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How to deal with unwanted followers?

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Let's say you are very high on the spiritual path and you start to attract a lot of people with just your normal presence and actions. What would be a good way to conceal your presence without lying? The reason for this is because you want a normal life and think there are already very good books and teachers about this out there. Hope this makes sense.

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Have some boundaries. Tell people no, walk away and ignore them. If they are insistent, you have to be direct, tell them you can't help and you would appreciate if they don't follow you.

Actual hardcore enlightened masters are known for act in seemingly rude ways, screaming and sending people away all the time. The problem is that we have lots of beliefs about how we think a high being should act and how love should look like. This is mostly bullshit, God love's you unconditionally and God would let you get tortured, raped and killed without hesitating. A true master wouldn't have a problem in telling people to get the fuck away if he feels it's the right thing to do. 

Edited by Recursoinominado

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