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Robert Leavitt

Perfectionism and Leo

3 posts in this topic


Love your work, I have listened to a lot of your videos.  I was a massive total perfectionist and I had this tremendous spiritual awakening (dare I say enlightenment) here, through a long series of efforts with various sources I was able to break through this tremendous pain that I was in and become centered and balanced.  In this process I spent a ton of time looking on the internet to try to find information regarding what I had figured out.

Your video on perfectionism is the only one I found that really addresses and describes the real issues at hand.  The majority of information out there, while mostly all valid, never really addresses the fact that the harsh criticisms and constant bickering because our expectations not being met, is the source of a tremendous amount of physical pain and suffering. The vast majority of information deals with work related stuff (Which is fine,'s so much more than that).

I had the awakening before I saw your video.  I used a technique called thought stopping, and I had this experience where I became more humble than I had ever been.  Basically consisting of fixing new beliefs like "I have no right to think of this person this way".  Or .. even better than that, when I stop judging situations all together.

I learned how to give others a break, and in the process, I gave myself a HUGE break.

The other thing I found is that I was tremendously prejudicial. I believe it was a result of my perfectionism and all the assumptions I would make, that would then begin fixing more beliefs (I thought it has to be true!), to build an even worse story on top of the bad core beliefs to begin with.  Constantly cynical and rationalizing/justifying everything.  Somehow .. I had the change of heart.  I saw the error in my ways and I forgave the whole world (and myself) and God all at once.

Now I'm a super peaceful, fun loving kind, person who really does love everyone.  I haven't had an emotional outburst or raised my voice in anger for years.. I went from being an angry, resentful, selfish little entitled child who could not take responsibility for anything, to..... something much better.

Peace and Love,

Robert Leavitt


p.s. To all the naysayers out there...believe in yourself.  You can change...I did it, anyone can do it.  It's not about having answers.  It's about knowing the right questions to ask.  What kind of person do you really want to be?  What kind of life do you want to have?  Everyone is exactly where they want to be, but only successful people want to admit it.

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6 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Robert Leavitt Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. ??

Absolutely.  I have been so happy for 3 years, and I just felt incredibly moved to start trying to help others.  But having found this forum, I thought what a great opportunity to share with Leo how he has helped me.  He really has too, it's amazing.  I am so grateful now that I am grateful.  What an amazing feeling that can be!

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