thats the thing but I dont get why my dad wants me to get a regular job when he himself is CEO of big company.

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@kamill He wants what he thinks is best for you. The problem with that is you're going to have to carve your own path in life. Listening to someones directions is just going to get your further from your path you really want to take. 

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  On 2/8/2020 at 9:03 PM, kamill said:

thanks I know thats the thing but I dont get why my dad wants me to get a regular job when he himself is CEO of big company.

Because he knows the risk it takes to become a CEO. He just wants the safest for you. 

I've worked in electrical engineering and it's far from the worst jobs out there (quite fun actually) . It could be a wise move to finish the school and get a job in that field since you're already started. While you are making some money then, you can work on your life purpose with more dedication and experience, as you're probably quite young. It will give you more time and perspective to think it over. And you'll be making good money while at it. ;)


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