
Blog post: "Explaining God For Dummies"

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A video full of deep insights, I also had a laugh, you are funny! Thank you @Leo Gura


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Feels like Leo a little triggered. That's fine Leo, we love you, grateful till eternity.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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6 minutes ago, dimitri said:

Feels like Leo a little triggered. That's fine Leo, we love you, grateful till eternity.

Well yeah cause people have pipe dream ideas what awakening is and project when it's not what they think it actually is, so Leo just want's to make things clear.


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1 minute ago, inFlow said:

Well yeah cause people have pipe dream ideas what awakening is and project when it's not what they think it actually is, so Leo just want's to make things clear.


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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I enjoyed this vid- it displays some real authenticity. The problem with any kind of communication is the recipients inherent incapacity to be free of the bind which needs to utilise cognition to apprehend or interact with what is offered. This produces judgements, visceral reactions and grasping which can only be seen for what they are, and transcended once one is established "on the road". Intellectual robustness cannot on its own get you there.

Each persons journey will be uniquely their own, but on arrival the commonalities of the process between the travellers will become apparent. Authentic alignment with what IS does not require any particular way of being, and need not have to resemble someone who appears to have schizoid personality traits (ie aloof, emotionally-dampened or restricted, and being observably "Zen"). 

Good stuff Mr Gura!

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The more you learn about the day-to-day life of indian gurus and saints, the more you realize you know nothing about how an enlightened person suppose to behave, they are incredibly unpredictable. Showing anger, prone to violence, shouting, cursing, addictions, impatience etc. The west gurus like Mooji, Eckhart Tolle and Rupert Spira tend to appear more peaceful, loving and all of that to appeal to western people that have this distorted image of what God has to look like, indians seem to throw out these non-sense thousands of years ago. The level of development of the disciples also play a huge hole in how the guru must act in order to instruct them into awakening. The way you deal with a stage red disciple will be vastly different then to a stage yellow one. 

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Hey @Leo Gura. In the beginning of your blog post video, you mention the historical texts about Jesus.
Were you talking about the Gospels, or did you read any external texts?

If you have the titles handy, I would appreciate if you shared them.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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just wanna say about the part where he mentions that 

an awakened person cannot be angry...

very good point! many people are indeed confused about it...

as if being angry meant that one does not love :D

can we all think of infinite love at play where anger is what's happening?


yup: a parent being angry with their child. the anger is out of love... to teach... to discipline



if anything, being enlightened may make you more prone to anger :D

love you Leo! keep doing you thing champ


Love Is The Answer

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