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Forrest Adkins

When Talking About MEN She Isn't Talking About YOU

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1 hour ago, Deezeetho said:

I am not following. Elaborate! 

You don't see promiscuity and the tinder apps? Its hookup barrage. Its not long term. Its flings. The concept of a app is merely sex appeal. You don't value personality on a app. Maybe you don't use apps. I prefer meeting naturally. My point is its a fling. Its not common people use apps for serious relationship. 

I value traditionalism. I am a conservative. My parents are married still. I believe in God. I need to go to confessional. I am definitely not the best Christian. A bunch of girls gave their number today. Hair and nails done up. Leggings like every girl in the UK. We're  having a flirt. The entire time she's typing her number in my phone, I am honestly thinking about how great sex is going to feel when. 

I don't necessarily agree with the video. I am just saying, there was no being vulnerable or telling any of the girls about my feelings. If anything, I was cocky. Anything they said was interpreted as her hitting on me or a sexual advance. Another I accused of dropping candy trying to lure me back to her gingerbread house. Another girl invited me in after the bar for "coffee." It was 3am. 

There's actual analytics on the following. Particularly, patterns on which way men and women vote. There's analytics on your social media and they can nearly guarantee which way you vote. Simply, age, gender, and the content of your social media (likes, posting, content ETC). I don't doubt that for dating and a number of things. 

Be bold. Be blunt. Take risks. Take your shot. Yolo! All better alternative advice then the present talking point's to men. I am sure better videos exist. 

Not every man or woman wants short term flings. That's what I meant. A lot of people want long term traditional relationships. 

I have a traditional mindset. I believe in traditional long term or lifetime relationships. So all my opinions and advice are tailored along that line of thinking. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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This actually gets to the heart of why taking dating advice from women when you're a guy can be a bad idea.

The video makes a good point, despite the questions asked of the women being improvable, as was pointed out.

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I started watching this a few days ago. He was doing well until about halfway through when he began talking about hypergamy and veered completely off track.

It’s not because women want Mr. Perfect to be completely open with them. That would be equally off putting if it happened. Women are attracted to mystery and ambiguity because female sexual attraction begins with curiosity. Women like a man who’s a challenge to get to know deeply.

But the women in the video answer that way because they are unaware and have likely been burnt before by men who have been dishonest. So, they think that, in order to be safe, they need a man who is completely predictable and straightforward.

But even though that makes them feel safer, it isn’t what attracts them. What they really want is an trustworthy man who is reserved enough to make her wonder about him but open enough to have a deep connection with. And she wants that feeling of emotional safety that comes from being in that man’s arms.

The actual answer is that women are focused on what they want but not HOW they want it.

They want a trustworthy man to open up to them... but not because he’s open in general. She wants to feel like the man sharing his feelings is something rare and special that only she gets to see shine through in intimate moments. She wants exclusive access to his secrets.

So, the man in the video is saying the equivalent of “Men actually do want an easy woman. But when he says that, he’s not taking about you... only Ms. Perfect.”

But the reality is, that men don’t usually want an easy woman, even if they think they do and even if she’s Ms. Perfect.

Men want a challenge and to know that they have won that challenge in the woman’s eyes and been granted exclusive access to the woman’s companionship. 

Edited by Emerald

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much of my experience is like that. I see a significant amount of delusion from mainstream media and the norm. I can't be bothered to bump stats as I have in the past. if anything, there's something more telling in the movies in most recent years. the greatest selling piece of female literature is fifty shades. it is telling given the sales of the book and what men are told. it's all really fascinating to me.

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