
Why are you guaranteed to get one girl to sleep with you eventually?

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Hey guys, I remember some dating coaches saying that if you approach 100-500 girls, then you will inevitably get laid, even if you have the worst game in the world because of the law of averages. Leo even said that "If you go out long enough, the odds will become so great at some point, that a random girl will just want to sleep with you for absolutely no reason other than that she's horny and you're the closest guy around." However, I feel like no one has ever really fully explained why this is true. I mean why is not possible for literally every single woman in the world to reject you, even if you have the worst game in the world? 

Edited by Hardkill

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@Hardkill Less theory, more talking to girls. You are stuck in your head.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It'll happen eventually unless you got some SERIOUS issues. Hard part is actually doing those approaches...

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@Leo Gura

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@Hardkill Less theory, more talking to girls. You are stuck in your head.

I think from the amount of demand on dating advice from your audience you'd for sure make millions if you'd release some "conscious mating" course with principles\techniques.

Just a funny idea to entertain.

(Although, I believe, you'd be a super good conscious dating advice guru, probably #1).



Edited by Hello from Russia

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   More importantly, are you actually doing the approaches? Best time to contemplate is while you're interacting with the subject you're interested in. After a while, you compiled a long list of mental images, sounds and feelings with each approach, and here you then contemplate from memory.

   Good luck!

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8 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Hey guys, I remember some dating coaches saying that if you approach 100-500 girls, then you will inevitably get laid, even if you have the worst game in the world because of the law of averages. Leo even said that "If you go out long enough, the odds will become so great at some point, that a random girl will just want to sleep with you for absolutely no reason other than that she's horny and you're the closest guy around." However, I feel like no one has ever really fully explained why this is true. I mean why is not possible for literally every single woman in the world to reject you, even if you have the worst game in the world? 

Be cautious.  Dating coaches want money. Many are frauds. 

A dozen girls gave their number and it was mid day. I didn't do anything but flirt and accuse them of hitting on me. Its pretty common that, if she's interested, you just make the slightest suggestion, then Netflix and chill. I am doing nothing and leading girls back to my gingerbread house. 

You are some girls 10. You might be short and funny looking but a random girl thinks you are a 10. Proceed as follows. 

What if you we're a 15/10? Its life on easy mode. Similar in football when scoring with no goalkeeper. Just be awesome. I let girls naturally recognize my genius and good looks. Flirt and tease (playfully). 

Edited by Deezeetho

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10 hours ago, Gili Trawangan said:

A broken clock is also right twice a day.

Same reason.

Though why is that?

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9 hours ago, Joel3102 said:

It'll happen eventually unless you got some SERIOUS issues. Hard part is actually doing those approaches...

Serious issues such as?

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Hardkill Less theory, more talking to girls. You are stuck in your head.

Ok. Perhaps you’re right. This will be the last time I’ll ask a question like this again (I’ll try my best from now on to ask more relevant and practical-based questions regarding cold approaching and dating).

Though, if you could just humor me just one last time on a question like this, I would greatly appreciate it. I just want to know the answer because a lot of times I feel like I may be rejected by every woman I ever talk to. Also, a lot of guys I know feel this way and maybe wish that they had enough proof or reason as to why if they did go out enough that they will inevitably get laid even if they have the most atrocious level of game ever in history. 

Also, one guy on a YouTube vid sad that he approached over 850 girls and go rejected by all of them. Is that possible or do u think that he was lying or exaggerating? 

Edited by Hardkill

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The reason why is because there are tons of women looking to hook-up. And they are attracted to men.

So, because you are a man, you will be attractive to some women automatically... on a dating and hooking-up level.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

Though why is that?

   The law of averages and probability. Literally, if you approach in an area with enough bodies, go through an elimination process, you're bound to get the one girl that resonates with you. But, you're gonna have to go through lots of bodies til you lose count.

1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

Serious issues such as?

   Probably refering to physical/mental disorders, the kind that makes you liable to see a therapist/clinician or hospital.

   You know you, so if this applies to you, seek help. If not, ignore and develop yourself. Just be careful not to pigeon hold yourself so soon.

1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

Ok. Perhaps you’re right. This will be the last time I’ll ask a question like this again (I’ll try my best from now on to ask more relevant and practical-based questions regarding cold approaching and dating).

Though, if you could just humor me just one last time on a question like this, I would greatly appreciate it. I just want to know the answer because a lot of times I feel like I may be rejected by every woman I ever talk to. Also, a lot of guys I know feel this way and maybe wish that they had enough proof or reason as to why if they did go out enough that they will inevitably get laid even if they have the most atrocious level of game ever in history. 

Also, one guy on a YouTube vid sad that he approached over 850 girls and go rejected by all of them. Is that possible or do u think that he was lying or exaggerating? 

   And that way of thinking is what's gonna slow down your journey painfully.

   You gotta ask yourself what do you want out of this? What? More sex and honeymoon? Long term relationships?

   Approach every woman with that goal in mind, like a transaction. Your gonna be putting hours into this, arranging the location, and engaging each date socially. That all takes time and energy. Your paying that cost for what? Get that clear for yoursel and yourself only.

   Think about Hercules, and the 12 labour's he had to go through, to take up that princess's hand in marriage.

   I've got good news: you're bound to meet your goddess, who is highly sexed and loving, and told me she agrees to submit herself to you as your future soulmate and wife. Here's the catch: only if you agree to submit to her 1,200 labours, each one her follower, each one capable of bringing out your fears, your hang ups, your weaknesses! And if you fuck up even once, she'll add another 1,200 labours, cuz right now, she knows you're too full of impurities right now to even be worth her time, and she's a bit evil.

   So! decision time, gonna answer the call to action? At least you ain't slaying Monsters.?

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I'm in sales, and during a meeting we were told about a story where one kid was going door to door selling insurance. It was his first time in sales, and the other salesman were screwing with him and told him that his sales pitch should be "I'm selling insurance, but I'm sure you don't wanna hear about that". The kid took it to heart, and he went to over 100 houses in a day using that lousy pitch. Evidently, he made two sales in his first day. 

The point is, if you have drive and persistence, you're eventually gonna land something. I'm not saying to hit on women with terrible skills consistently, you'll have a better rejection to success ratio if you better yourself, but even if maybe 1 out of every 100 women wants to sleep with you, if you talk to 100 women, one of them will likely sleep with you. 

You won't make any progress by thinking about it. Just do it, be mindful, and pay attention to what works and what doesn't. Your skills will increase, and maybe 1 in 80 women will sleep with you. Over time, maybe 1 in 70. I relate pickup to sales, it's persistence that'll get you progress over all else, and you gotta be prepared to disregard when you get rejected and just move right on. 

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On 2020-02-08 at 6:01 AM, Leo Gura said:

@Hardkill Less theory, more talking to girls. You are stuck in your head.

Too much this!

Its similar to keyboard jockeys (KJs) and theory. Its rampid in the threads particular from people who don't approach. Its ridiculous.

On 2020-02-08 at 5:35 AM, Hardkill said:

I mean why is not possible for literally every single woman in the world to reject you, even if you have the worst game in the world? 

Every answer comes infield. You can pirate and torrent like guys on reddit and never approach. Your game won't improve.

My actual post is somewhere in thread's but I am a lifeline from perma ban warning so I will be cryptic.

I went to a posh club. I was rampaging through the club like Hank Scorpio with a flamethrower.

Do your hank Scorpio impersonation.

Think volume. Approach all. minimize time between sets. check rsd Tyler 6 steps.

I did anywhere between 30-100 approaches. I ended up going to a girls condo SNL.

it's a cra cra amount of output. lots of flakes, shenanigans, craziness, and drama. Take a pragmatic approach.

I am no model. I am not 6foot. I am not rich. I am not a pornstar. I don't have permission to do any of the following.

I am a random man who went through hell fire and came out the other end. You transcend who and what you are WHEN.. Until then, it's just a thought.

youtube rsd motivation. check archives. watch truth on success series. live it up.

I love pickup. 100% of guys never will do it. the percentage of the population won't do it.  they will moralize but they don't pull. they don't approach.  they got a opinion like!


cool story bro. it just means, more for me!


the output is unreal. as in, the conversion rate to output ratio.

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On 2/8/2020 at 1:32 PM, Danioover9000 said:

   The law of averages and probability. Literally, if you approach in an area with enough bodies, go through an elimination process, you're bound to get the one girl that resonates with you. But, you're gonna have to go through lots of bodies til you lose count.

   Probably refering to physical/mental disorders, the kind that makes you liable to see a therapist/clinician or hospital.

   You know you, so if this applies to you, seek help. If not, ignore and develop yourself. Just be careful not to pigeon hold yourself so soon.

   And that way of thinking is what's gonna slow down your journey painfully.

   You gotta ask yourself what do you want out of this? What? More sex and honeymoon? Long term relationships?

   Approach every woman with that goal in mind, like a transaction. Your gonna be putting hours into this, arranging the location, and engaging each date socially. That all takes time and energy. Your paying that cost for what? Get that clear for yoursel and yourself only.

   Think about Hercules, and the 12 labour's he had to go through, to take up that princess's hand in marriage.

   I've got good news: you're bound to meet your goddess, who is highly sexed and loving, and told me she agrees to submit herself to you as your future soulmate and wife. Here's the catch: only if you agree to submit to her 1,200 labours, each one her follower, each one capable of bringing out your fears, your hang ups, your weaknesses! And if you fuck up even once, she'll add another 1,200 labours, cuz right now, she knows you're too full of impurities right now to even be worth her time, and she's a bit evil.

   So! decision time, gonna answer the call to action? At least you ain't slaying Monsters.?

Okay, so process of elimination, huh? 

Well, I have ADD (predominantly inattentive), generalized anxiety with OCD, and auditory processing disorder.


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I'm reminded of a Tibetan saying in which there is a space of "being willing to wait forever". . . Yet this isn't a space that self desire likes to visit. 

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On 2/8/2020 at 1:43 PM, Hardkill said:

one guy on a YouTube vid sad that he approached over 850 girls and go rejected by all of them. Is that possible or do u think that he was lying or exaggerating? 

Yes that is possible, and he is not lying nor exaggerating. I have been rejected like 200-300 times so far.

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9 minutes ago, Arcangelo said:

Yes that is possible, and he is not lying nor exaggerating. I have been rejected like 200-300 times so far.

Have you gone after someone of your approximately same age? And relatively same attractiveness level?

Or just young hotties? 

Because to be rejected 200-300 times you are doing something seriously wrong or expecting something you can't get.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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I am going after almost anything at this point, i do have lowered my standards, which makes me a hypocrite because I have been saying that I do ''pick up''to get a girlfriend but if i am honest honest I don't see myself in a ltr with a lot of the girls I bother talk to.

Honestly I expect to be rejected 1500+ times. But who knows...



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