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I've been having multiple awakenings over the past two weeks! (questions welcome)

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OK, this enlightenment business is REAL. I am not creating this thread in an attempt to prove what I have experienced, or indeed to boast (that would obviously be egotistical), but in all honesty I am in such a state of bliss right now (and have been for the past two weeks) that it seems almost too good to be true. :) 

I have been meditating EVERY SINGLE DAY for an average time of about 5 hours a day, for the past 2 YEARS. The first few months it felt like torture and I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere, then at the 7 month mark I had an awakening of no-self. I was in a state of peace for 10 days. Alas, I had a very strong ego backlash, which sent me spiralling into depression and alcoholism. I never really recovered the sense of bliss I had found for that short period....Until two weeks ago. I re-watched  a bunch of Leo's videos on enlightenment (which I would highly recommend) as well as some other masters such as Peter Ralston and Rupert Spira. My self inquiry became very intense, and just before my awakening two weeks ago, I was meditating and practicing self-inquiry solidly for 10 hours a day (no breaks). Pretty intense eh?

My first awakening two weeks ago felt like a full body orgasm, culminating in hysterical laughter which lasted for minutes. Then hours later, it happened again. Then, keeping up my practice, the next morning it happened AGAIN. I lost count of all the awakenings that happened, but during them, all I could say to myself was "OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD". It was a mixture of joy, awe, bliss, and just pure simple laughter. It's like getting the joke. Laughing at nothing like you did when you were a kid.

So this is my reward for putting in the hours. I don't feel a sense of pride, and I didn't even feel like sharing my experience with anyone...until now. I didn't at first think it was necessary, and I figured my actions would speak louder than words.

But here I am. Am I enlightened? It won't put me up nor down if people think I am enlightened or not, but I decided to create this thread in order to possibly help others. So if you have any questions, then fire away. :)


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That is a question you must answer yourself through experience. It can be pointed to but not communicated, but the best description I can come up with is "a deep realisation of Truth". 

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@TheHealer Great!

So what exactly did you become conscious of?

Do you understand what God is? What Love is? Why existence is?

I don't doubt you had some awakenings, but just trying to ascertain how deep they went and what may be left to realize. Many juicy facets of this thing.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@TheHealer Great!

So what exactly did you become conscious of?

Do you understand what God is? What Love is? Why existence is?

I don't doubt you had some awakenings, but just trying to ascertain how deep they went and what may be left to realize.

I became conscious that I AM, and that my ego doesn't exist and never has existed! And it's fucking hilarious! 

"God" is an indefinable word. Love is seeing everything as yourself.

Why is existence? I don't think I realised the meaning of life. Except for there is no meaning.

Edit: I also became aware that suffering is an illusion. 

Edited by TheHealer

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@TheHealer Congrats man, that's so awesome! You put in the work that most people are not willing to do, and got rewarded for it. :x 

But don't stop there, it goes deeper and deeper. You want to reach that Super-mind (clear-light) state as Ken Wilber's Integral Theory puts it. 

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@TheHealer Good.

And are you aware that you are God and that you created all this?

Why did you create it?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Did you build up to 5 hours a day or did u just start doing 5 hours a day right off the bat? Also, do you meditate for 5 hours straight or do you take breaks? Your level of commitment is something very few people have. Congrats :)  @TheHealer

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8 minutes ago, Austin Actualizing said:

Did you build up to 5 hours a day or did u just start doing 5 hours a day right off the bat? Also, do you meditate for 5 hours straight or do you take breaks? Your level of commitment is something very few people have. Congrats :)  @TheHealer

Thankyou. My level of commitment is parallel to the level of necessity. I started with 1 or 2 hours, but quickly progressed to 5 and beyond. I did not take many breaks.....after all, how hard is sitting still for 5 hours? Not hard in my book, after all you don't have to do anything!!!!

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alright bro please send me some of that energy I mean sync it up or something like put it up there or dunno man yeah reverse retrofire it by reading the inherent energy signature or lack thereof this patt(reon)ern leo please don't ban this is just my first post you can psych scan me though I am full of ego aaaaah I love myself brb sorry I was just culminating in my realization for abit sorry just acclimatizing to the experience( feel like a bit like a devilish psychic vampire here tehe lol xd) anyway uuuh sorry this was just my introductory post sorry for not following the normal procedure of being super catious and my grammer since I feel correcting grammar too much at this point in time is a bit innocuous since I'm celebrating another being coming into a more connected level of play anyway congrats you are enlightened!!!now just have fun 

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