
Can ayahuasca even delude you more?

9 posts in this topic

Id be glad to hear some opinions about this. 

I am wanting to work more on psychedelics and reach for transformation and transcendencd. 

I remember my first psychedelic was ayahuasca and it was beautiful and extremely scary at once. 

Also it has a dreamy nature to it, of course with an intense amoubt of visuals and jungle vibration accompanied. 

Thats why I wonder if it can actually delude someone even more into ego games, due to its playable nature it possesses and cause it works on the third eye. 

On my one and only Bufo Allvarius ride I had a terrible experience and did not breakthrough but nonetheless I felt much more purer afterwards and rid of unnecessary thoughts. 

Ayahusca actually made me dream more and I remember the trip is always accompanied by the feeling of not understanding anything.

As I am not ready for another Bufo session, here Id like to find opinions on the benefits of ayahuasca and another psychedelics for example Peyote or San Pedro. 

What are the benefits and maybe even disadvantages of Ayahuasca and Peyote regarding, transcendence, transformation and understanding/enlightenment.

Edited by Schahin

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Psychedelics are not a guarantee Truth per se at all, It seems the mind will almost always make interpretations unless the mind is totally erased in the experience.

I am an example of that, is not that I became more deluded that I was, but even though I benefitted tremendously of Altered states in my few psychedelic trips some years ago (they can be amazing for instrospection and just lowering your egocentrism), I thought I had discovered some deeper 'truth' with them although by that time I didn't know exactly what.

However they weren't really showing me any Truth, I am it.

But they did their work of course, it just they didn't show me the absolute/Truth but it wasn't necessary in that moment. I didn't need Truth in that moment but just basic self-healing. I realize now those states where just altered states happening within the "dream" too that awareness (myself) is creating. 

You can delude yourself with a Bible, you sure as hell can too with a psychedelic, especially if you use it to escape from normal sober life. But as long as you have a Spiritual practice, most of the times I think they will always be potentiators/catalizators of Truth, after all they dissolve the ego, they might not always show the Truth, but they will align you with it. Just make sure you don't start making stories and interpretions about the experience stepping into fantasy land.

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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much more likely - one deludes oneself with new beliefs after doing them. stay vigilant

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I've had it a few times where I've been tricked into thinking I've had a fucking seizure or something and my dad is trying to wake me up. And paramedics are there and all. Fuck it's really freaky. Then I come back and I'm fine. However, I don't mind. The sensitivity and awareness is incredible when it comes. It's fantastic

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47 minutes ago, Aaron p said:

I've had it a few times where I've been tricked into thinking I've had a fucking seizure or something and my dad is trying to wake me up. And paramedics are there and all. Fuck it's really freaky. Then I come back and I'm fine. However, I don't mind. The sensitivity and awareness is incredible when it comes. It's fantastic

Wow ok, had you experiences with other psychedelics. How can you relate it difference and effect wise? 

Does it bring you closer to truth/enlightenment? 

I find it funny how ayahuasqueiros have different opinions on reincarnation and all and 5 Meo experienced people dont believe in reincarnation at all. 


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The only one deluding you is you. 

I suggest you take and recognize your responsibility for both your own delusion and degree consciousness. 

It is neither useful nor true to try and experience your relationship in the use of psychedelics as something else doing something to you. From the standpoint of mind this post is about, psychedelics merely amplify that which is already so for you. If you fall into greater delusion it’s because you’re not honest about what is honestly so for you. 

The “antidote“, if you will, is honesty and responsibility for your own self, ego, mind, emotions, and consciousness. You and only you is the problem and the solution. 

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3 hours ago, Schahin said:

Wow ok, had you experiences with other psychedelics. How can you relate it difference and effect wise? 

Does it bring you closer to truth/enlightenment? 

I find it funny how ayahuasqueiros have different opinions on reincarnation and all and 5 Meo experienced people dont believe in reincarnation at all. 


@Schahin reincarnation is real mate, but humans don't reincarnate. God reincarnates as humans and you are God.

People think "I am a human with God inside me" when it's actually "I am God with a human outside of me" kinda lol

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It defo brings you closer to truth. It's very strange. The most powerful aspect of the DMT trip is the sensitivity. It's like, you feel like your seeing everything for the first time again. It's incredible. A lot of the time it's very unpleasant for me. Me and leo share a preference with this (I think)...we both like blasting off with a high dose. With a high dose you just get launched into ego death and intensely increased levels of consciousness. With a low dose you remain as the ego and freak out as your mind is squished and morphed. I'd rather become god instantly. It's indescribable. What I see when I smoke DMT is... unfathomable   

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