
By Guest in Health, Fitness, Nutrition, Supplements,
So let's talk about this highly discussed topic! Caffeine especially in coffee. Do you drink coffee? What is your stand on this subject? Healthy or a waste? I used to be a huge coffee addict and I drank a lot of coffee throughout the day, every day. Lately I have started to ween myself off of coffee so my body gets cleared from all the toxins and caffeine. But now I'm drinking it again, I drink one cup of black coffee without sugar before every workout, 5 times a week. Coffee is my preworkout. Also sometimes I drink it before meditation to sharpen and awake my mind. Every day I drink one cup of green tea also. My problem is that I don't know for sure if coffee is actually good or bad for me, there are too many studies that contradict themselves and everyone is saying something different. I love coffee, but for my health I would abandon it completely.
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