
Reality crisis - am I talking to myself?

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Since my "eternal present" psychedelic experience, I have this subtle feeling that I'm just experiencing my own personal perspective of reality and that there's no objective reality out there.


Since I've started going really hardcore on self love and meditation, a lot of random people I know have started to evolve, out of the blue! And also my reality is becoming more and more loving and peaceful. I mean, material reality, not just my emotions. 


Am I the only one in my physical reality?!? 

Are there 7 billions different "physical" realities out there? Each for every single mind? 

I'm pretty shocked by this feeling. But my last psychedelic experience has demonstrated me that I am shaping my reality. 

So.. There's no objective reality out of my mind? 

Can some of you explain this? Am I talking to myself with this post? :o

Edited by billiesimon

Inquire in the now.

Feeling is the truest knowing ?️

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You/We are the author of this "story" or collection of stories within stories. You play a character, I play a character. We're putting on an act. The author/the collective us/everything/God/Source energy is what's actual. Is this what you expected to learn when you went on your self-actualization journey? Welcome to 

Enjoy the act, enjoy the creation of your own life experience. Enjoy your knowledge of true connection as the Author with all the other characters, it's much more enjoyable when you're conscious of it. From a higher perspective it's more easily seen that we all want the same thing, to evolve, to connect, to love. When you align with what everyone... what the Author wants, it seems like you have incredible influence over others but whose influence is it really? 

What is love? Consciousness of connection. Why does it feel amazing to be conscious of connection? Because it's the Truth. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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33 minutes ago, billiesimon said:

I have this subtle feeling that I'm just experiencing my own personal perspective of reality and that there's no objective reality out there.

It was a long road for me to bridge the subjective and the objective.

The thoughts you have, subjectively, can be shared and agreed upon. Multiple perspectives, when shared, can converge into one, coherent, useful explanation/model that guides behavior of multiple agents. That would not be possible without external/objective reality.

Just don't confuse the map with the territory.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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With psychedelics, your senses collapse together with your thoughts, they become one. The senses are what we call 'direct experience' or 'consciousness', and the thoughts; well, you know the thoughts. What happens on psychedelics is that you lose the distinction between the two, and therefore you stop being able to distinguish between the subjective and the objective.

Now, is there an objective reality? Well, is there a subjective reality? Can you define any of them? Where does the subjective/objective reality start or end? What do these words mean anyway?

You see? You now have a distinction in your mind between the two, and that's how you create 'your' reality from your imagination. Notice that the same distinction disappears on psychedelics. Are the objective and subjective realities actually one or two? Well, it's relative to how you look at it. They can be one, two, three, or infinity. In the ordinary egoic state, they're two. In the psychedelic state, they're one, or infinity. In the enlightened state, they're all of them together, and each one of them individually, and none of them at all, and a mix of the above, and none and all of the above. It might seem confusing, but it's not at all confusing, except for the mind.

Edited by Lento

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My advice is stop using the mind to look for Truth. You realized in your first person experience that you are unlimited and your 'deeper understanding' came from stepping out of the perspective of the limited mind.

So, why are you keep trying to jump into conclusions using the mind? Can't you see that you are trying to make sense of the infinite with a finite glasses?

It's just not possible. You need to realize you can 'download' more deep insights just staying in silence. We are so disconnected of our body and our subtle energy and so obsessed with the perspective and analysis of the mind, that we actually believe what we can think with the mind is all there is!

Starting a Yoga practice will probably do you a lot of good. It's great to get "downloads" of intelligence and finally accept that you won't anywhere with the analysis of the mind. Again, the mind is limited, reality is infinity. The mind just won't able to grasp anything worthwhile from certain States of consciousness and above.


Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@mandyjw love it :)


@billiesimon  am I talking to myself?

NO - if by  you mean billiesimon. Other's are not billiesimon.

YES - if by I  you mean the GOD self, because there's only the GOD SELF in and as all.


1 hour ago, billiesimon said:

Am I the only one in my physical reality?!? 

YOU are the GOD of your experience. Each moment you are intersecting and co-creating your world around you with infinitely many others. You are in the front seat of your experience and once you really take control of the wheel, you will begin to understand that the others in your reality are as much a part of you as your legs & arms.

Love Is The Answer

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55 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

YOU are the GOD of your experience. Each moment you are intersecting and co-creating your world around you with infinitely many others. You are in the front seat of your experience and once you really take control of the wheel, you will begin to understand that the others in your reality are as much a part of you as your legs & arms.

I appreciate the other replies, but this one is exacty on the spot, regarding my question.

I am having the "spiritual" impression that my reality is just my personal reality, which means that I'm not sharing a physical life on a physical planet with other humans, but that every single human has a "planet" of their own where they live creating their own reality according to their own level of consciousness.

This concept is particularly discussed in manifestation communities and self-love communities, because once you start loving yourself more (a process I'm working on), reality starts to change in a weird way to accomodate your new sense of self.
And my psychedelic experience has shown me that when I was deeply connected to Source, reality was accomodating me even more!

So, that's why I'm starting to question "physical" and "objective" reality. Because seems like my own level of consciousness is impacting outside reality to conform it to me.

If I were correct... this means that every single human has a personal reality completely separate from others.
Yes, I was also asking if I was the god of my own reality, by the way!

Inquire in the now.

Feeling is the truest knowing ?️

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@billiesimon indeed. every single human has a variation of their version of reality...

it is also important to know that what is appearing is "same" but the subtitles/stories is what's largely different. the deeper a belief in the story/context about the nature or aspect our reality, the deeper it is buried in your subconscious. as you become more aware, the gap between your topical and your subconscious beliefs starts to get shorter until it is merged and you're truly an embodiment of God in your experience. conscious creation!

you're already creating your world all around you, but large parts of it are ingrained deep within the subconscious. 


as you shift between the different realities - all mirroring your beliefs and conscious creation - others who appear in that reality will still have their own versions of it... but you're always at each moment intersecting with infinitely many others... and then you're onto the next reality... 

also, there are aspects which are shared... such as a round earth on which we live... but there are aspects which maybe totally different. we cannot know what the other is seeing or believing. so best bet is to simply be in yours... 

Live & Let Live.

Love all.

Love Is The Answer

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this is why your own self-realization is the most important... THE ONLY thing which truly ultimately matters...

the "enlightened beings" which appear in your version of the reality with you, are co-created and share your world...

but if it can be said this way... that in their own direct experience, the worlds that they create are never ending and total bliss...

an example: the reality you and I share, Osho died in 1990...

but in one of the infinitely many versions, he's still alive and kickin' today on earth in 2019 and has expanded the center he started in Oregon on a global scale.


"Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world."

Love Is The Answer

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3 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

this is why your own self-realization is the most important... THE ONLY thing which truly ultimately matters...

the "enlightened beings" which appear in your version of the reality with you, are co-created and share your world...

but if it can be said this way... that in their own direct experience, the worlds that they create are never ending and total bliss...

an example: the reality you and I share, Osho died in 1990...

but in one of the infinitely many versions, he's still alive and kickin' today on earth in 2019 and has expanded the center he started in Oregon on a global scale.


"Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world."

Yes, that's exactly the perception/semi-insight I am having in these days, but I wasn't sure I was becoming insane or more sane.

I've started to reprogram my subconscious mind in these recent months, and I've also shed a lot of tears in this process, because I've cleansed a lot of my negative past and negative beliefs.

Now, my self love has decently gone up, and my physical reality is starting to shift a lot! 
I've also read Frederick Dodson's books, which are focused a lot on "identity shifting" and letting go of your subconscious victim mentality. He explains that we live in a multidimensional reality, where all possible universes are intersecting and constantly changing.

At the beginning I thought he was just a sci-fi fanboy, but right now I'm realizing that he might be actually SERIOUS with these claims!

My older version of me, the self hating version of me, might actually be still alive and leading the depressed and unconscious life he was living, while THIS version of myself is now becoming the one my consciousness is observing and following.

This stuff is so freaky :/

Inquire in the now.

Feeling is the truest knowing ?️

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@billiesimon indeed! you got it! 100%!

and the shedding of tears part - that's always a good thing. happened to me as well. out of the blue. but how you feel after, it's amazing

if it happens again, feel it deeply and allow it to yank out all the negative toxins deep within.

call it tears of joy :) 

turn every situation into heaven! you give/create the subtitles to your reality! 

any fear/doubt arising is not you!


also. unsure if you have checked out bashar on youtube. has a few videos. some guy who channels a higher dimensional being... drops major insights.


8 minutes ago, billiesimon said:

He explains that we live in a multidimensional reality, where all possible universes are intersecting and constantly changing.

yup. bashar explains it as tuning of a radio.

all possible radio stations are being broadcast to you as you sit in your car. you are tuned into a certain frequency/station.. all you have to do is shift the frequency and your "reality" / radio station changes


how you do this with your life/experience? by conscious creation! and it's a snowball effect. can take some effort initially but then the gap between the thought creation/willing and it's manifestation becomes smaller and smaller until it becomes immediate and you've found yourself :) 

Edited by SoonHei

Love Is The Answer

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23 minutes ago, billiesimon said:

This stuff is so freaky :/

magical :D

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 hour ago, billiesimon said:


So, that's why I'm starting to question "physical" and "objective" reality.

Your intuition and direct experiences are showing you Truth.  There is only Consciousness.  Reality is a Mind.   And it has partitioned itself.

All of physical reality is held within consciousness.   There is only consciousness.  It is a massive mindfuck when one has this realization for the first time and the materialist paradigm shatters and melts away.

Be prepared for a whole lot more mindfucks too.   


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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20 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

@billiesimon indeed! you got it! 100%!

and the shedding of tears part - that's always a good thing. happened to me as well. out of the blue. but how you feel after, it's amazing

if it happens again, feel it deeply and allow it to yank out all the negative toxins deep within.

call it tears of joy :) 

The weird part is that I've always had block against crying, and in these recent months of "identity shifting" I've cried a lot. And it felt so liberating and so refreshing. The last time I have cried I've felt so pure and so reborn, that I was feeling like a clean and peaceful child. Right now I've made peace with a lot of my past, but there's still some work to be done. Identity shifting is really amazing, it enables you to make peace with your shadow and let it go once and for all, to embrace the more authentic you.


24 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

also. unsure if you have checked out bashar on youtube. has a few videos. some guy who channels a higher dimensional being... drops major insights.


yup. bashar explains it as tuning of a radio.

all possible radio stations are being broadcast to you as you sit in your car. you are tuned into a certain frequency/station.. all you have to do is shift the frequency and your "reality" / radio station changes


how you do this with your life/experience? by conscious creation! and it's a snowball effect. can take some effort initially but then the gap between the thought creation/willing and it's manifestation becomes smaller and smaller until it becomes immediate and you've found yourself :) 

I have experience with Esther Hicks (Abraham) as a channeled teaching material. She has helped me a lot about not identifying with my negativity and following my best emotions and vibrations. She also talks about people changing in front of you once you become more loving and more self-accepting.

Bashar is one of those channeled materials that I still have to try out. Is he legit? I was doubtful to listen to him because it sounded like a crazy esoteric/UFO/random unicorns material.

Is it authentic or woo woo?

Inquire in the now.

Feeling is the truest knowing ?️

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16 minutes ago, billiesimon said:

I was doubtful to listen to him because it sounded like a crazy esoteric/UFO/random unicorns material.

yeah... he's got a bit of that... but what makes that perspective any less valid that yours or mine :D

i haven't heard his talks about ufo etc.. unsure if he does a lot of that.. the channeling of bashar usually only talks about the truth and variants of LOA

and truth is truth... the way it is being communicated can vary - but the essence is the same


@Nahm :x love ya champ :)

Love Is The Answer

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15 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

yeah... he's got a bit of that... but what makes that perspective any less valid that yours or mine :D

i haven't heard his talks about ufo etc.. unsure if he does a lot of that.. the channeling of bashar usually only talks about the truth and variants of LOA

and truth is truth... the way it is being communicated can vary - but the essence is the same

I'm going to listen to some of his material B|

Right now my biggest personal insight is that authenticy is equal to self-love. And self love seems to manifest positive events that reinforce this emotional state.

Self hate is a form of falsehood, and the more you accept yourself, the more you can sense authenticty inside :o

Inquire in the now.

Feeling is the truest knowing ?️

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There's never enough love xD

Inquire in the now.

Feeling is the truest knowing ?️

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