
Iowa Caucus App

117 posts in this topic

5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's precisely backwards.

You are prioritizing survival over truth, which is is the mother of all human problems.

I'm not in this discussion to say, "Nananan bo boo. Told ya' so." I'm here to hopefully get readers to realize the origins of all evil -- stemming from self-bias of the mind.

When you put survival above truth, you become the devil. And as you do this, you imagine yourself to be an angel. If you really care about corruption, carefully contemplate what was said in my video: Understanding Corruption. The corruption starts and ends with you. You are not going to end evil with evil.

Devils in the government will keep getting away with devilry as long as fools continue giving them the benefit of the doubt.

When there is motive, stakes, conflicts of interest, inconsistencies, and a history of corruption, it is pure devilry to convince people that their lack of trust in the establishment is unfounded.

And it’s specifically your type of devilry that keeps truth from coming to light.


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@Emerald if you look deep enough and open your mind you will see the truth in what he is saying.  This is deep stuff and takes a lot of unraveling of the self to see it.   


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Johnny5 ? that probably is addressed to everyone - especially yourself.

the magic thing to understand is:

it’s not a drama it’s a tragic-comedy.

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Update: The results are still at 97% with Pete ahead in delegates by a razor thin margin of 0.1%. The satellite caucuses that Bernie did best in have still not been reported.

Tom Perez, chair of the DNC is now calling for an “Immediate” recanvass of the votes from scratch... “immediately”  almost certainly meaning before the remainder of the votes are counted.

Again. Do with this new information what you will.




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8 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

 I don't identify with any party.   I am odd in that i have no political identity  whatsoever.   I think that's a good thing because i don't have any bias. 

I have none either. In the distant past I was a Democrat, then one day (years ago) I realized I could care less about parties or sides, no matter what I hear this doesn't change. It's as though it doesn't exist for me and seems like kids play. I don't worry about elections or any of it. I can't make myself care either, it's very odd. 

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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@Emerald I don't think they are going to release the 100%... I had given up on the idea that the delay on the results was intentional this morning, whoever the winner would be in the end. But how is it that the counting stops exactly when the difference is in 0'1, the smallest possible, kidding me? I think it was and is intentional again, I can't understand why they are not giving complete results by now. With BIden fallen, Buttigieg has been the virtual winner for three days and this has bumped him in donations and polls for New Hampshire. We don't know who won yet. But, yes, I think it was Bernie in all metrics, not only popular vote. I'm open to be proven wrong, but how is it that I have not yet?

Yet, even stolen a good healine bump this week, at least if I'm not wrong, Bernie has ended up well from Iowa. His biggest rival was Biden, Buttigieg could be a weaker rjval in the overal USA picture. He cannot appeal to the senior moderate voters that well, in fact, those may start sympathising with Bernie too as he is as old as them. :D 

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2 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

That has nothing to do with the present.  That's what got him into trouble jumping to conclusions.....there is zero evidence of a conspiracy here.  The stuff he was sending me were from people talking from a place of their OWN political bias.  But he was sure all over that.    When I'm sure if we provided the equal type of stuff on Russiagate he would have balked at it.

Do you sense a political agenda here?

You are not getting it. It absolutely has to do with the present. In order to prevent mistakes in the present, you have to learn from the past.

People like Leo who are too naive, and gullible (majority of Americans are), are the ones that allow these things to happen - thinking that by default those devils should be given the benefit of the doubt, when the opposite is the case.

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42 minutes ago, Emerald said:

Update: The results are still at 97% with Pete ahead in delegates by a razor thin margin of 0.1%. The satellite caucuses that Bernie did best in have still not been reported.

Tom Perez, chair of the DNC is now calling for an “Immediate” recanvass of the votes from scratch... “immediately”  almost certainly meaning before the remainder of the votes are counted.

Again. Do with this new information what you will.




It is pretty obvious what is going on here.  If Leo wants to throw a "conspiracy theory" card, then let him so. MSM always loves to throw the "conspiracy" card out there.

As long as the people are naive and gullible - the devils in the government will continue to be getting away with this.

Thank you for all the updates that you are providing and for sharing your perspective.

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@whoareyou Yeah, gullibility and passivity in the face of potential corruption enables most devilry that exists.

It’s those that do nothing and say nothing in the face of wrongdoing (or potential wrongdoing) who are complicit in devilry by allowing it to go unchecked.

Honestly, at this point, if people aren’t seriously contemplating the potential for corruption in the Iowa Caucus, then I just think of them as being incredibly naive and unworldly.

Also, lots of spiritual bypassing going on here too. From Leo and a couple others. Using more spiritual truths to invalidate practical truths as though that is the conscious choice.

That’s why it’s so important to get the paradigm right and not use truths from one paradigm to lie to one’s self in another paradigm.

If they recognized that, they’d see that they are speculating just as much as anyone else. Also, that corruption is a perfectly reasonable speculation about the events that are unfolding.

And practicing blind faith in the integrity of the political institution and the election process and defaulting to “there is no corruption” as the only valid interpretation of the events at hand is a huge assumption not based in truth at all. And not based in historical precedents either.

And even more importantly, an assumption with far greater potential for negative consequences compared to the alternative interpretation of events.



Edited by Emerald

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14 minutes ago, Johnny5 said:

Conspiracies definitely exist, but in the grand scheme of things there is nothing new or current in any of it, and in terms of your own development it's just a plateau. A phase where you can easily get stuck for the rest of your life, as most people do. All of that is part of god's amusement. There is no truth or freedom to be found in any of that shit, only cul de sacs.

And that's exactly what it's for. To keep yourself and humanity running around in circles with nothing to show for it on your deathbed. Part of the drama is the overcoming of obstacles, it gives you a character arc, and failure is at least as entertaining as success.

God doesn't give a hoot about getting anyone to any finish line, or about elevating humanity, all it wants is to keep you in the game until your time has come. The reason it will give you whatever you want is because you are designed to want whatever god needs you to want.

Even the path to truth exists only for the spectacle, the ups and downs, victories and defeats, comraderie and betrayals, the works.

It's all a cosmic joke, this is the whole point. The world is god's home entertainment system, it better not be boring. Being god's avatar is not grandiose, it just means you're a puppet on a string. Actors on a stage. Straw dogs, as it's called in Taoism. Ceremonial figures, to be discarded after use.

Left versus right. Red versus blue. Traditional versus progressive. Growth versus stagnation. Success versus failure. Good versus evil. Even devilry versus god. Duality. Opposition. Spectacle. None of it is any more or less significant than pepsi versus coca.

There is no malice in it, but nonetheless the joke is on you. God's love is love for itself. For its own essence, not for any particular form. It is necessarily impartial, it has no skin in the game, and so it enjoys the spectacle no matter what happens. And the most important thing about the spectacle is that it continues, not that it ends.


It’s important to get your paradigm right if you plan to live in a society... or live a human life in general.

So, it’s unwise to engage in spiritual bypassing by invalidating relative truths by writing over them with higher spiritual understandings. You have to be non-dual and hold space for both.

So, if there is a potential that elections are being corrupted, it is of immense practical importance to push back on that as a populace. Otherwise it encourages more corruption and detrimental outcomes on the relative. 

To be truly aware, you must become aware that relative truths coexist with absolute Truth. And to make a distinction and prioritize absolute truisms over practical truths, will be incredibly unwise. It would also create a false dichotomy between spiritual and mundane that doesn’t actually exist 

So, practically, if we don’t push back on potential corruption or are too trusting, it leaves us wide open to even more corruption happening. And that wouldn’t be healthy or functional for our society.


Edited by Emerald

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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16 hours ago, whoareyou said:

You are not getting it. It absolutely has to do with the present. In order to prevent mistakes in the present, you have to learn from the past.

People like Leo who are too naive, and gullible (majority of Americans are), are the ones that allow these things to happen - thinking that by default those devils should be given the benefit of the doubt, when the opposite is the case.

My point was this happened already, so good luck preventing it.  All we can do now in this specific situation is look at the facts without bias.    Just because someone did something four years ago doesn't necessarily mean you automatically run off and say without any doubt they did it today.  That's not how it works or we would be in real trouble.  That's what court systems are for.  And thats exactly what your pal @Bnowould have said had this been about Trump and Russiagate.   Innocent until proven guilty.   That's how our court systems work and how they have to work for society to maintain order.

As i said - at this point it really doesn't appear to be cheating on the DNC side.   I'm providing you my POV on it with the information i have.  The race is too close for me to believe the app was tampered with without more evidence coming forward.   If they had rigged it it wouldn't have been close.  To spend that much time on a plan to break an app with all that risk makes no sense to me.   

 And sorry but other people's opinions being provided as evidence when they themselves are biased doesn't cut it for me.  It's too early with the info we have to be stating the DNC did anything illegal.  Never in this thread did i say not to be conscious of devilry.  No one is denying corruption exists in politics.  Working towards eliminating corruption to purify our political system going forward is a different thing than assessing a situation that already occurred.   And my assessment is there is not enough to bring charges against the DNC.   Apparently no one else is bringing charges up against them either.   And if you make the counter argument that its because everyone in the entire political system is corrupt and that's why no charges are being brought up- well i think that's a real stretch.

And regarding assessing this specific scenario if you are coming from a place of fear, paranoia, or self bias  it will warp your thought process and you will not be able to review the facts clearly.    


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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It's so hilarious that a "jagoff nightclub comedian" is more conscious about politics than someone who makes a living doing "spiritual work." 

It seems to me that Leo's ego is starting to get in the way of spirituality. A true spiritual teacher would be able to control such an unconscious emotion such as anger and wouldn't act so personally offended.

I haven't been part of this forum very long and I no longer plan on sticking around. Although Leo's got some nice spiritual tips he can offer people to form a nice foundation, I dont think I can follow the teachings of someone who silences others because of their own sensitive ego and closed-mindedness. 


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User @whoareyou has been banned.

Purge continues.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Enough is enough, said the responsible of Iowa Democrat party, even before releasing full results by then. Well, I feel the same way, but I don't think he should be the one saying that. 

They released a 100% result finally, which gives Buttigieg a narrow victory over Bernie by less than 0'1%. They can recount votes all they want, but I don't think the multiple round system can be replicated anyway, so this is it. 

Whatever, I said I would leave the forum with an apology if finally Bernie didn't win and I'm doing so. I'm sorry, I never intended to feed any conspiracy theory, but a messy process by the responsibles didn't make it easy to analyze the situation fairly. 

If Buttigieg wins the nomination, my best for him and he'll have my full support against Trump. But I'm totally with Bernie, medicare for all, no to unnecessary and endless wars, cancelation of the student debt, decent living wage, MJ legalization with cleaning of past criminal records for its possession, etc... I like his music, things like those would impact lives for the better. Of course, some powerful companies don't like it, they profit so much in the current situation and that could stop or be reduced. They only think short term though, a part of the society in the edge of poverty, criminalized and with fear of even getting sick doesn't benefit anybody, the contrary. 

So this is my last comment, be good to each other and discuss and share with an open mind and heart, it's best. For Leo, I'll be still following your videos and blog, I find them valuable and seems you're going through an interesting journey. Myself, I have things I gotta take care of, so that's what I'm going to do. 

Bye!!!! :)

Edited by Hatfort

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Just now, Johnny5 said:

You can't transcend it while you defend it.

You're not "holding a space" for both, you're just holding on to what you "know", to the same old shit that everyone else is holding on to, so how are you any different? You're engaged in it at its own level. That's the big mistake, that's what keeps you down. That's being survival-oriented vs. being truth-oriented.

When two toddlers in a sandbox are making a row, you don't jump in and take sides and "prepare" for the worst. That's not how you "elevate humanity", that's how you get dragged down to their level.

I don't mean just you, but since you replied...

Everyone wants to skip straight to the "mountain again" part, because the part where it's not a mountain is too scary and taboo. But it can't be skipped.

You seem to be very invested in all this and make a lot of assumptions. Are you sure that you're not skipping straight to the "mountains again" part?

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Just now, Johnny5 said:

One thing I'm sure of is that it took you all of 30 seconds to reply. You're not even taking the time to reflect on anything I say. You have all your parries and ripostes down to a T.

And you didn't respond to what I said at all. You just decided to deflect and focus on how you perceived that I didn't spend enough time to process what you said. 

I just want you to questions whether or not you're self-deceiving. 

If a person goes around trying to call everyone out for not being conscious enough, then it begs the question as to whether or not they have some errors of grandeur. And in those errors may be convincing themselves that they've attained some higher state, and then going around trying to flaunt their spiritual superiority to others.

To me, your posts really smack of this. I'm not saying you definitely aren't where you think you are because I don't know. But I am saying that your posts make it seem that way.


Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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