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Can psychedelics help me to figure out my life purpose/my passions?

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Hi guys,

so basically I am contemplating for years now, what my life purpose and my passions could be. I have tried a bunch of stuff and I have some areas, where I think that could maybe become my passion or my LP, but Im still not sure about that. I have done lots of introspection work, journaled a lot, thought a lot about things, tried out things, but I really cant find it. So my question is, whether the use of a good psychedelic( and what psychedelic would you recommend for that particular situation) could give me some new insights, ideas or perspectives, because I feel really stuck with that question and I really want to find my LP and passions.

Thank you for all your answers guys, really appreciate every answer( please answer Leo:D)

Edited by actualizing25

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@actualizing25 Finding out your LP and passion shouldn't take years.

Have you tried Leo's course? Books or other material?

As for psychedelics, depends which ones and dosage. They can give you good insights, but don't expect 'em to do all the work. You are the soil, the psychedelic is the seed. Both important.

I suggest something like Al-Lad or MDMA, which keep your mental clarity and ability to contemplate. Also go low with dosages.

"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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@MrDmitriiV I know that psychedelics alone wont do it. I just wanted to ask whether they could give me some new insights and based on them I could try out more stuff, introspect etc. to find my LP and create a vision for myself.

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What do you enjoy doing right now in your everyday life? What is something that feels like play rather than work? Any hobbies? 

What is your current profession and how do you like that? What do you dislike about it? 

I think psychedelics could help, but I would not solely bank on just that. You might even already be doing the activity that would be your life purpose, or doing activities that are around it. Finding your inner purpose will effect this as well. Working on your spiritual work might lead you to finding this. It all depends on where you are at. It can seem kind of frustrating to find it, but if you can find comfort in not knowing, then it will come to you. That is not to say that you should not contemplate it. 

Edited by Average Investor

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4 hours ago, actualizing25 said:

I just wanted to ask whether they could give me some new insights and based on them I could try out more stuff, introspect etc. to find my LP and create a vision for myself.

Of course psychedelics could help with this. If my intention was personal and career development, I would probably use a low/moderate dose. For me, higher doses fully dissolve the self and there is no longer a "me" for whom to do personal and career development. Yet at low/moderate doses, psychedelics can bump up my conscious level to a meta view. In terms of SD, it would be like going from Orange to Yellow for a few hours. Some of my best creative and contemplative work has come in this zone. 

Yet everyone resonates with psychedelics differently. Psychedelics could show someone the intimacy of Now and afterwards the person might think "Yea but, what does that have to do with me and setting my goals? What a waste of time.". The psychedelic and the person are not on the same wavelength. Or a psychedelic could give someone a meta view of their abilities giving insight into a future career. The only way to find out is to do it. 

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