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The Painting that paints Itself

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The materialist will say this happened by chance, that all of this ingenuity was caused by random events. By happenstance.

Therefore, there materialist will argue, there is nothing mysterious about life at all.


It would be a miracle if life was created with a plan written in a book.  This is not the case.

Yet, what the materialist cannot see is that it is a far greater miracle that it is the nature of existence for all of this ingenuity to happen by happenstance, by random activity. That is utterly miraculous. Try to design a system that will create human beings by happenstance. That requires design on a level beyond intelligence. Foresight so unimaginable that it is beyond all that is reasonable and comprehensible.


A nature in which life will spawn all on it's own. A nature in which intelligence and life are so imbued in the fabric of it's very substance so that it is inevitable for it to come into being and evolve. Nature so intelligent that all things apparently unintelligent have the capacity to evolve into greater intelligence.

A world in which rolling a dice will inevitably lead to all that you see. All the life-forms that ever did exist and ever will exist. A world which requires nothing but the dice to be rolling for those things to all happen by themselves, by happenstance, by random events.

This is miraculous. Ironically, the scientist has not demystified nature, he has mystified it just so much more.


We must ask ourselves, why is nature the way it is? Why is the way it is, the way it is? Why is it possible that random events create a being that can comprehend the very nature that spawned it into being?

The materialist must deny metaphysical questions, for if he too long contemplates them, he will see the impossibility of all things that are. There is a layer right between the things most common to us, the things that seem like they could not be otherwise, and the nothingness which gives rise to all of them. That layer in which the mind cannot grasp for any explanations, the layer which if revealed to the mind will lead it into insanity.

The sane becomes the insane. The possible becomes the impossible. Vice versa.


The more the scientist explains, the more he reveals the mysterious and impossible ingenuity of nature. He inevitably points out how utterly miraculous nature is. By revealing more about how things are, they reveal to us the insurmountable intelligence it took for things to be the way they are.



God does not simply paint a painting. God paints a painting that paints itself.

Edited by Scholar

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God does not play dice ;)

There is nothing random about evolution, mutation, or DNA.

"Random" is just a word scientists invented for their ignorance.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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There are parts of this that you wrote that are a prayer of thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing your wonder at the wonderment of IT.

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38 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

God does not play dice ;)

There is nothing random about evolution, mutation, or DNA.

"Random" is just a word scientists invented for their ignorance.

There is nothing random about evolution, but also everything about evolution is random. That is the very miracle.

A painting which paints itself with random random strokes and yet created an intentional piece of artwork. Random is causeless, and Causeless is the Source.


God plays dice, but the game he created is made such that the dice will allow for the game to play out in an intentional manner. That is the very ingenius thing about it. The random is not simply found in evolution, mutation or DNA, it is found in the metaphysical nature of this world.


When a chimp wants to create a predictable, specific outcome, he will generate predictable rules. Reality works the other way around, it creates the rules from the outcome, it generates the premises from the conclusion. This is categorically different from linear intelligence. It is the AI which travels back in time so to create itself in the first place. The snake which gives birth to itself.


This is Free Will Leo, it is freedom, it is Chaos. Chaos and Order must not be dualities. The Dice rolls, yet the Dice has structure. And the hand by which it is rolled is pure Freedom.


I found the more I contemplate this the more human notions of intelligence and causality are just limited. I think there is everything random about Evolution, Mutation and DNA. It is utterly random, it's very core is randomity. That is what makes it so utterly miraculous, for the intelligence it takes to bring Chaos and Order together is simply beyond all I could even possibly fathom.


It is different from intelligence as we talk about it. It is a completely different category. Like abstract thought to the ant, this form of intelligence has not even evolve in our chimp minds. I wonder if there will ever be a being that will have this kind of intelligence in terms of it's survival abilities.


I do feel like Creativity can be genuine in the human mind and I think it is Sourced directly from the Free Will. The theory of Relativity constructing itself within the mind of Albert Einstein. A self-emergent Insight so to speak.


All that is in this world seems to be this self-emergent insight in the All-Mind. It's seeing the Tree, and then all the causes for the Tree emerging to give content behind the thin veil of Treeness.

Manifestation, then Causes. Pure Creativity.

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