
Iowa Caucus App

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So, the Iowa Caucus app is apparently malfunctioning. So, here are some facts. Do with them what you will...

  • The App is called Shadow and was created by former Hillary Clinton backers
  • (Edit) The Shadow company received money from Pete Buttigieg's campaign, apparently for another service they offer
  • Bernie Sanders had members of his team monitoring about 60% of the caucusing sites that showed him having a 5 point lead over Pete on average
  • Mayor Pete already claimed victory before the results have fully come out... in a pre-scheduled tweet and in his speech
  • Mayor Pete's campaign is getting a ton of positive media coverage
  • Still no clear results



Edited by Emerald
accidental misinformation - now corrected

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This will be interesting!



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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1 hour ago, Emerald said:

The App was funded by Pete Buttigieg's campaign

No it wasn't. The Bittigieg campaign paid money to Shadow for other tech services it provided. Not for the app.

Get your facts straight.

You guys are way too into this conspiracy shit. Everything is a conspiracy against Bernie. Sometimes a bug is just a bug.

You ever write software? You know how many bugs it can have?

There is no indication of any rigging. Just a logistical failure.

If evidence emerges, then we can discuss further.

Until then, be patient and we should have the results verified soon.

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I will say that nothing is definitive, but I just want to provide information you might not have come across. I am not jumping to conclusions, just speculating based on evidence. I am not trying to be biased. This just being a bug is likely, but my non biased assessment tells me that likeliness is not very high.

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

If evidence emerges, then we can discuss further.

Until then, be patient and we should have the results verified soon.

Some evidence has emerged, so I will only present those for discussion.

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

No it wasn't. The Bittigieg campaign paid money to Shadow for other tech services it provided. Not for the app.

Get your facts straight.

Still one of the many conflicts of interests.

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

You guys are way too into this conspiracy shit. Everything is a conspiracy against Bernie. Sometimes a bug is just a bug.

You ever write software? You know how many bugs it can have?

There is no indication of any rigging. Just a logistical failure.


Edited by Bno

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46 minutes ago, Bno said:

Apple and Microsoft, both trillion dollar companies, release software updates which break their whole system and require immediate patches.

And you expect some rinky-dink Iowa app to not have bugs?

This is a joke, not evidence of rigging.

Alternative media's vision is way too clouded by their hatred of the establishment and desire for Bernie to win. Textbook definition of projection and confirmation bias.

The mind only sees evidence which validates its ideology.

If you would only be willing to admit that's true: you don't know, and if you were patient, you'd get to the truth of the matter. But the ego-mind isn't interested in truth, it's interested in survival. And thus evil is born. Your mind is the source of the evil you decry. But you are too busy surviving to see it.

And you wonder why there's so much evil in the world. Look in the mirror, if you dare.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Apple and Microsoft, both trillion dollar companies, release software updates which break their whole system and require immediate patches.

And you expect some rinky-dink Iowa app to not have bugs?

Bernie's campaigns app seemed to have worked just fine though. I just wonder why they approved to use this rinky dink app for an important primary.

16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

This is a joke, not evidence of rigging.

What about the other evidence I presented from people who were there on the ground? And would you say rigging is unlikely despite having the people in charge of the DNC being the same people who were caught cheating in the 2016 primaries? 


Edited by Bno

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23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Apple and Microsoft, both trillion dollar companies, release software updates which break their whole system and require immediate patches.

And you expect some rinky-dink Iowa app to not have bugs?

This is a joke, not evidence of rigging.

Alternative media's vision is way too clouded by their hatred of the establishment and desire for Bernie to win. Textbook definition of projection and confirmation bias.

The mind only sees evidence which validates its ideology.

If you would only be willing to admit that's true: you don't know, and if you were patient, you'd get to the truth of the matter. But the ego-mind isn't interested in truth, it's interested in survival. And thus evil is born. Your mind is the source of the evil you decry. But you are too busy surviving to see it.

And you wonder why there's so much evil in the world. Look in the mirror, if you dare.

Leo you on other hand are way to stubborn to believe that world is way more shady then you think, you will bash Trump without any evidence just accusations, how is this any different. 

This is not some complicated software, it is just simple app,  that should have been back tested and should not break on basic steps. 

Edited by purerogue

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7 minutes ago, purerogue said:

This is not some complicated software it is just simple app

It is also not developed by a trillion dollar company.

They probably outsourced this app to some Indian developers for $10,000.

People are used to software developed by trillion dollars companies which functions flawlessly (and even that's not true), then they complain about some locally developed mom-and-pop shop app.

Have you seen how many buggy apps there are on the App stores?

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

It is also not developed by a trillion dollar company.

They probably outsourced this app to some Indian developers for $10,000.

Doubt that they would let some unknown Indian company to make app for elections. 

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2 minutes ago, purerogue said:

Doubt that they would let some unknown Indian company to make app for elections. 

Wouldn't surprise me at all. Companies use sub-contractors all the time.

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Of course it would be nice if all voting was federally administered with the full resources of the federal government rather than some Iowa hillbillies.

But they say they have a solid paper trail. If that's true, I wouldn't worry about it.

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Lets see what will happen, I do not care about any of Democrat candidates anyway, so it is not like I have anything to be concerned about, I just think that there is manipulation to push certain candidates, how bad is it and can they actually change votes is another question. 

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

No it wasn't. The Bittigieg campaign paid money to Shadow for other tech services it provided. Not for the app.

Get your facts straight.

You guys are way too into this conspiracy shit. Everything is a conspiracy against Bernie. Sometimes a bug is just a bug.

You ever write software? You know how many bugs it can have?

There is no indication of any rigging. Just a logistical failure.

If evidence emerges, then we can discuss further.

Until then, be patient and we should have the results verified soon.

I apologize for the misinformation on the Mayor Pete giving money DIRECTLY to the Shadow company for that app. That said, Pete Buttigieg's campaign STILL has financial ties to the company. How do you know they actually paid for another service and it wasn't just a way to funnel money to the company? 

The fact of the matter is that a company who creates such an app for elections should have ZERO financial ties to ANY political candidate. Otherwise, there is the potential for corruption and a conflict of interest.

Mind you, it could all be coincidental.  That said, to assume that it's all coincidental is rather foolish considering the stakes that a Bernie Sanders presidency presents to the establishment and their already very well-known corruption.

I think it's best to err on the side of caution, and consider that this could indeed be a politically calculated move to keep the status quo in place. 

So, it's not like I'm saying the moon landing didn't happen. I'm saying that it's very possible that the DNC is trying to keep the person out of office who will most disturb their cash cows. Don't pretend like this isn't a valid concern. 

If you're looking for the establishment to confirm their own corruption to the public, that just naive at best. 


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34 minutes ago, Emerald said:

How do you know they actually paid for another service and it wasn't just a way to funnel money to the company? 

And how do you know Bernie isn't a reptilian?

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Your paranoia is not about truth, it's about preserving your survival agenda.


"To him who is in fear everything rustles."                 -- Sophocles

As you stoke up fear, you become a tool of the devil.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

And how do you know Bernie isn't a reptilian?

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Does Bernie being a reptile matter though? Protecting our elections' integrity and informing others about the current and past history of DNC rigging is conscious politics. Giving the establishment the benefit of the doubt instead of staying on guard after they've fooled you numerous times is ignorance. 

I already presented to you on the ground evidence. History of the DNC's past actions is also something important to consider. Your bias is blinding YOU just like it blinds you to believe all accusations the MSM throws at Trump.

Edited by Bno

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

And how do you know Bernie isn't a reptilian?

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Your paranoia is not about truth, it's about preserving your survival agenda.

As you stoke up fear, you become a tool of the devil.

Leo , at this point, your bias when it comes to politics is very obvious. How do you ignore the fact what DNC did in 2016?

You always tell people that about their blind spots and their "survival agenda", yet you don't see yours. Oh the irony.

What happened with this app is a huge concern, and to throw the "conspiracy theory" card is beyond ignorant and lazy.

Thank you Emerald for bringing this up.

Edited by whoareyou

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

And how do you know Bernie isn't a reptilian?

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Your paranoia is not about truth, it's about preserving your survival agenda.

As you stoke up fear, you become a tool of the devil.

Don’t be naive Leo. It’s far wiser to err on the side of caution in this case and prepare for the worse case scenario.

Your assumption that there is no corruption happening, when that’s quite probable and there’s a long track record of corruption in the DNC, enables devilry. 

What happens if everyone thinks like you do Leo? Devils run away with the election while fools give them the benefit of the doubt.

The fact of the matter is that the creator of the Shadow app’s husband is Mayor Pete’s senior strategist. And he paid over $42k to that company... supposedly for other services.

Also Bernie’s numbers, as he was tracking the numbers too for consistency purposes, have shown so far that he has a strong lead over Pete.

So, I implore you to consider how unwise it is for you to just give those that stand to lose so much from a Sanders sweeping victory the benefit of the doubt. 


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This video talks about potential reasons why this slow release of results (beginning with the districts that Mayor Pete did best in) would be beneficial to those seeking to undermine Bernie’s campaign.

If Bernie is the front-runner, it takes away the momentum he’d get from an Iowa win because Pete is getting all the media attention as the “winner”.


Edited by Emerald

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