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About complaining

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No matter how much I complain that something is hard, that something will continue to be hard, unless I change myself, not the thing. The difficulty of the thing cannot be changed through my incessant complaning and suffering. But my skills and my understanding of the thing can be changed through my actions, then maybe, just maybe, the thing that I once thought was hard will become easy. But then again, it's not actually the thing that becomes easy, but rather it's me that become stronger. But sitting back, complaining, crying and worrying? Well, that won't change shit. If you think something is hard, you have two options: 1) you give up, and that's fine, go do something else or 2) you take a step back and you keep trying. You try different solutions. You become stronger. You grow. You overcome the problem.

Whatever option you choose is fine :) Just don't suffer with either of them, as suffering won't change anything. Be in peace with whatever you choose. No pressure

Edited by blankisomeone

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15 hours ago, blankisomeone said:

as suffering won't change anything


The desire to escape suffering is the core motivation behind humanity's development. 

Suffering is clear sign that there's something relatively wrong and could be improved. 

"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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@MrDmitriiV But some people wallow in suffering not doing anything. I was thinking about my past and there’s many situations where I suffered because something bad happened to me, but that didn’t change the fact that the bad thing happened. I wasted a lot of energy FOCUSING on the bad feeling.

Also worry. Worrying didn’t prevent something bad from happening. There’s many occasions in my life where I worried a lot that something bad would happen that I was paralyzed with just worrying and didn’t take any action to at least try to do something to change the outcome, and the bad thing ended up happening. I worried for nothing.

Suffering isn’t wrong. It’s part of being human, like you said. And a healthy amount of suffering can actually be beneficial, I agree. But very quickly suffering can become detrimental.

I’ve reached these conclusions by analyzing stuff that happened in my life.

Edited by blankisomeone

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1 hour ago, MrDmitriiV said:

The desire to escape suffering is the core motivation behind humanity's development. 

As fucked up as what I’m gonna say sounds, it’s true that many egos actually ENJOY suffering and are NOT WILLING to do anything about it. Vicitm mentality. I used to have that

Suffering is beneficial when it happens like this:

bad thing happens -> I suffer (sadness, anxiety, frustration, irritability) -> I do something about it

Suffering is detrimental when it happens like this:

bad thing happens -> I suffer -> I suffer -> I feel bad because I’m suffering -> I hate sffering -> I hate life -> life is unfair -> why did that bad thing happen?? Why why? -> ug, life is so hard...


bad thing might happen in the future -> I feel anxiety, I worry and worry and worry -> oh no that thing might jappen what do i do -> aah im overwhelmed, im powerless idk what to do -> bad thing ends up NOT HAPPENING -> the suffering was for nothing...

OR -> the bad thing DOES happen -> the suffering was still for nothing

Edited by blankisomeone

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@blankisomeone You miss the bird's eye view on this.

There's no such thing as waste/not doing anything/not moving anywhere/detrimental. 

Only profound spiritual experiences will make you appreciate Relativity. 

We all like to come up with reasons why we can't appreciate the beauty of God. 

Listen to the silence between the noise son.

"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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40 minutes ago, MrDmitriiV said:


Always seems weird how the ego in demeaning labels is so readily missed. (Buddy, “my friend”, etc, used like that)



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1 hour ago, MrDmitriiV said:

Listen to the silence between the noise son.

okay father haha

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